NEW YORK -- The New York Daily News is reporting that BALCO founder Victor Conte is expected to write a book about the sports steroids scandal. The book has a working title of BALCO: The Straight Dope on Barry Bonds, Marion Jones and What We Can Do To Save Sports. It is scheduled for publication in September 2008 by Skyhorse Publishing.
NEW YORK -- The New York Daily News is reporting that BALCO founder Victor Conte is expected to write a book about the sports steroids scandal. The book has a working title of BALCO: The Straight Dope on Barry Bonds, Marion Jones and What We Can Do To Save Sports. It is scheduled for publication in September 2008 by Skyhorse Publishing. Victor Conte, off criminal probation as of March 2008, claimed IRS Special Agent Jeff Novitzky fabricated an alleged confession by Conte and lied in court documents. Conte also said Novitzky was the subject of an internal investigation by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration for allegedly leaking confidential investigative information about the case and for missing evidence.