| - The province of the Anglican Communion within Canada. The Church consists of 30 dioceses, organised into 4 internal provinces, largely for historical reasons. These provinces are (from east to west) Canada, Ontario, Rupert's Land, and British Columbia & Yukon. Constituted by the first General Synod in 1893, the Anglican Church of Canada was the first English colonial church to declare itself independent from, yet in communion with, the Church of England. It wasn't until 1955 that the name "The Church of England in Canada" was dropped in favour of "The Anglican Church of Canada". (The Episcopal Church of the United States had separated earlier, after the American Revolution, but rejoined what was to become the Anglican Communion later. Presently the Canadian dioceses (listed alphabetically after their ecclesiastical provinces) are as follows:
* Arctic
* Athabasca
* Brandon
* Calgary
* Edmonton
* Qu'Appelle
* Rupert's Land
* Saskatchewan
* Saskatoon
* Algoma
* Huron
* Keewatin
* Montreal
* Moosonee
* Niagara
* Ontario
* Ottawa
* Quebec
* Toronto
* Central Newfoundland
* Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador
* Fredericton
* Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
* Western Newfoundland
* British Columbia
* Caledonia
* Anglican Parishes of the Central Interior
* Kootenay
* New Westminster
* Yukon