| - The name of the military drama and adventure comic series. It is also the acronym for the military file name for Project Lancelot.
- One of the most loved users on the board, he became popular with his excessive use of emoticons (mostly of the ^_^ kind) back in 2004, which he later explained with his lack of confidence in his English skills at the time (he's from Brazil). He's still very well liked, despite not posting as often as before, and has proven to be a very intelligent and respectful user, although he tends to debate a lot with people who disagree with him. Metool is the ^_^ user ever. He's also the creator of two of the most popular series of topics on the board, the Board 8 DEATHMATCH and the Topic of Happiness.
- Metools are small robots with a hard hat. They are enemies from the Mega Man series and also make an appearance in MKFusion. There are four types of Metools in this game, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:
| - The name of the military drama and adventure comic series. It is also the acronym for the military file name for Project Lancelot.
- One of the most loved users on the board, he became popular with his excessive use of emoticons (mostly of the ^_^ kind) back in 2004, which he later explained with his lack of confidence in his English skills at the time (he's from Brazil). He's still very well liked, despite not posting as often as before, and has proven to be a very intelligent and respectful user, although he tends to debate a lot with people who disagree with him. Metool is the ^_^ user ever. He's also the creator of two of the most popular series of topics on the board, the Board 8 DEATHMATCH and the Topic of Happiness.
- Metools are small robots with a hard hat. They are enemies from the Mega Man series and also make an appearance in MKFusion. There are four types of Metools in this game, each with their own strengths and weaknesses:
* The basic Metool, which hides in the ground waiting for intruders to come, then attacks with three bullets. It can be picked up and used as a gun, similar to an Auto-Snifit. This variety is found in Gutsman Quarry.
* A Metool with shoes, making it easy for it to walk. It has the same attacks as a normal Metool, but cannot be used as a gun. These Metools are common in levels such as Spinning Greenhouse and Construction Site.
* A Metool with shoes and a propeller, flying itself to the air and shooting bullets in a vertical 3-way angle. These Metools are only found in Construction Site.
* A giant Metool ship, with the whole exterior indestructible. Found only in Construction Site.