| - Fişier:RuneScape-Dungeons_of_Daemonheim.png Dungeoneering este cel mai nou skill de pe RuneScape creat pe data de 12 Aprilie 2010. In Dungeoneering poti sa iei cu tine doar "Ring of Kinship".Ca sa il iei,trebuie sa vorbesti cu tutorul de langa banca. Acest skill poate sa iti creasca toate skill-urile cand faci diferite lucruri de care ai nevoie in dungeon. Dupa ce treci de un dungeon,nu poti sa-ti iei niciun item din celalalt dungeon,dar poti lua unul sau mai multe arme cu bind.
- Dungeoneering can be started by talking to the Dungeoneering master. He is located in several locations, the quickest way to get to the Dungeoneering master is by teleporting to the Lumbridge yaks.
- In Daemonheim, there is a new set of equipment that players can use, that cannot be taken out of Daemonheim.
- Dungeoneering je skill kde chodievate cez dungeony Daemonheimu zabijate rôzne monstery a ine veci.
- Dungeoneering släpptes den 12 April 2010. Dungeoneering är även den första F2P skill sedan Runecrafting (2004). Det unika med Dungeoneering är att det går att träna till level 120 och passera den annars vanliga level 99 som är den högsta nivån för alla andra Skills.
- ☀This article is about the Dungeoneering skill. For information on how to train Dungeoneering, see Dungeoneering Training. '[1]'Dungeoneering is a skill on SoulPlay that consists of the exploring of dungeons and killing monsters. It is one of the most popular skills on SoulPlay, and the only skill that you can train up to 120, which is 104 million experience in total. When exploring one of the floors, players need to find keys, kill monsters and bosses. Players can also earnCombat experience when playing. Unlike on Runescape, SoulPlay only supports solo-play. This may be changed at a later date.
- Dungeoneering (også kendt som DG'ing, DG, Dunge eller Dung af spillere) er en skill, som blev offentliggjort af Jagex d. 12 april 2010. Dungeoneering handler om at gennemføre floors i forskellige størrelser og sværhedsgrader. Folk mellem 1-105 Dungeoneering bør træne i world 77, hvorimod folk med 105+ bør træne i world 114. Kategori:Skills
- Dungeoneering is a knowledge type skill linked to Wisdom. It can be used to gather knowledge about an underground environment or to recognize an underground hazard or clue.
- Daemonheim on Fremennikkien kieltä, ja käännettynä tarkoittaa "Demonien salia". Syynä nimeen on luultavasti uskomus siihen että Demonit ovat luoneet ne pelottavat luolastot jotka sisältävät monenlaisia hirviöitä ja ongelmia. Luolastosta myös löytyy Viisi Demonia jotka toimivat päävastuksina: To'Kash the Bloodchiller, Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter, Bal'lak the Pummeller, Yk'Lagor the Thunderous ja Kal'Ger the Warmonger Dungeoneeringillä on omat serverinsä, Free to play Dungeoneering world on World 7 ja Pay to play Dungeoneering worldit ovat 117 sekä 77. Ensimmäisenä tason 99 saavutti Noliferohi.
- Vaizdas:Dungeoneering-icon.pngPožemių tyrinejimas (Dungeoneering) yra įgūdis, kuriame žmonės buriasi į komandas iki penkių herojų ir tyrineja mistiškus Demonu namu (Daemonheim) požemius. Kitaip nei visi kiti įgūdžiai, jis gali buti keliamas ne iki 99 lygio, o iki 120. Štai taip atrodo Demonų namų (Daemonheim) griuvėsiai.
- thumb|leftDungeoneering er en ferdighet som består av å utforske fangehull i Daemonheim, bekjempe monstre og bosser, og bruke andre RuneScape ferdigheter for å løse gåter og overleve dypet. Det ble utgitt i RuneScape den 12. april 2010 og er åpen for både gratis-spillere og medlemmer. Dungeoneering foregår under et gammelt slott som heter Daemonheim, som i dag inneholder et fangehull med 60 underjordiske etasjer i seks forskjellige temaer: Fryst, Forlatt, Møblert, Forlatt II, okkulte, og Warped (sjefene fra Forlatt kan vises i den forlatte II etasje sett). Innenfor disse hallene, spillerne utforsker og bruker alle andre pre-eksisterende ferdigheter til å klare hver etasje, dette innebærer å finne nøkler, kjempe mot monstre og løse gåter. I motsetning til andre ferdigheter som er trent alen
- left|Het symbool van Dungeoneering.Dungeoneering is een skill die uitkwam op 12 april 2010. Deze skill kan beschouwd worden als een avontuur in kerkers waarin veel van de andere skills gebruikt kunnen worden. Dungeoneering is de eerste skill die een true skill mastery heeft op level 120, dus deze skill heeft twee Capes of Accomplishment. De skill speelt zich af in Daemonheim dat te bereiken is via een bootje aan de River Lum in Al Kharid, aan Taverley of door er naartoe te wandelen aan de oostkant van de wilderness. De skill kan getraind worden als individu of in groepen van 2 tot maximaal 5 spelers. Spelers kunnen na het beëindigen van een kamer Experience verdienen.
- Unlike other skills that are trained alone, players can cooperate to train in groups of up to five people, receiving the most experience per dungeon, although soloing is possible and widespread. Most players choose to do the deeper floors with a group, rather than solo, because the greater xp awarded with larger party size is more apparent on those deeper floors. While completing these dungeons, players may also earn experience in other skills by accomplishing various skill-related tasks. The items and skilling materials involved are all different to their counterparts on the surface. __TOC__
- left|Dungeoneering Dungeoneering jest umiejętnością która została dodana do RuneScape 12 kwietnia 2010 i jest dostępna dla wszystkich graczy. Wraz z umiejętnością dodano nowy obszar - Daemonheim, zrujnowany zamek, pod którym rozciąga się labirynt komnat głęboki obecnie na 60 pięter, z których pierwsze 35 dostępne jest dla graczy darmowych. W podziemnych korytarzach gracze przeszukują każdy ich zakamarek, wykorzystując do tego wszystkie poznane przez nich umiejętności oraz używając ukrytych kluczy, walcząc z potworami i rozwiązując zagadki. W odróżnieniu od innych umiejętności, które trenowane są w pojedynkę, Dungeoneering oferuje nam trenowanie w grupach, co znacznie usprawnia zdobywanie doświadczenia. Dodatkowo, gracze zdobywają niewielką ilość doświadczenia w innych umiejętnościach poprz
- Unlike other skills that are trained alone, players can cooperate to train in groups of up to five people, receiving the most experience per dungeon, although soloing is possible and widespread. Most players choose to do the deeper floors with a group, rather than solo, because the difference in experience awarded with larger party size is greater on those deeper floors. While completing these dungeons, players may also earn experience in other skills by accomplishing various skill-related tasks. The items and skilling materials involved are all different to their counterparts on the surface.