| - Sutek was the very first planet colonized by humans outside of the Urth system, having been discovered in the 24th century. The first domed cities fell during the Sathraist rebellion, begun in 2490. Palamedes himself dedicated St. Esmerelda's Cathedral over top of a Sathraist stronghold. The First Republic used Sutek as a testing ground for all manner of things, but especially construction materials. The Zaibatsu kept numerous Anunnaki ruins secret, but after the fall of the First Republic they were discovered. Wars resulted to determine ownership of the artifacts. House Chauki ultimately claimed the world, and it became a haven of pro-Republican refugees from Urth. Hunger and plague were constant under the conditions. During the Second Republic, the world became a haven for corporate owners, bankers and lawyers, beginning the gross income disparity on the world. Sutek suffered badly from the Fall, since most of the people relied heavily on welfare; mass looting and rioting followed by famine and disease. The Hazat rose up to purge the irresponsible Chauki and to bring aid and relief to the masses. The Charioteers and Scravers once held tremendous power under the Chaukis, but both guilds supported the Hazat over the Chauki. It took 100 years for the Hazat to gain control over the urban areas, which were heavily pro-Republican and resented noble rule. The Castenda family seized the many Ur ruins and most of the land, and they continue to be the dominant land holder today. During the Emperor Wars, the Eduardos invaded to seize the world from the Castendas. The Decados brokered a peace that let the Castendas retain their land, while they pledged fealty to the Eduardos. This Decados peace deal set the stage for the present day alliance between the two houses. The Sutek nobles resisted the coronation of Alexius and the Hawkwoods, and it took an al-Malik and Muster invasion to enforce acceptance. It took an entire year before the Castendas yielded. Many on Sutek bitterly resent the resulting enforced peace and want to restart the Emperor Wars... Sutek is constantly the focus of rampant rumors of republicanism and sathraism. The world is ruled by the Duchess Elena Cindias Victoriana Castenda de Sutek; she is also the largest land holder on the planet. Elena is not a very good warrior, but is a highly skilled diplomat. She conspires with Salandra Decados frequently and has done a good job uniting the Castenda family. Elena has made the recovery of Ur artifacts a high priority, though it is unlikely that many remain.