| - Little Mac may refer to:
* Little Mac (Punch-Out!!), the main character from the Punch-Out!! video game series
* Danny McDermott, an Irish-American professional boxer
* Little Mac Ski Hill, a ski area in Mackenzie, British Columbia
* Little Mack Simmons, an American harmonica player and singer
* George B. McClellan, an American Civil War general
- Little Mac is the main protagonist in the Nintendo series Punch Out!!.
- Little Mac (リトル・マック Ritoru Makku) ist die Hauptfigur von Nintendos Box-Videospiele-Reihe Punch-Out!!. Wie sein Name schon sagt, ist er ein sehr kleiner Charakter. Trotz seiner Größe gelang es ihm, viele große Gegner in einem Boxturnier zu besiegen und ein Champion zu werden.
- Little Mac is a boxer and main character in the Punch-Out!! Series. His signature punch is the Star Uppercut, which his trainer Doc Louis created. It strikes fear into every boxer, due to its massive amount of damage-dealing.
- Little Mac is the protagonist from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! He is considered by many to be the ultimate underdog, as Mac battles his way through several boxers twice his size, until he gets to Mike Tyson himself. He wouldn't be so lucky in the contests, however. In 2002, he was blown away by Link and didn't return until 2007. In 2007, Mac returned to lose to Dante and Amaterasu, but managed to KO Matt for third place. Good job Mac :D
- Little Mac is the main character of the Punch-Out!! series. He first appeared in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (later remade into Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream), and Super Punch-Out!! He also appeared again in the Wii remake of Punch-Out!! developed by Next Level Games.
- Little Mac (リトルマック Ritoru Makku) ist ein spielbarer Charakter und Boxer aus dem Spiel Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Seinen ersten Auftritt bekam er in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!, welches 1983 in Japan und in Europa & Nordamerika im Jahre 1984 debütierte. Wie sein Name schon sagt, ist er ein kleiner Charakter, wobei er 142cm in der NES-Version war und 170cm in der Wii-Version. Trotz seiner Größe tretet er in einem Champion-Turnier als Boxer an und hat die Chance zu gewinnen.
- Macario Giovanni Fontana better known as Little Mac (リトル・マック Little Mac?) is a professional boxer and currently teaches boxing training in the Smash Youth Center & Juice Bar. He is from the Bronx, New York and everyone knows him very well, but he has a very dangerous temper because of people making fun of his height which earns him the name "Mac Fury".
- Little Mac ist ein spielbarer Charakter aus Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. Mac ist aus der eher unbekannten Nintendo-Spiele-Reihe Punch Out! Er ist ein Boxer und passt deshalb perfekt in Smash Bros. hinein wie die Faust auf's Auge. Er wird einschlagen wie eine Bombe! Mac ist im Spiel auf dem Boden sehr stark, aber wenn er in der Luft ist, ist er nicht so stark. Mac wurde am 13. Februar, am gleichen Tag wie der japanische Markteinführung von Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, angekündigt.
- Little Mac is the main protagonist in the Punch-Out!! series of games.
- Little Mac ist der Protagonist aus der Punch-Out-Serie. Sein erster Auftritt erfolgte in dem NES-Klassiker Punch-Out!!. Wie nach seinem Namen zu beurteilen, ist Little Mac ein etwas kleiner Boxer, der allerdings viel Kraft besitzt. Trainiert wird er in den Spielen von Doc Louis, ein anderer populärer Charakter der Serie. Er ist 17 Jahre alt und 107 Pounds. Geboren ist er in New York. Seit seiner Kindheit träumt er davon ein großer Boxer zu werden.
- Primera aparición Primera aparición Última aparición Última aparición Última aparición Juego/s Juego/s Género Género Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque mágico Defensa mágica Localización Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto débil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Little Mac es un Humano Boxeador de la saga de Punch-Out! que ha tenido varios encuentros con Mario y de su saga. su primera aparición fue en el juego de NES Punch-Out! y esta confirmada su aparición como personaje jugable en Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/Nintendo 3DS
- Little Mac (リトルマック Ritoru Makku) Es el protagonista principal del clásico juego Myke Tyson's Punch-Out!! para NES. Es, como su nombre lo indica, un personaje bastante pequeño, aunque su sueño es llegar a ser el mejor boxeador en el circuito de boxeo. Durante el juego, él es entrenado por Doc Louis, otro personaje popular de la serie. Little Mac aparece como uno de los muchos Trofeos Asistentes en Super Smash Bros. Brawl En Super Smash Bros. para Nintendo 3DS/Wii U, aparece como un luchador recién llegado. Su diseño se basa sobre todo en el de Punch-Out Wii.
- Little Mac (リトル・マック, Ritoru Makku) is the protagonist in the NES classic Punch-Out!!. He is, as his name implies, a rather small character, though his dream is to become the best boxer in the Boxing circuit. During the game, he is trained by Jerome "Doc" Louis, another popular character in the series. Ultimately it was up to the player to determine if Little Mac accomplished this goal of his, and if the player was good, he'd be required to go up against the toughest fighter of them all, Mr. Dream.
- Little Mac est un boxeur de la série Punch-Out! qui a eu plusieurs rencontres avec Mario et d'autres personnages de Nintendo. C'est un nouveau-venu de Super Smash Bros. pour Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Little Mac a d'abord fait une apparition dans Super Smash Bros. Brawl en tant que trophée aide, et a même eu son trophée dans la galerie du jeu susnommé.
- Little Mac is 17 years old, 5' 7" weighs 107 lbs. and hails from the Bronx, New York. He is interested in getting into the World Video Boxing Association, which has a long history of rookie boxers joining the ranks in an effort to become world champions. He traveled to New York City in hopes of searching for someone that could train him. It was not until he met Jerome "Doc" Louis, who was a former heavyweight champion in his own right, then he began his journey to the top of the World Circuit. He fought through the Minor, Major and World Circuits defeating all the contenders and title holders Piston Honda/Hondo, Bald Bull and Super Macho Man until his final exhibition fight against Mike Tyson in his prime.
- Little Mac è il protagonista del videogioco per NES Punch-Out!!. Little Mac è un pugile e, come suggerisce il nome, è di piccola stazza, ma nonostante ciò riesce a diventare il campione della World Video Boxing Association. Viene descritto come un diciasettenne proveniente dal Bronx. Viaggiò a New York nella speranza di trovare qualcuno che lo potesse allenare. Incontrò duecento allenatori diversi che però non lo vollero aiutare, fino a quando non incontrò il pugile ritirato Jerome Louis, soprannominato Doc. Little Mac iniziò il suo allenamento con Doc e cominciò a combattere come pugile. Little Mac sconfisse diversi pugili come King Hippo, Soda Popinski, Glass Joe e molti altri, fino ad arrivare a confrontarsi con il campione del mondo, Mr. Dream. Little Mac vinse l'incontro acquisendo il