BitTorrent is a hippy method of committing the WORST CRIME IN HUMAN HISTORY If you even know about it, you've hurt Stephen
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- BitTorrent
- BitTorrent
- BitTorrent
- BitTorrent
- BitTorrent
| - BitTorrent (torrent) – sklep internetowy, umożliwiający kupno różnych gier, programów, filmów, muzyki i wszystkiego innego za bardzo interesującą cenę. Przez firmy rywalizujące z nim nazywany protokołem typu peer-to-peer służącym do wymiany pomiędzy użytkownikami Globalnej Sieci Internet pirackich filmów, gier, piosenek i utworów muzycznych. Przez BitTorrent można kupować również wirusy, trojany, robaki, rootkity itp. UWAGA! za ściąganie plików z torrentów można narazić się Niebieskim. Więc jeżeli nie chcesz trafić za kratki i/lub na 48h to nie rżnij głupa i nie ściągaj z torrentów.
- BitTorrent is a hippy method of committing the WORST CRIME IN HUMAN HISTORY If you even know about it, you've hurt Stephen
- Доступность англ. availability (также distributed copies) Количество полных копий файла, доступных клиенту. Каждый seed добавляет 1.0 к этому числу, поскольку они обаладают полной копией файла. ,те участники (peers) которые скачали только часть файла, увеличивают его доступность на столько, сколько ими уже скачанно. Однако, если несколько peer'ов скачали одинаковые части, то доступность от этого не увеличивается. К примеру, если у двух peer'ов скачано 50% и скачанные части равны между собой, и есть один seed, то доступность равна 1.50
- BitTorrent is an open source, peer-to-peer method of delivering content more efficiently. The technology does not use traditional sharing files, but rather bits of files that add up to a whole. In essence, one peer has a particular file and acts as a seed node. The seed node then breaks the file into a number of pieces of equal size and distributes them to several other peers that are seeking to obtain the file; each peer receives one piece. Those other peers then exchange pieces with each other until each peer has obtained a full copy of the original file.
- Bittorrent was originally created by the RIAA as a method to allow fans to share music files. The protocol was instituted to allow customers the ability to check out the entire album before making a purchase, with the hope of increasing sales for worthwhile artists. After several failed attempts at creating popular websites (Napster, Kazaa, etc.) The RIAA purchased the domain name with the hope of increasing demand for the free files by having a domain name that implies there was something "illegal" about downloading music.
- MassTranslated on 25 Dec 2004. MassTranslated on Sun Apr 23 17:35:34 UTC 2006
- BitTorrent is avalible with Windows, Mac OSX, and Android. Several studies on BitTorrent have indicated that a large portion of files available for download via BitTorrent contain malware. In particular, one small sample indicated that 18% of all executable programs available for download contained malware. Another study claims that as much as 14.5% of BitTorrent downloads contain zero-day malware, and that BitTorrent was used as the distribution mechanism for 47% of all zero-day malware they have found.
- BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. A torrent file is a small text like file that contains some infromation. It could be4 opened by aprogram called BitTorrent client. It then download the file from multiple servers.
- BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file distribution protocoll. It works by breaking a file up into pieces and then distributing them. that way a client doesn't have to download all the pieces from the same mahine. The reference implementation is the official BitTorrent Client.
- Downloading OpenArena and add-ons using BitTorrent (a distributed peer-to-peer filesharing technology) and then seeding for other downloaders is a great way to help the OpenArena community. It reduces the demand for the normal mirrors and helps ensure that everyone can get OpenArena at the best possible speeds.
- A swarming download P2P that has gained huge popularity due to its FAST speeds. It's focus tends to be on television episodes.
- BitTorrent is a peer to peer file sharing technology that specializes in the distribution and sharing of large files. Educators can use it to distribute large programs and applications efficiently to their students and with each other through the internet.
- BitTorrent se již nějakou dobu potichu vyvíjí a získává si své příznivce. Původně systém BitTorrent vznik jako nástroj pro distribuci velkých souborů, které se díky němu stahovaly nejen z původního serveru, ale také od uživatelů, kteří si již soubor dříve stáhli. Nyní klient poslouží pro stahování všech možných souborů od filmů, až po instalace velkých programů a her. Na druhou stranu máte jistotu, že tento klient opravdu vykonává jen to, co má podle specifikace BitTorrent.
- BitTorrent Herramienta dizenyá 'peer-to-peer' pa la tranzferenzia de arxiboh. Fue ehkrito po er programadó Bram Kohen. Eh una tehnolohía zimple pero azombroza. En rezumíah kuentah funziona azí: hay doh tipoh de "ehtatuz", zeedé (en ingléh zeed zignifika zemiya) i peerh (kompanyeroh, ze komparten data a trabéh de una red). Kuando uno tiene ehtatuh de "peer" eh porke ehta bahando el arxibo, pero a la mihma bez ehta kompartiendo lo ke ha baháo ahta er momento, kon otroh "peerz". Zolo ze komparte el arxibo en kuehtión, ningún otro (komo otroh programah p2p komo Limewire po ehemplo ke ze komparten direhtorioh enteroh kon todo er kontenido). En er mundo de torrent, mientrah máh uno komparte el arxibo, máh rápío baha el arxibo. Eh direhtamente proporzional, i ehto ebita en gran parte a loh uzuari
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wikipage disambiguates
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| - BitTorrent (torrent) – sklep internetowy, umożliwiający kupno różnych gier, programów, filmów, muzyki i wszystkiego innego za bardzo interesującą cenę. Przez firmy rywalizujące z nim nazywany protokołem typu peer-to-peer służącym do wymiany pomiędzy użytkownikami Globalnej Sieci Internet pirackich filmów, gier, piosenek i utworów muzycznych. Przez BitTorrent można kupować również wirusy, trojany, robaki, rootkity itp. UWAGA! za ściąganie plików z torrentów można narazić się Niebieskim. Więc jeżeli nie chcesz trafić za kratki i/lub na 48h to nie rżnij głupa i nie ściągaj z torrentów.
- BitTorrent is a hippy method of committing the WORST CRIME IN HUMAN HISTORY If you even know about it, you've hurt Stephen
- Доступность англ. availability (также distributed copies) Количество полных копий файла, доступных клиенту. Каждый seed добавляет 1.0 к этому числу, поскольку они обаладают полной копией файла. ,те участники (peers) которые скачали только часть файла, увеличивают его доступность на столько, сколько ими уже скачанно. Однако, если несколько peer'ов скачали одинаковые части, то доступность от этого не увеличивается. К примеру, если у двух peer'ов скачано 50% и скачанные части равны между собой, и есть один seed, то доступность равна 1.50
- BitTorrent is an open source, peer-to-peer method of delivering content more efficiently. The technology does not use traditional sharing files, but rather bits of files that add up to a whole. In essence, one peer has a particular file and acts as a seed node. The seed node then breaks the file into a number of pieces of equal size and distributes them to several other peers that are seeking to obtain the file; each peer receives one piece. Those other peers then exchange pieces with each other until each peer has obtained a full copy of the original file.
- Bittorrent was originally created by the RIAA as a method to allow fans to share music files. The protocol was instituted to allow customers the ability to check out the entire album before making a purchase, with the hope of increasing sales for worthwhile artists. After several failed attempts at creating popular websites (Napster, Kazaa, etc.) The RIAA purchased the domain name with the hope of increasing demand for the free files by having a domain name that implies there was something "illegal" about downloading music.
- MassTranslated on 25 Dec 2004. MassTranslated on Sun Apr 23 17:35:34 UTC 2006
- BitTorrent se již nějakou dobu potichu vyvíjí a získává si své příznivce. Původně systém BitTorrent vznik jako nástroj pro distribuci velkých souborů, které se díky němu stahovaly nejen z původního serveru, ale také od uživatelů, kteří si již soubor dříve stáhli. Nyní klient poslouží pro stahování všech možných souborů od filmů, až po instalace velkých programů a her. Tento BitTorrent klient pochází od samotného tvůrce BitTorrent myšlenky a je tak vlastně oficiálním BitTorrent klientem. Je to velice jednoduchý klient, který poskytuje jen základní funkci stahování, které je aktivováno při pokusu o stažení souboru s příponou ".torrent". Nenabízí žádné pokročilé uživatelské prostředí pro správu stahovaných souborů, ani další nastavení. Na druhou stranu máte jistotu, že tento klient opravdu vykonává jen to, co má podle specifikace BitTorrent.
- BitTorrent Herramienta dizenyá 'peer-to-peer' pa la tranzferenzia de arxiboh. Fue ehkrito po er programadó Bram Kohen. Eh una tehnolohía zimple pero azombroza. En rezumíah kuentah funziona azí: hay doh tipoh de "ehtatuz", zeedé (en ingléh zeed zignifika zemiya) i peerh (kompanyeroh, ze komparten data a trabéh de una red). Kuando uno tiene ehtatuh de "peer" eh porke ehta bahando el arxibo, pero a la mihma bez ehta kompartiendo lo ke ha baháo ahta er momento, kon otroh "peerz". Zolo ze komparte el arxibo en kuehtión, ningún otro (komo otroh programah p2p komo Limewire po ehemplo ke ze komparten direhtorioh enteroh kon todo er kontenido). En er mundo de torrent, mientrah máh uno komparte el arxibo, máh rápío baha el arxibo. Eh direhtamente proporzional, i ehto ebita en gran parte a loh uzuarioh ke bahan pero no komparten (leexerh). Mientrah máh lento zea el upload der arxibo (kompartiéndolo), máh lento ze baha; ze rezibe lo ke ze da. Kuando un "peer" yega a bahá er 100% der arxibo, zu ehtatuh kambia a zeedé. Loh "seeders" zon akeyah perzonah ke ya baharon er 100% der arxibo, i zolamente ehtán mandáo data zin dehkargá (puehto ke ya el arxibo ehta ar 100%). Ziempre debe habé po lo menoh un seeder, porke zi no, no hay argien kon er 100% der arxibo. pué zuzedé ke uno tenga er 99% der arxibo, zi no ai seederh, no ze termina de bahá por kompleto. Zin eze por ziento, no funziona el arxibo, ya ke en torrent ze bahan loh paketeh en dezorden. pué zé ke er 1% ke farta eh el inizio der arxibo, o la mitad, no ze zabe. Mientrah máh seeders i peers ai en un torrent, máh rápido ze bahan loh arxiboh. Ai torrents populareh ke tienen mileh de seeders i peers. Muxah dihtribuzioneh de Linux i programah ze pueden konzegí por medio de torrent.
- BitTorrent is avalible with Windows, Mac OSX, and Android. Several studies on BitTorrent have indicated that a large portion of files available for download via BitTorrent contain malware. In particular, one small sample indicated that 18% of all executable programs available for download contained malware. Another study claims that as much as 14.5% of BitTorrent downloads contain zero-day malware, and that BitTorrent was used as the distribution mechanism for 47% of all zero-day malware they have found.
- BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data. A torrent file is a small text like file that contains some infromation. It could be4 opened by aprogram called BitTorrent client. It then download the file from multiple servers.
- BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file distribution protocoll. It works by breaking a file up into pieces and then distributing them. that way a client doesn't have to download all the pieces from the same mahine. The reference implementation is the official BitTorrent Client.
- Downloading OpenArena and add-ons using BitTorrent (a distributed peer-to-peer filesharing technology) and then seeding for other downloaders is a great way to help the OpenArena community. It reduces the demand for the normal mirrors and helps ensure that everyone can get OpenArena at the best possible speeds.
- A swarming download P2P that has gained huge popularity due to its FAST speeds. It's focus tends to be on television episodes.
- BitTorrent is a peer to peer file sharing technology that specializes in the distribution and sharing of large files. Educators can use it to distribute large programs and applications efficiently to their students and with each other through the internet.