| - The File:Envoy6.png Envoy is a representative of your civilization that can be sent to city-states that you've met. By default, one File:Envoy6.png Envoy is earned for every 100 influence points that you accumulate. After earning an File:Envoy6.png Envoy, you will receive a prompt to choose which city-state to send it to. If you have multiple File:Envoy6.png Envoys, you may divide them between city-states as you wish. The bonuses you earn from a city-state depend on how many File:Envoy6.png Envoys you have sent to the city-state. One bonus is earned for having 1 File:Envoy6.png Envoy, the next bonus is at 3 File:Envoy6.png Envoys, and the final bonus is at 6 File:Envoy6.png Envoys. The civilization with the most envoys on a city-state, and at least 3 envoys, is considered that city-state's Suzerain, which gives additional bonuses. Declaring war directly on a city-state removes all File:Envoy6.png Envoys you had there. Otherwise, File:Envoy6.png Envoys stay on the city-state permanently. Envoys at a city-state are visible to all players, and placing them may have diplomatic consequences. The bonuses earned are based on how many File:Envoy6.png Envoys you have present, regardless of who else has File:Envoy6.png Envoys there. City-states of a type all share the same type of bonuses. They are cumulative, so that as a player places more and more File:Envoy6.png Envoys on a city-state, they stack with the bonuses from before.