| - This item is kept on death if either using the Protect Item Prayer or not skulled, as long as other items on the person do not protect over this item. Check here to see which items protect over others.
- The Spectral Spirit Shield has the same defensive bonuses as the other Spirit Shields, however, it also has a +30 Magic Defence bonus, although it lacks the vital damage reduction that the Elysian and Divine Spirit Shields have. It also has the highest Prayer bonus of any defensive shields of such capability. All of these attributes are shared by the other Spirit Shields, except for the +30 Magic Defense bonus. Many player use this shield to kill Kree'arra , the Armadyl boss in the God Wars Dungeon, as it provides good protection against Kree'arra's Magic-based attacks. Some players use this shield as a viable way of tanking in minigames such as Castle Wars and Soul Wars if their Divine or Elysian have been disabled.
- This shield's melee and ranged defensive bonuses are identical to the blessed spirit shield, but it has a significantly higher magic defence bonus of +30. The spectral spirit shield's counterpart, the arcane spirit shield, instead provides a magic attack bonus of +20. The Spectral spirit shield reduces the effectiveness of all prayer draining attacks by 50%. This effect does not work in PvP.
- Spectral spirit shield on yksi runescapen parhaista kilvistä. Sen käyttöön tarvitsee 75 Defence, 70 Prayer ja 65 magic. Silti se on kolmanneksi huonoin ja toiseksi paras spirit shieldeistä.Sinun pitää myös suorittaa monkey madness jotta voit laittaa sen bankkiisi. 1.
- Unlike the other three spirit shields, the Spectral spirit shield does not offer any hidden damage reduction. However, the shield does provide a Life Bonus, which the other shields do not have.
- De Spectral spirit shield behoort tot één van de schilden die vrijkwamen op 15 september 2008. Spelers die 75 Defence, 70 Prayer en 65 Magic hebben en de Quest Summer's End hebben voltooid, hebben de mogelijkheid om het schild te dragen. Het schild wordt gemaakt door een Spectral sigil op een Blessed spirit shield te doen, waarvoor 90 Prayer en 85 Smithing nodig is. Spelers kunnen ook aan Brother Bordiss vragen om het schild te blessen voor 1.500.000 Coins, na het voltooien van de Quest Perils of Ice Mountain.