| - The Land Before Time is a 1988 American animated adventure film directed & co-produced by Don Bluth (through his Sullivan Bluth Studios) and executive-produced by Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy & Frank Marshall. It was released on November 18, 1988 by Universal Studios and Amblin Entertainment. The film was a critical and financial success & spawned a multi-million dollar franchise with twelve direct-to-video sequels (without association with Bluth, Spielberg, or Lucas) as well as merchandise (such as toys, video games, etc.) and a television series.
- It also spawned a series of direct-to-video sequels and a short-lived TV show, which Don Bluth had nothing to do with and are generally regarded as terrible.
- The film was a critical and financial success and spawned a multi-million dollar franchise with thirteen direct-to-video sequels (without association with Bluth, Spielberg, or Lucas,) as well as merchandise (toys, video games, etc.) and a television series.
- The film was a critical and financial success, and spawned a multi-million dollar franchise with twelve direct-to-video sequels as well as merchandise and a television series.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=The Land Before Time/preload editintro=The Land Before Time/editintro width=25 The Land Before Time is a series of animated films. The series began in 1988 with The Land Before Time, directed and produced by Don Bluth and executive produced by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg, It was Dara (The Land Before Time) followed by a total of 12 direct-to-video sequels, though none involve the participation of Bluth, Lucas, or Spielberg, The film was a critical and financial success and spawned a multi-million dollar franchise with twelve direct-to-video sequels (without association with Bluth, Spielberg, or Lucas) as well as merchandise (toys, video games, etc.) and a television series.
- The Land Before Time is an 1988 animated film directed by Don Bluth, executive-produced by Steven Spielbuerg and George Lucas. The film centers around the adventures of an Apatosaurus named Littlefoot and his four friends, Cera the Triceratops, Ducky the Saurolophus, Petrie the Pteranodon, and Spike the Stegosaurus. It is the first of a franchise.
- The Land Before Time is a 1988 American animated adventure drama film directed and co-produced by Don Bluth (at Sullivan Bluth Studios), and executive produced by Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy, and Frank Marshall.