| - thumbNecropolis, aussi connue sous le nom de "Cité des morts", est une ville de goules bâtie sur les ruines de Bakersfield dans le sud de la Californie.
- Necropolis är utsedd P3X-445 av Tau'ri är en planet i Vintergatan galaxen som har en Stargate. Necropolis är ett av de mest skrämmande världar enligt Sokars kontroll. Även de övriga Systemherrarna som anser sig alla lika med eller högre Sokar, fruktan reser dit. Necropolis är en planet gravar hyser döda Goa'uld. Som Herren av de döda är Sokar också anförtrotts med att upprätthålla begravningsplatser tusentals Goa'uld som inte besparats en slutlig död.
- The Necropolis or City of the Dead is the largest graveyard in the Empire. From Emperors to peasants, most people eventually end up buried here.
- Necropolis was a vast subterranean city built by the Eternals around the Blackhole Bypass during the Classical Period of Terra, along with Mausoleum and Agartha. It survived until the era of Termight. Mabeline and Elmer's daughter lived in Necropolis.
- Necropolis is the eighth episode of the sixth series of Doctor Who
- Ancient burial ground with two bunkers that contain various Mu-miyah. One of bunkers has double stairs that go deeper into catacombs with sarcophagi and multiple chests. One of those chests requires a Sturdy Iron Key, the second spawns low tier loot and the third is unlocked and contains part of Staff of the Nomads. Various Direland creatures spawn on the surface and there is also a lifestone nearby to the southeast at 49.9S, 53.7W. A group of Nomad Mu-miyahs also spawn on the hill next to some rocks at 49.4S, 54.1W.
- A city from fallout 1
- Necropolis is an Egyptian technology in Age of Mythology. It is available to worshipers of Anubis and increases the rate at which Monuments accumulate favor.
- Necropolis is an arid city location in Carmageddon: TDR 2000. It is the seventh area visited in the game.
- The upper towers are the nerve central of Necropolis, with a communications and sensor control facility in the eastern tower. The central structure provides control facilities for Necropolis's greater functions, including command center, security systems, and weapons control. A secured lift continues upward into the Spire. More importantly, however, is the large beacon in the center of the main tower that serves as an anchoring point to the Vortex, an interdimensional gateway that lets the Deadites and the Evil pass through into this world.
* Dimensional Vortex
- Nekropolia służy jako podstawowe centrum dowodzenia w armii nieumarłych. Przetwarzane jest tutaj drewno dostarczane przez ghule oraz odbywa się tutaj szkolenie lojalnych akolitów. Nawet pozostawiana samej sobie, nekropolia jest chroniona przez duchy zmarłych. Później budowla ta może zostać przekształcona w Hale Umarłych, by w końcu stać się Czarną Cytadelą.
- Before the story begins there is a dossier by the Nightrise Corporation detailing the Five and their hunt for Scarlett Adams. It also mentions that due to the torture of Scott Tyler when he was imprisoned by the Nightrise Corporation it may be possible to turn him against his friends. It is signed in an unknown language: Ia sakkath. Iak sakkakh. Ia sha xul. (Meaning: I call forth the Plumed Serpent of the Deep, Keeper of the Gate!)
- palaces to the dead towering over mortal villages
- Gary Gygax's Necropolis is a vast campaign scenario that sweeps the characters into an epic adventure across the magical desert kingdom of Khemit. From a hidden evil in a desert village, to the secrets of ancient tombs, Necropolis takes the characters on a dangerous mission to thwart the plans of an undying archpriest-wizard who would be a god! Necropolis is also a campaign sourcebook, detailing the lands of Khemit, new classes and prestige classes, new spells and more than 60 monsters unique to the desert lands. This book also details over 50 new gods and new cleric domains, allowing DMs to run extended campaigns in the desert kingdom.
- The necropolis serves as the central command structure of the undead army. Lumber harvested by ghouls is processed, and loyal acolytes train for tasks from their undead masters. Even when unattended, the vengeful spirits of the dead protect the necropolis from enemy attackers. In time, this structure can be further modified to become the Halls of the Dead. (W3Man 43) After that, it also may turn into a black citadel. Naxxramas is the most famous but Malykriss: The Vile Hold is said to be the mightiest necroplis ever constructed.
- Не смотря на своё время и старый стиль, Necropolis по прежнему является очень сложным уровнем, который может пройти не каждый. Продекорирован в адском стиле. Главную его сложность составляют частые узости, ловушки, обманные пути и объекты, требующие идеального прохождения. Многие считают, что Neptune взломал уровень, однако сложность он получил сразу.
- The necropolis serves as the central command structure of the undead army. Lumber harvested by ghouls is processed, and loyal acolytes train for tasks from their undead masters. Even when unattended, the vengeful spirits of the dead protect the necropolis from enemy attackers. In time, this structure can be further modified to become the Halls of the Dead.W3Man 43 After that, it also may turn into a black citadel.
- The Necropolis was the clan territory of Melchiah in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. As it's name suggests it was originally a large cemetery from which the Melchahim fed and recruited fledglings.
- Necropolis, es un User Level creado por Neptune. Es considerado como uno de los niveles de dificultad demoniaca más difíciles dentro del juego, debido a sus dificultosas travesías de todos los vehículos existentes hasta la Actualización 1.8.
- The Necropolis was a location in the World of Darkness.
- It chronicles the events of the Vervunhive war, an immense 54 day siege fought between the corrupted Ferrozoican foe and the beleaguered Imperial defenders, including the understated Tanith 1st. With the battle on a knife edge, defeat a mistake away, Gaunt has to take control if he is to save the lives of every soldier, civilian or civilian-soldier in the doomed hive.
- Necropolis is an underground city appearin in the 2003 cartoon. It appears in the Notes from the Underground episodes during season 1.
- Necrópolis fue un mundo cementerio ubicado en el Corredor Guu de los Mundos del Núcleo. Sirvió como cementerio de los seres de todo el núcleo, fue también el hogar de la especie boneworms y la fruta cryptberries. El planeta fue colonizado en 14.975 ABY
- Necropolis was a tombworld located on the Giju Run of the Core Worlds. Serving as a burial place for beings from all over the Core, it was also the home of boneworms and cryptberries.
- The Necropolis is a location in Fable: The Lost Chapters and Fable Anniversary. It was once a sprawling city in the Northern Wastes. Now reduced to rubble by time, the ruin plays host to a large number of its former inhabitants who still roam its streets despite being long dead. The Necropolis used to be a town, as lively and prosperous as any other, until an inhabitant made deals with eldritch powers from beyond the world. Because of the selfishness of this one person, the entire town was annihilated. It happened so quickly, that many of the citizens of the city have not realized they are dead yet. These ruins are also rumored to be the home of the Glyphs of Inquiry, four important tablets that have instructions to use the dormant Oracle. The people of nearby Snowspire refuse to enter the
- Necropolis was originally a barren wasteland, featureless and without atmosphere. Pits and gaps created by asteroid effects and cracking of the planet's crust did otherwise bland face a more deadly place but the world still had the nightmarish terrain common to Sokars other worlds. Upon discovering the planet Sokar decreed that no Goa'uld would dare to tread, without knowing that he controlled the fate of the dead. File:Proclarush.JPG This article about a planet or location is a stub. You can help Stargate Command by expanding it.
- Necropolis rules the Homeland of Zhengyi and South shore of the Moonsea. Zhengyi's mighty capital, Necropolis, would not be out of place in the heart of the infernal Abyss. Even during the day, demons walk the grim battlements, occasionally leaping from their height to savage a passer-by, sometimes upon orders, but more frequently because they like the way blood feels between their fingers and teeth. The city is always overcast with black clouds in a 4-mile radius. Beyond the city's massive Iron Gates, clerics in gore-splattered robes lead armored contingents of orcs and goblinoids through a chaotic jumble of streets, past buildings in horrible disrepair, trampling the bones of the freshly dead. Though the city retains the docks that once made it one of the most lucrative stops in the Moon
- thumb|NecropolisDas Griechische Wort Necropolis bedeutet "Stadt der Toten" und bezieht sich auf diese seltsame stille Geisterstadt. Die meisten Gebäude sind intakt, aber Reisende berichten, das dort niemand zu leben scheint. Leute die in der Stadt ankommen, um sich hier niederzulassen, leiden am Ende entweder unter einer Strahlenkrankheit oder verschwinden einfach. In Wahrheit gibt es unter den Straßen der Stadt eine kleine Population von Ghulen.
- While not officially a part of the Necropolis, the city's modern sewers serveas a roadway of sorts for Nosferatu too hideous to walk amongst kine. Any place that has a manhole leads to the water drainage sewers. The sewers themselves, while not actually sewers, are more like rainwater drainage tunnels. Yhe water is ususally somewhere from ankle to kneecap deep.
- (Necropolises as described by a book in the Aeropolis Library) Necropolises Though it is possible to wander alone in the Astral Realm, making your dreams come true via beliefs alone, most people aren't simply thrust into the raw, open, chaotically writhing wilderness of the realm. Instead, when they die, they ascend to a place which their religion taught them would be waiting for them. Heaven, essentially. It is exactly as their religion taught. In truth, there are many of these 'Heavens' (known as Necropolises); all the afterlives spoken of in every religion actually exist. They range from serene palaces of pearl and gold, to blissful fields of flowers, to huge battlegrounds full of fresh monsters to slay. They are formed inside 'bubbles' on the Astral Realm by deities, and exist
- Necropolis, also known as the City of the Dead, is a ghoul city upon the remains of Bakersfield, located in southern California. This Greek word meaning "city of the dead" refers to this strangely silent ghost town. Most of the buildings are intact, but travelers report that no one seems to live there, and people who arrive to settle it either end up with radiation sickness or simply disappear. The truth of the matter involves a small population of ghouls beneath the city's streets.
- Necropolis (Ancient Greek: νεκρόπολις nekropolis, meaning City of the Dead) was the secondary capital of the Fushi Coven and the second most powerful center of authority in the World of the Living in ages past, only preceded by the primary capital, UNKNOWN.
- Is the third level in Peter Jackson's King Kong The Official Game of the Movie, the main cast continues and finds the other crew on a boat, Jimmy, Lumpy and Preston, but if you look closely Jimmy is not seen on the boat it clearly seems that Baxter, Lumpy, and Preston is seen on the boat, It also clearly seems that Lumpy was supposed to be the one with yellow shirt with long sleeves, but the makers have mistaken some parts of the game, As Carl asks them if they are okay, they can't row because the waves are too strong so they are seen until a few levels later, the main cast will continue to discover things, Jack can find some more ammo and will continue, the main cast will walk into a fire and a wooden material in bushes Jack will light the spear and throw it into the bushes and the wooden
- When Covu returned from his long banishment, he told of his wondrous visit to a 'verse on the far side of the Threshold, a glorious place he called Underverse. Covu took righteous retribution on the Austeres who had cast him out. He fought and killed their commanders, claiming their heads as he did so. In victory, Covu assumed the new office of "Lord Marshal," the one rank that cannot be superceded. After forcing them to bow before him, Covu reorganized the last living Austeres into a more regimented, though still pre-military society. So different was this society that it begged for a new name and a new place of worship. Covu termed, this new ideological order "Necroism." As a powerful testament to it, Necropolis, their most hallowed hall, was erected on the tallest mountain of Asylum.