Joyce is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Glory buys things from Giles' new magic shop that can raise a monster that can find The Key.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: Spike taunts Riley with Buffy's liking for "bad boys", particularly vampires.
* Chain Pain: Buffy throttles the cobra-demon with a handy chain.
* Comforting Comforter: Riley drapes his leather coat over a sleeping Dawn.
* Conspicuous CGI: The cobra demon.
* Department of Redundancy Department
* Description Cut: Xander comments that the demon chick they're trying to find is "No doubt lurking around some sewer or condemned church or rat-infested warehouse. You know, the usual haunts." Cut to Glory trying on new shoes in her Big Fancy House.
* Does This Make Me Look Fat?: Glory trying on shoes.
* From
Attributes | Values |
| - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S5 E8 Shadow
| - Joyce is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Glory buys things from Giles' new magic shop that can raise a monster that can find The Key.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: Spike taunts Riley with Buffy's liking for "bad boys", particularly vampires.
* Chain Pain: Buffy throttles the cobra-demon with a handy chain.
* Comforting Comforter: Riley drapes his leather coat over a sleeping Dawn.
* Conspicuous CGI: The cobra demon.
* Department of Redundancy Department
* Description Cut: Xander comments that the demon chick they're trying to find is "No doubt lurking around some sewer or condemned church or rat-infested warehouse. You know, the usual haunts." Cut to Glory trying on new shoes in her Big Fancy House.
* Does This Make Me Look Fat?: Glory trying on shoes.
* From
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| |
| |
| - Joyce is diagnosed with a brain tumor. Glory buys things from Giles' new magic shop that can raise a monster that can find The Key.
* All Girls Want Bad Boys: Spike taunts Riley with Buffy's liking for "bad boys", particularly vampires.
* Chain Pain: Buffy throttles the cobra-demon with a handy chain.
* Comforting Comforter: Riley drapes his leather coat over a sleeping Dawn.
* Conspicuous CGI: The cobra demon.
* Department of Redundancy Department
* Description Cut: Xander comments that the demon chick they're trying to find is "No doubt lurking around some sewer or condemned church or rat-infested warehouse. You know, the usual haunts." Cut to Glory trying on new shoes in her Big Fancy House.
* Does This Make Me Look Fat?: Glory trying on shoes.
* From the Mouths of Babes: Dawn talking to Riley about Buffy/Angel.
* Half Truth: Spike doesn't hesitate to play up the fact that he spent the night drinking with Buffy in "Fool for Love" as meaning she's closer to him than Riley wants.
* Idiot Ball: Buffy rushes off to confront Glory a second time because she's frustrated over not being able to help her mother. Riley responds to Spike's taunts by making out with vampire chicks.
* Kneel Before Zod
* Magical Incantation
* Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Giles sells Glory the items she needs for her rite.
* Percussive Therapy: Buffy fails to kill the cobra-demon by strangling it with a chain, so she works off her frustrations by beating it to death with her bare hands.
* Perverted Sniffing: Riley catches Spike sniffing Buffy's clothes, which he tries to excuse as "standard predator behavior". As Riley throws him out Spike snatches her panties from a drawer.
* Professional Butt-Kisser: Glory's minion Dreg. He's even eager to let Glory rip out his tongue when he thinks he might have offended her.
* Red Eyes, Take Warning: The cobra-demon when it detects The Key.
* Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Unless you're Anya.
* Right in Front of Me: Giles is saying that there's no way of knowing where Glory will turn up next, turns around and finds himself facing...a blonde, attractive customer whom he's never seen before.
* Ripped From the Phone Book: Glory with the Magic Box add.
* Sublime Rhyme: Willow sums up Riley's One-Man Army act in "Fool for Love" as "Tomb kaboom!"
* Screaming Woman: Dawn. Well you would too if you came face to fang with a huge cobra-demon.
* Special Effect Failure: The snake demon, fondly known by the fans as "Fake the Snake."
* Stiff Upper Lip: Buffy's tendency to repress her emotions around others starts to aggravate Riley, as he's used to playing the strong protective male role.
* Tantrum Throwing: Glory when her snakey-wakey doesn't return.
* Tempting Fate: Played for Drama when Spike taunts Riley he's not dark enough for Buffy; Riley responds by shoving him out into the sunlight. "Am I dark enough for you now?"
* That Makes Me Feel Angry: Glory expresses mild annoyance that Buffy is trying to beat her to a pulp.
* Villainous Demotivator: Glory to Dreg.
* Wasn't That Fun?: Glory raising the snake demon. Fun, fun, fun!