| - The Institute of Welsh Affairs (also known by the acronym IWA) is an independent, membership-based think-tank based in the capital of Wales, Cardiff, owing no allegiance to any political or economic interest group. It focuses its research on politics, culture, economy, education, environment, science and technology in Wales, with the aim of developing proposals for "policy innovation and improvement" and promoting new thinking on Welsh issues. The IWA publishes numerous reports on the research it carries out, and organises public seminars and conferences to encourage discussion and debate. It is highly regarded for the quality of its work and its commitment to informed public discussion.
| - The Institute of Welsh Affairs (also known by the acronym IWA) is an independent, membership-based think-tank based in the capital of Wales, Cardiff, owing no allegiance to any political or economic interest group. It focuses its research on politics, culture, economy, education, environment, science and technology in Wales, with the aim of developing proposals for "policy innovation and improvement" and promoting new thinking on Welsh issues. The IWA publishes numerous reports on the research it carries out, and organises public seminars and conferences to encourage discussion and debate. It is highly regarded for the quality of its work and its commitment to informed public discussion.
* The Institute of Welsh Affairs was founded on the strength of a paper written in 1985 by Geraint Talfan Davies, a broadcaster, and Keith James, a Cardiff lawyer.
* It was incorporated on 22 July 1987 (Company No: 02151006).
* The IWA became registered as a charity on 1 December 1990 (Charity No: 1078435). 2010 saw the launch of ClickonWales.org, the IWA’s online news-analysis magazine. ClickonWales is designed to bring users a new level of regular commentary and analysis on Welsh affairs, and opportunities for debate. The website is [1] and the Wikipedia page is [2].