| - Dr. Alyce Hunter was an archaeologist at the Royal Ontario Museum who was studying artifacts brought back from a dig in Mexico. Then a guard at the museum was murdered, and a jade cup from the dig stolen. The guard had been drained of blood; and, since this resembled the manner of death in a series of murders of homeless people, the detective assigned to that case, Nick Knight was assigned to look into the museum murder as well. Later, when Nick, Don Schanke, and Natalie Lambert were leaving the museum, Alyce—now a vampire herself—looked in on them through the skylight.
| - Dr. Alyce Hunter was an archaeologist at the Royal Ontario Museum who was studying artifacts brought back from a dig in Mexico. Then a guard at the museum was murdered, and a jade cup from the dig stolen. The guard had been drained of blood; and, since this resembled the manner of death in a series of murders of homeless people, the detective assigned to that case, Nick Knight was assigned to look into the museum murder as well. Dr. Hunter was immediately struck by the detective's remarkable knowledge of Mayan hieroglypics: he read a stele in her office, and said the numbers on it corresponded with the entrance code to his apartment. He also mentioned an old dig at Altun Kinal; and she was even more fascinated when she looked this up in Early Excavations: Altun Kinal, and realized that Detective Knight bore a striking similarity to a nineteenth-century archaeologist who had worked there. She therefore decided to follow him. She was thus able to spy on his rendezvous with another man, Lucien LaCroix, who had the stolen jade cup. She witnessed their confrontation, and was able to escape while they were fighting. When Dr. Hunter later used the numbers from the stele to enter Nick's apartment to wait for him, she found there a desperate young homeless woman, Jeannie, who had witnessed the latest murder. Dr. Hunter telephoned for help; but it was the murderer who came to the apartment. Almost simultaneously, Nick and LaCroix also arrived. Jeannie escaped, and the killer was himself drained by LaCroix; but Dr. Hunter was trapped. Knowing that Nick was too weak to fight LaCroix, she offered Nick her blood. He refused, and told her to escape; but she was caught and drained by LaCroix. Later, when Nick, Don Schanke, and Natalie Lambert were leaving the museum, Alyce—now a vampire herself—looked in on them through the skylight.