| - I Ramones sono un gruppo formatosi in Messico nel 1930. I Ramones hanno avuto una storia alquanto tormentata e la loro formazione è cambiata varie volte. La particolarità è che i suddetti sono tutti realmente fratelli, e non sono altro che la conseguenza di un’orgia alla quale partecipò come unico uomo Paul McCartney (da qui il taglio alla Beatles dei futuri figli) assieme ad altre 50 donne, tra le quali, quasi sicuramente, c’era anche tua madre.
- The Ramones foi unha banda estadounidense considerada por moitos como o primeiro grupo de punk rock.
- thumb|300px|Die Ramones in Action thumb|right|300 px Die Ramones aus Queens, New York, waren die erste echte Punk-Band, kurz bevor in London die große 77er Punk-Welle um die Sex Pistols und London SS entstand. Ihre Stücke waren relativ schnell, ziemlich rockig und wurden live laut gespielt. Die Ramones haben sich Anfang 1974 gegründet und 1976 ihr Debütalbum veröffentlicht. 1996 haben sie sich aufgelöst. Sänger Joey starb 2001, Bassist Dee Dee (bis 1989) 2002, Gitarrist Johnny 2004 und Schlagzeuger Tommy 2014. → Siehe auch The Heartbreakers, Dead Boys – Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Damned
- Ramones fue una banda de punk formada en Forest Hills, en el distrito de Queens, Nueva York, Estados Unidos, en el año 1974. Pioneros y líderes del naciente punk rock, cimentaron las bases de este género musical con composiciones simples, minimalistas, repetitivas y letras muy simples o incluso sin sentido, en clara oposición a la pomposidad y la fastuosidad de las bandas que triunfaban en el mercado de los años 1970: los largos solos de guitarra, las complejas canciones de rock progresivo y sus enigmáticas letras. Su sonido se caracteriza por ser rápido y directo, con influencias del rockabilly] de los años 1950, el surf rock, The Beatles, The Velvet Underground, las bandas de chicas de los 60 como The Shangri-Las y el rock garage proto-punk de MC5 y The Stooges.
- The Ramones were an American punk rock band that formed in the New York City neighborhood of Forest Hills, Queens, in 1974. They are often cited as the first band to define the punk rock sound.[1][2] Despite achieving only limited commercial success, the band was a major influence on the 1970s punk movement in both the United States and United Kingdom.
- The Ramones were an American rock band that formed in the New York City neighborhood of Forest Hills, Queens, in 1974. Despite achieving only limited commercial success, the band was a major influence on the punk rock movement in both the United States and, perhaps to a greater extent, in the United Kingdom.
- The Ramones were an American rock band formed in New York in 1974. Their debut album, played for the first time by Peel on 19 May 1976 proved a turning point both in the development of the DJ's programs and the rise of punk on both sides of the Atlantic. Nevertheless, while recognised as hugely influential punk pioneers, the Ramones were never to enjoy the commercial success of contemporaries from the CBGBs club in New York or the many UK bands they helped to inspire.
- The Ramones began taking shape in early 1974, when Cummings and Colvin invited Hyman to join them in a band. The initial lineup featured Colvin on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, Cummings on lead guitar, and Hyman on drums. Colvin, who soon switched from rhythm guitar to bass, was the first to adopt the name "Ramone", calling himself Dee Dee Ramone. He was inspired by Paul McCartney's use of the pseudonym Paul Ramon during his Silver Beatles days. Dee Dee convinced the other members to take on the name and came up with the idea of calling the band the Ramones. Hyman and Cummings became Joey Ramone and Johnny Ramone, respectively.
- The Ramones are an American punk rock band that formed in the New York City neighborhood of Forest Hills, Queens, in 1974. They are often cited as the first band to define the punk rock sound. Despite achieving only limited commercial success, the band was a major influence on the 1970s punk movement in both the United States and United Kingdom.