It is also used in the Do No Evil quest, as a construction material for the monkey settlement as well as for the Skilling God Emissary tasks. nl:Bolt of clothfi:Bolt of cloth
Bolt Of Cloth on vaateriepu, jota tarvitaan jossain questeissa, ja Constructionin eli Rakentamisen kehittämisessä. Rakennustaidossa voi esimerkiksi rakentaa niistä Maton ja verhot.
Bolts of Cloth are a common crafting material.
Sitä käytetään tehtävässä Do No Evil.
De Bolt of cloth kan NIET gemaakt worden met de Crafting skill. en:Bolt of cloth Categorie:Construction
It is also used in the Do No Evil quest, as a construction material for the monkey settlement as well as for the Skilling God Emissary tasks.
Bolt of Cloth is a miscellaneous item in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
They can be bought at the Construction Supplies shop, run by the sawmill operator, in Varrock, or in the Woodcutting Guild, for 650 coins.