| - Odoof Grunda was a male Gungan artist who lived on the Naboo moon of Rori. He was talented, but also eccentric and didn't like the city life. One of his paintings showed legendary sculptor Sidoras Bey crafting a statue of Emperor Palpatine. Sometime after 0 ABY, Jaleela Bindoo asked a spacer to meet Grunda and bring his painting of Sidoras Bey back to Narmle for the annual Narmle Arts Gala, where the image was shown during the opening ceremony.
- Quest Name:-Odoof Grunda's Painting (Jaleela No.1) Starting NPC:-Jaleela Bindoo Related Mobs:-Odoof Grunda, Thug Starting Planet:-Rori Starting City:-Narmle Items Required:-Grunda Painting Credits Earned:-25 Working quest as of 7/25/2007 Details: Jaleela is located at -5212, -2470 Jaleela Bindo says, "Hello. Are you here for the Narmle Arts Gala? A very talented artist has made a new piece for the festival and I need someone to go get it. Interested in the Job?" You say, "Why dosen't he bring it himself?" You say, "Yes." Odoof Grunda says, "Yousa bein' here for mysa painten?"
| - Quest Name:-Odoof Grunda's Painting (Jaleela No.1) Starting NPC:-Jaleela Bindoo Related Mobs:-Odoof Grunda, Thug Starting Planet:-Rori Starting City:-Narmle Items Required:-Grunda Painting Credits Earned:-25 Working quest as of 7/25/2007 Details: Jaleela is located at -5212, -2470 Jaleela Bindo says, "Hello. Are you here for the Narmle Arts Gala? A very talented artist has made a new piece for the festival and I need someone to go get it. Interested in the Job?" You say, "Why dosen't he bring it himself?" Jaleela Bindoo says, "Odoof Grunda is a talented Gungan artist, but he's eccentric and doesn't like cities. He painted a picture of the legendary sculptor Sidoras Bey crafting the statue of the Emporer, but he won't bring it here. Will you get it?" You say, "Yes." Jaleela Bindoo says, "Wonderful! Go and meet Odoof Grunda and bring his painting back to me. I want to have it up for the opening ceremony of the Arts Gala. Travel to the waypoint uploaded to your datapad. When you arrive you are attacked by a level 4 thug. After you kill the thug talk to Odoof Grunda, and you will be sent back to Jaleela Odoof Grunda says, "Yousa bein' here for mysa painten?" Return to the person who gave you this mission to receive your reward. "Tis bein' too crowded 'round here." Odoof Grunda Says. "Mesa no wantin' to be wit all da stinkowiff outlanders." Return to Jaleela and you receive 25 credits. Note: This quest can only be done one time Found this quest via www.geocities.com/solen_ensaped/Quests/009.htm
- Odoof Grunda was a male Gungan artist who lived on the Naboo moon of Rori. He was talented, but also eccentric and didn't like the city life. One of his paintings showed legendary sculptor Sidoras Bey crafting a statue of Emperor Palpatine. Sometime after 0 ABY, Jaleela Bindoo asked a spacer to meet Grunda and bring his painting of Sidoras Bey back to Narmle for the annual Narmle Arts Gala, where the image was shown during the opening ceremony.