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- Mineraalien keräilyä ''paskakasoista'' VARMAA HAUSKAA TÄNKI TEKIJÄLLÄ OLLUT.
- While seemingly pointless, archaeologists assert that we can learn lots of new things by looking at old things, despite the immediate logical impossibilities. Most archaeologists are full of theories with their "carbon dating" witchcraft. As Archaeology for Kids! host Bryan Williamson once said, "I mean, carbon atoms don't have sex, do they? Why should they date then if they can't do anything freaky with electrons in the privacy of a high speed collision chamber?? Ok now I have got that off my chest, I will return to imagining how dead people once lived."
- Archaeology is a skill, described in [[GURPS Characters|Basic Set], p. 176
- Archaeology (archeologie) is een secundairy profession, die werd uitgebracht in de nieuwste uitbreiding, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Categorie:Cataclysm Categorie:WoW professions Categorie:WoW secundairy professions
- Archaeology is the study of human activity in the past, primarily through the recovery and analysis of cultural and environmental data that has been left behind; such as artifacts, architecture, biofacts and cultural landscapes. The purpose of archaeology is to learn more about past societies and the development of the human race. Noriyasu Seta is a professor in Archaeology and teaches the craft at Tokyo University. He often uses archaeological terms and descriptions to describe how relationships work although it is unknown if he is intentionally doing this.
- Archaeology is the study of the history of civilizations through the recovery, examination, documentation and analysis of material evidence. Xenoarchaeology is archaeology focusing on alien worlds and civilizations. Individuals who study archaeology are known as archaeologists.
- Archaeology is the scientific study of cultures. The science focuses on recovering evidence, then documenting and analyzing it, and ending in interpreting the data. Evidence can come from a wide range of sources. Xenoarchaeology is a specialist field of archaeology, dealing with non-Terran cultures. People trained in this science are called archaeologists or xenoarchaeologists (depending on their specialty).
- Archaeology (or archeology) in New Zealand has less scope than in countries where several civilizations have risen and fallen. But the country has had about seven centuries of human occupation and, a little earlier, dinosaurs.
- Archaeology is one of four Gathering Skills with the ability to seek out imbued items like Lightsaber crystals and ancient artifacts.
- Archaeology, archeology, or archæology is the science that studies human cultures through the recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts, features, biofacts, and landscapes. Because archaeology's aim is to understand humankind, it is a humanistic endeavor. Furthermore, due to its analysis of human cultures, it is therefore a subset of anthropology, which contains: Physical anthropology, Cultural anthropology, Archaeology, and linguistics. There is debate as to what archaeology's goals are. Some goals include the documentation and explanation of the origins and development of human cultures, understanding culture history, chronicling cultural evolution, and studying human behavior and ecology, for both
- Across the galaxy, over the course of billions of years, highly advanced civilizations have risen and then fallen into ruin, which meant that exoarchaeology, unlike archeology on any single planet, could often locate knowledge and technology far in advance of contemporary levels. This made interstellar archeology a potent means to advance scientific, technical and medical understanding. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" ) Archaeology was a course taught at Starfleet Academy. (TNG: "The Game" ) The Rutians employed starships for missions of archaeology. (TNG: "Unification II" )
- Archaeology was the scientific discipline of excavating, studying and learning from the past. River Song once claimed that "An archaeologist is just a thief with patience." (TV: The Husbands of River Song) When the Second Doctor was on Telos he was referred to as an archaeologist. (TV: The Tomb of the Cybermen) The Fifth Doctor's companion Peri Brown had at least a passing interest in archaeology. (TV: Planet of Fire)
- Archaeology is a secondary profession that was released in the expansion World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.
* Limited to players who have purchased the Cataclysm expansion, even though it involves some low-level activity.
* Character must be at least level 20 to learn Apprentice Archaeology.[citation needed]
* Intended as a casual profession for players to enjoy in their "downtime".
* Focused on locating, piecing together, and appraising artifacts unearthed by the Cataclysm.
* Interacting with an artifact you find is similar to other gathering professions. It has been specifically stated that you will be able to track both Artifacts and your regular "tracking" for gathering professions. Instead of tracking individual nodes, you will instead search marked regions on the world m
- thumb|Wprowadzenie do archeologii. Archeologia to profesja drugorzędna wprowadzona w dodatku World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. W odróżnieniu od innych, profesji tej można się nauczyć na poziomie 20, dlatego też nie jest ona dostępna dla graczy na koncie testowym.