| - Players start on isolated islets with limited resources and a Transport Ship. Still, it is suggested to exploit some of the resources, especially the Berry Bushes, before sailing to Newfoundland, as the land is full of predators and hostile natives; even a single Worker loss can prove costly. Rushing is ideal in this map, as it features tight quarters of fighting, as well as Castle Drops. Turtling, providing one has access to one or two Town Centers should be considered, as there are many chokepoints.
| - Players start on isolated islets with limited resources and a Transport Ship. Still, it is suggested to exploit some of the resources, especially the Berry Bushes, before sailing to Newfoundland, as the land is full of predators and hostile natives; even a single Worker loss can prove costly. In order to expand, each player must journey to the mainland, defending against both their enemies and the native Skraelings that roam the map. Scout the mainland as much as possible, to detect Skraelings that could potentially harm the player's units and to spot Settlements, to build Town Centers. The layout of Settlements is highly asymmetrical, sometimes favoring a single team or a player. Rushing is ideal in this map, as it features tight quarters of fighting, as well as Castle Drops. Turtling, providing one has access to one or two Town Centers should be considered, as there are many chokepoints.