| - "Ungh…" At that night, a certain figure was tossing and turning upon their bed. It had only been three weeks since the fight of his life—no, it could be considered the second toughest battle he'd experienced since that bout with the former Soul King many moons ago…Now, in that challenge, he had taken back all he needed and all he wanted. Everything else didn't really matter; it was all a passing feeling that would eventually evaporate and he wouldn't even give a damn. Deftly slamming his fist against the alarm clock, which read "11:00 AM" on his bedside table in an attempt to halt its incessant beeping, Gai Nagareboshi slowly stumbled to his feet. Straightening his salmon-pink pajamas, which were left a mess from the events which happened last night, he prepared for another humdrum day wherein nothing of note happened. Gazing over the mirror, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid stared at his figure. Gai Nagareboshi's brunette hair was splayed out in all directions at the ends, reaching down to his waist. Several large clumps of hair stuck out, some curling away horizontally. His bangs framed his face, though they had two 'layers', with the behind layers falling to rest upon his chest. There were a few locks of hair kept in the middle of his forehead; there was a slim curled forelock of hair at the top of his head. Small hips, white long legs and thighs, and a nice curved rear. There were several impossibly attractive women in Earth, Soul Society, and Hell, though Gai's body was far more beautiful than all of those, from past, present, and future, even though he was a guy. It could be classified as art; a body with perfect shape. It looked like a nude body painting or statute on display at the museum. His azure within magenta eyes sparkled in a similar manner to a stream. Surprisingly; fatigue could be seen in his expression and it looked as if vitality had been scraped from his well-featured face. Ugh…What the hell happened last night? He had just been cleared from the hospital; how the heck you could heal crushed organs and bones without replacements he had no freaking idea—but at least it didn't cost him too much. And for a change, the 'doctors' didn't steal one of his kidneys. To the left-hand side was a calendar—an ostensibly puppy-themed way of keeping track of the date. Yes, despite being a total hard-ass, he had a soft spot for cutesy things. "…!!" Gai Nagareboshi's eyes widened in shock. "Shit…its March 20. That means…It's Mitsuru's birthday." Oh, snap. He hadn't even started looking for a present for him yet. Great. Just freaking great. Today would be a mad rush to get him something he wanted; not another pointless day where he accomplished nothing. Ah, well. It could be nice for a frantic day instead of lazing around as usual. Gai flung the little of what he wore to the glistening white floor of the shower. Sliding the shower door open, Gai slowly turned the tap of the shower on. A cold sensation ran down his body, before such iciness became warmer. The feeling of the water running down his back at a high pressure was just what he needed to wake up. Steam rose from the shower, as Gai's train of thought disembarked, as he slowly began to gather what little ideas he had, all of which quickly crashed as Gai sighed, applying his palm to his forehead in exasperation. "…Ah, dammit. Nothing…Why didn't I listen more to him?" As he quickly dried himself; Gai clothed himself in his usual outfit— A white track jacket with black raglan sleeves with orange stripes down the middle. This jacket had a zipper that reaches down to the bottom part of his stomach. The sleeves' cuffs had orange concentric rings in the middle, as did the collar. He also wore black tracksuit pants, with orange stripes down the middle, as well as black sandals. Now, to sneak out and nab a present while nobody noticed. Slowly trudging down the stairs, Gai rushed past Mitsuru Inazuma before he could greet him properly. Running out the door, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid sprinted all the way to Seireitei, hoping to get advice from that devil woman—who seemed to know everything. The sun shone, and those damned birds chirped incessantly. For once, this actually seemed like it could be a half-decent day, if not for the fact that he needed to hurry the hell up with this present thingamajig. *SLAM!* "G-Gah…!" In an instant, Gai Nagareboshi barreled into someone; sending him skidding along the pavement. Slowly standing to his feet, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid rubbed his nose, growling, "O-Ow…S-Sorry…" Oh, how he took back his words as he gazed upon the person that he bumped into. It was beautiful woman with long, blonde hair. Her bangs framed her face, trailing down to her chest in a behind layer of hair. Several clumps of hair were in the middle of her forehead, and the rest of her hair was tied into a long ponytail which draped down to her ankles in a dark vermillion ribbon. She had fine features, azure eyes and large breasts. Questioning, "…Nika?" Gai stood to his feet, as Nika excitedly greeted him with an over-eager handshake. While this managed to shake him up, so to speak, he needed to tell her here and now about his dilemma. It wasn't one you could take all day with; the faster Gai could get this done, the faster he could relax. Stuttering, "…O-Oi, Nika…I kinda need your help here—?" Her voice chirped, "With~?" Alright. Now, she didn't seem like she wanted to screw around with him for kicks. "You see, it's Mitsuru's birthday…today. I forgot all about it; dammit, can you help me with finding a present…please?" His tone was desperate; the heat was getting to him, as Nika responded, "Well~ Helping would be doing your job for you~ So shame on you, Gaillardia Nagareboshi~" Gai applied his palm to his forehead in exasperation, sighing, "…Dammit."