| - A Dalek moves erratically towards a control panel screaming out. The main Dalek fleet ship zooms forward chasing a very little pod. The pod is circular and shines bright with lights. The front of the pod is a clear window revealing a female life form in desperate fear, Molly. The female jumps out for protection as her pod is hit. Sparks burst out like fireworks and flames flicker out. She fears death and believes it’s almost apron her. “Destroy the rebel pod!”- Dalek The Ship shoots a glowing laser directly at her again. “Leave me Alone!”- Molly This laser causes the pod to crash land into the nearest planet, Earth. Thinking she is dead, the Dalek Ship continues to strike off any other non-Dalek lifeforms in their path… ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The pod falls dramatically towards the coast where something beneath the surface awaits. A man with curled poked up hair returns to his holiday home, among many others. It’s evening and the sun is slowly crouching down to the horizon line. He walks towards the kitchen/dining area where he puts a small collective of shopping bags, he is wearing a tweed jacket with a bow tie and begins to put the items away. A young woman appears from a hallway leading to a bedroom. She is wearing glasses, Black & Red stripy jeans, a neat beige cardigan with a singular stick of celery on the left-side. “Did you get me some jelly babies?”- Osgood “Of course I did, I know you love them,”- Adrian “Thanks!”- Osgood She kisses him on the cheek grabs her bag of confectionery and lounges on the couch. Finally she could relax on a holiday. Working for UNIT can be hard! Kate only just let her work her hours out for a break and this moment in time was the only one available. Her and her boyfriend, Adrian, decided to take advantage of their time off and have just arrived in Cornwall. Adrian knew of UNIT though is kept away from their investigations; once he came to the terms of what Osgood did he was fine, as long as she came home safe. They chose the luxury hut, income is good, so why not, it was very home-like, the kitchen curved around with many high-tech appliances, the lounge was welcoming and the bedroom was ultra-size. They could have accepted the special areas for UNIT personal, but they both wanted something away from the trouble, but that might be impossible… Adrian jumps in shock and stares in the direction of the noise and Osgood rushes outside. What was this was their quiet week away ruined already? Osgood rushed out with a word, Adrian chases after her leaving the door wide open. They ran through a smallish forest before coming towards the nearest beach, the rocks and caves to the right of the beast were on fire; smoke ascending out and a large circular pod poking out of the cliff. “Oh my god!”- Adrian Osgood grabbed his hand and dragged him forward; no one else had come, though it doesn't mean they didn't hear it. The closer they got the more sure they were that they could hear a voice calling out. They were a meter away, when suddenly a metal segment fell off in front of them. Coming out a breath of smoke and ash fired out, and then a body climbed out… “Pleas-Please help me, help me please!”- Molly “Quickly, we need to help her!”- Osgood, she went forward, though Adrian was wary, they didn't know who she was or what happened. But despite all that, he went to help her they carried her away from the scene of danger before she got hurt. Back at the hut they brought this mysterious woman in and lead her to the couch, she sat and breathed deeply. Adrian went to run her a glass of water and Osgood just tried to help her come to terms of what was going on. She looked human, but her clothing was a little odd: a green dress coming half down her thighs though is dress held few panels of metallic materials; a small upper-body jacket which sleeves come past the elbow but the jacket only comes down just above the top of his dress with a collar going around the neck & she wore fingerless black gloves. Her dress around the chest area presented some data about her health; a health chart appeared with her percentages of strength and concentration levels. It deemed on the couple helping her she was either from the future of a new planet. Adrian passed her the glass of water, she talked through sips “Um- slurp – thank you – slurp- so much!”- Molly Osgood tried to ask her some questions “You’re welcome, I'm Osgood, and this is Adrian!”- Osgood “Hello,”- Molly, she stands, being polite “My name is Molly, I am not of your planet or time, I am a Blisoton from the Bli-Star system, my pod was a journey to a cousin planet when a rebel Dalek fleet attacked me. They have followed me through time and recently as you have seen lead me to crash into your planet I mean you no harm and only wish to return home,”- Molly The couple were amazed, such a unique and graceful being, “Well hello, you’re so ever polite, even after crash landing!”- Adrian “Well of course, just because one is in doubt of one’s health and is away from their own time zone/plant doesn't mean that I can’t sustain a reputation or manner,”- Molly Adrian couldn't help but smile, such a being like Molly made him realize how amazing the universe is… However, where Molly crashed something was lurking beneath the surface. Under all the rock, sand, chalk and other materials a tribe of waiting, sleeping creatures is woken by a grand vibration, from non-other than Molly and her crash landing. Hand jerk as they awake from their slumber years too early plus some of their technology has been tampered with as it was damages during the hit and one of the sleeping creatures had been killed accidentally, but as one scans the area for a reason of what could of woken them they find a three humanoids walking away from the rubble, and from there they swear vengeance and to return to the surface… _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OPENING TITLES ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Doctor, Clara, Kate & McGillop are in the UNIT base going through files. They have just finished a case and where in the trouble of paper work. “Thanks again, Doctor, capturing Mr. Fox needed allot more consideration, without you we wouldn't have caught him,”- Kate “No problem, let’s just hope he don’t carrying on burning the guards!”- Doctor “Let’s just!”- Kate In the background there is a computer screen with the local news on, a crash landed alien spacecraft in Cornwall. Clara notices this and turns the volume up. McGillop, already watching, suddenly gets a call and goes off to answer it. Kate and the Doctor are now watching, “I guess we’ll have to deal with this then, but Cornwall will take forever to get to,”- Kate “Well, it’s good I've got a time machine!”- Doctor, he glanced back at her and she smirked, McGillop finally returned from his sudden call “Ma'am, its Osgood, she’s already at the sight,”- McGillop “What, how?”- Clara “She’s supposed to be on holiday in the exact area,”- Kate ...