| - Jackson Colt is a top 10 MMA fighter and a temporary guest star character. He has a son named Kevin Colt and only appears in iLook Alike. Jackson Colt really likes the iCarly website and comedy, especially "Random Dancing." He also agreed to be on an iCarly web cast when his son sent an e-mail. When the iCarly trio came, he got angry at a man for bringing him fish instead of meat because the meat loaf ran out, and threw him at a table. On iCarly, they measured Jackson Colt's biceps, and compared it to the size of Sam's head. Jackson's muscles were larger than Sam's head (his biceps were 23 inches, Sam's head was 21 inches). Spencer and Mrs. Benson didn't like the idea of kids at an MMA event, so they both said no to the iCarly trio going to see them. When Spencer found lookalikes pretending to be Carly, Sam, and Freddie, he went to the MMA event to find them. Jackson Colt didn't know Spencer was Carly's brother, and got angered that he was trying to end the webcast to take Carly home. Then, an infuriated Jackson Colt throws Spencer airborne to the table, but luckily he didn't throw him to the point of death, instead to the point of unconsciousness. He later appears live on the iCarly backstage with Random Dancing. After that, he is not seen or mentioned again. He is a major fan of iCarly, and he gets a little too hyper when on the show.