| - Exams are also known as 'assessments', 'tests', 'fun times' and 'celebrations of learning', referring to an activity typically undertaken in the education and counseling industries to measure criticize the performance and ability of an individual. Often, an exam will consist of a number of tasks or questions requiring the examinee to complete the task or question whilst blindfolded and listening to Elton John via a pair of leather headphones (in continents where Elton John is banned, period music is piped through the examinee's brains instead).
- The Japanese Exam system is a major plot device in the story of Love Hina with the story’s lead character, Keitaro Urashima, and various major and secondary characters (Naru, Mutsumi, Shinobu, Motoko, Shirai, Haitani, Kanako, Seta, Mizuho, etc) constantly studying or tutoring to attend and pass certain exams.
| - Exams are also known as 'assessments', 'tests', 'fun times' and 'celebrations of learning', referring to an activity typically undertaken in the education and counseling industries to measure criticize the performance and ability of an individual. Often, an exam will consist of a number of tasks or questions requiring the examinee to complete the task or question whilst blindfolded and listening to Elton John via a pair of leather headphones (in continents where Elton John is banned, period music is piped through the examinee's brains instead). Humans may be examined up to thrice throughout their entire lives, primarily at an educational establishment or occasionally a public house. Standard tests include 'SATs', 'SITs', 'SETs', 'SOOTs' and 'Rectal'. These tests occasionally involve large and pulsating pneumatic metal coils inserted into one of several holes depending on the roll of a die. Exam results are typically graded using an alphabetical scale ranging from A through to E, F, N, U and U2.
- The Japanese Exam system is a major plot device in the story of Love Hina with the story’s lead character, Keitaro Urashima, and various major and secondary characters (Naru, Mutsumi, Shinobu, Motoko, Shirai, Haitani, Kanako, Seta, Mizuho, etc) constantly studying or tutoring to attend and pass certain exams. Traditionally, the exam system essentially revolves around a written test; covering various subjects such as Math, Language and Social studies as well as History and Classical literature. Each test is designed around the requirements of a chosen graduate school or a certain level of education. The results of these tests act as a means to reveal whether or not a student has the level of education and/or the requirements to attend a graduate school.