| - Unlike some of her more pasty-faced fellows, Quillony sports a quite decent tan. Her most arresting feature is her eyes, which have the color and shine of a brushed steel bomb casing. Her hair is a sharp contrast to her relatively light eyes, and is glossy black in appearance. Her face is always plastered with a self-confident little smirk, and she can often be seen with burn marks and smudges of gunpowder on her girlish face, though there aren't any serious marring scars, save for a small, thin, pale scar across her right cheek.
| - Unlike some of her more pasty-faced fellows, Quillony sports a quite decent tan. Her most arresting feature is her eyes, which have the color and shine of a brushed steel bomb casing. Her hair is a sharp contrast to her relatively light eyes, and is glossy black in appearance. Her face is always plastered with a self-confident little smirk, and she can often be seen with burn marks and smudges of gunpowder on her girlish face, though there aren't any serious marring scars, save for a small, thin, pale scar across her right cheek. Her attire is simple. Thick but maneuverable leather gloves, a hardened leather vest and pants, a red bandanna or safety goggles, and two bandoliers that are stocked with stick upon stick of dynamite (which is mostly just for show, in reality it's just empty dynamite casings). Several small tools hang at her waist including a mining pick, a strange device that looks like a tiny rock grinder, and a tiny mining pick. Her attitude is cheerful, and some might say almost recklessly, unyieldingly optimistic. She doesn't feel there's any problem she can't solve, and by solve I mean blow to smithereens. She has a propensity for sarcastic jibes, playful jests, showing off, and general loudmouthed obnoxiousness. That being said, her cheerful demeanor evaporates into frothing, twitching, Napoleon-esque rage whenever somebody treats her like an ickle plushie doll rather than a dangerously unstable bomb enthusiast. She is a dangerous pyromaniac, and has been suspected, but never convicted, of causing several small fires in Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, and Stormwind. She even advertises herself as an arsonist for hire, and makes no attempt to conceal her disturbing love for watching private property burn. She has also worked as a highway bandit, a sneak-thief, a pickpocket, and has even been convicted of ransoming a valuable prize house-cat. She isn't a sadist or a monster per-se. She doesn't like suffering or pain, and though she takes pleasure in killing, she tries to do so as efficiently and quickly as possible to minimize the pain of her victims. She doesn't like carnage or death, but she does like seeing chaos, panic, disorder, and gratuitous destruction of the explosive kind. Her violent temper doesn't really leave people much chance of mercy however if they happen to catch her ire.