| - Although the weapon is extremely powerful, it can only hold a max of 5 pieces of ammo and requires a targeting time.The Meteor Strike summons a small meteor to Earth, wiping out teams of humans at a time. At further levels, it summons three meteors and a small planetoid. This is the only weapon in the series that allows Crypto to destroy a building on foot. It was first discovered in Albion, after Natalya gave Crypto the location of its Datacore.
- Meteor Strike is an Explosion magic move that attacks a single enemy with a shower of massive meteorites summoned from space.
- Meteor Strike Master
* Magic ATT +50
- Meteor Strike is a Mage skill in Divine Divinity.
- Some enemies are unaffected by Meteor Strike, however the Phantom Train is vulnerable to Sabin's Meteor Strike. The ability is called Suplex in the older translations. A suplex is a throw which usually involves arching/bridging either overhead or twisting to the side, so the opponent is slammed to the mat back-first. Sabin's ability to suplex a train has become an inside joke among fans.
- This ability is often preferred to Overpower, for while both ultimates have similar damage, Meteor Strike deals area of effect damage and provides a buff to adrenaline. However, Meteor Strike requires a two-handed weapon to utilise. Halberds will increase the area of this ability to 5x5 squares.
- Meteor Strike is an offensive ability used by chanters. Requires a close range weapon, such as a staff or mace.
- Image:Meteor strike.png Damage Enemies in range by summoning powerful meteors from the sky.
* Usable By: Witch
* Duration: 1 turn
* Cool Down: 4 turn
* Action Power Cost: 500
* Range: Image:9 all.svg Upgraded By:
* Book: Meteor Strike (Beg) up to skill level 20
* Book: Meteor Strike (Int) up to skill level 40
* Book: Meteor Strike (Adv) up to skill level 60
- School: Image:Fire.png Pip Cost: 4 Accuracy: 75% Type: Image:Damage.png Description: Deal 305 - 345 Image:Fire.png Image:Damage.png to all enemies. Received From: Dalia Falmea Requirements: Required Character Level: 22 Spells:
* Fire Cat
* Fire Elf
* Glacial Shield
* Sunbird
* Fire Trap Prerequisite for: Spells:
* Wyldfire
* Phoenix
* Helephant (Spell) Can be purchased with Training Points*: Yes
- The Meteor Strike (メテオストライク Meteo Sutoraiku?) is one of Gill's Super Arts in the Street Fighter III series. Like all of Gill's Super Arts, it is always available to him, and is not selectable on the character select screen.
- The Meteor Strike was an event in Club Penguin involving a meteor crash. It took place from June 7, 2012, to June 13, 2012. This was the period in which the Meteor landed at the Dock, leading up to the Marvel Super Hero Takeover 2012. It only had one room, the Dock. According to an EPF message, the meteor had also given the Ultimate Proto-Bot 10000, an evil robot, the power to destroy Club Penguin.