| - Cellular: Brrring... Brrrrring... *beep* ???: Hello? This is Maya. Mia: Hey Maya, it's me. ???: Mia! What's up? You haven't called in a while. Mia: Sorry, I've been so busy. How you been? ???: Well, LONELY. And it's all YOUR fault. Nah, I'm just teasing. I've been great! I'm finally getting used to having my own place. Mia: That's good to hear. Actually, I'm calling because I have a favor to ask. ???: I know, I know. You want me to hold evidence for you? Mia: Sharp as always! There's a lot of buzz about the upcoming trial... I just don't feel safe keeping the evidence here. ???: I gotcha. So, what is it this time? Mia: It's... a clock. ???: A clock? Mia: Yeah, it's made to look like that statue, "The Thinker." And it tells you the time! I thought you might like it. You always liked toys. ???: Hey! I'm not a little girl anymore, Sis! Mia: Now, now. You know I'm only teasing. Ah, I should probably tell you, the clock isn't talking right now. ???: Huh? It's not working? That's lame! Mia: I had to take the clockwork out. Sorry. I put some papers inside it instead. ???: Papers? Is that the evidence, then? Hmm, well... there's a possibility that it might turn out that way, yes. Mia: Can you come by the office tonight, say 9:00, to pick it up? I'll be in a pretrial meeting until then. ???: Okay, Sis, but I expect dinner! Something good! Like... burgers! I could really go for a good burger. Mia: Okay, okay. We'll hit the usual joint. ???: Alright! It's a deal! Okay, Sis, see you soon! Mia: Yep. I'll be waiting, Maya. Cellular: *beep* [Conversation recorded. September 5, 9:27 AM] September 5, 8:57 PMFey & Co. Law Offices ???: Now, Miss Fey, I'll take what's mine... the papers. Mia: I'm sorry, but I can't give you what I don't have. ???: Miss Fey, you are a poor liar. Why, I see it right over there... That must be "The Thinker" that swallowed those papers. Mia: How could you know...? ???: Ho hoh. You are not cogniferous of my background? Gathering information is my business, you see. Mia: I... I should have been more careful. ???: Ho hoh. My dear Miss Fey... I am so very sorry. But I am afraid I must ask you for one more thing. Your eternal silence... Farewell, Miss Fey. Mia: !!! Red... White... Blue... Episode 2Turnabout Sisters September 5, 9:08 PMFey & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: Uh oh, I'm late. Huh, that's strange. The chief must have gone home already. She said her sister was coming over so we should all go out for dinner... ... What's that smell...? Blood...? Mia! (Maybe she's in her office!) Phoenix: That smell... Blood! ???: ... *sob* Sis... Phoenix: (Someone's there!) ...! Chief? Chief...? Phoenix: Chief!!! Phoenix: Who are you? ???: ... Phoenix: (The strange girl dropped out cold. I left her lying on the office sofa. I went back to the chief where she lay under the window. Her body was still warm... I could feel it when I held her shoulder. Then, all too quickly, it began to fade... Until finally she was cold.) Chief... (Fey & Co. Law Offices) Phoenix: ...! (That girl just now... where'd she go!? I put her right there on that sofa...! Uh oh... I hope she didn't run on me.) Yipes! (Don't scare me like that...) Umm... Excuse me but, who are you? ???: ... Phoenix: It's okay. I work here. Maya: Maya... Maya Fey. Phoenix: Maya... Fey? (Examining telephone in Office and presenting Receipt leads to:) Phoenix:! The police! (Sounds like they're coming this way!) Freeze! Police! Gumshoe: Alright, I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe, see? Phoenix: (Gumshoe...? What an odd name.) Gumshoe: We received a report from the building across the way, see. Got a person saying they saw a murder. Phoenix: (It must have been that woman I saw.) Gumshoe: Anyway, I don't want either of you moving one inch, 'kay? Phoenix: (Great. Just great. Maya... Wait, she wouldn't have... nah.) Gumshoe: Whoaaaaaaaaaaaah! Scuze me! Maya: Eek! Gumshoe: This word "Maya" here mean anything to you? Maya: ...! Um... that... That's my name... Gumshoe: WHAAAAT!? The victim drew this here note in her own blood, see? With her dying breath, she wrote down the killer's name! Maya: K-killer...? I'm not-- Gumshoe: Case closed! You're coming down to the precinct, ma'am. Maya: W-what? Phoenix: Mia's younger sister, Maya, was arrested on the spot. I was taken in for questioning and didn't get out until the next morning. My eyes were heavy... but I couldn't sleep. I sat around, waiting for visiting hours to begin at the detention center. I had to talk to Maya as soon as possible. September 6, 9:07 AMDetention CenterVisitor's Room Phoenix: (Wow, they have poor Maya locked up like a criminal.) Maya: Oh! It's you! The lawyer... G-good morning. Phoenix: Good morning! (She looks so tired...) Maya: Um... Are you going to be my attorney? Phoenix: Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about... Phoenix: (Did I look at her like that?) No, no! I never thought... Maya: I-it's okay. I understand. ... And.. I've also heard about you. Phoenix: Heard...? Heard what about me? Maya: I... was talking to my sister on the phone the other day... Mia: "Today was my junior partner's first time in court." Maya: Wow! Really? How'd that go? Mia: "It was quite the scene! Honestly, I was on edge the whole time. It's been a while..." Maya: Hah! So, he crashed and burned? Mia: "...He's a genius. One of those 'strike fear into the hearts of evil' types... The only thing he's lacking is... experience." Maya: Huh, sounds like it was fun! Well, I know who to go to if I ever get into trouble now! Mia: "I don't know, Maya. I think you might want to wait... give him three more years. That is, unless you want to be found guilty." Maya: That's what she said! Phoenix: ... Maya: I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to trouble you... Phoenix: No, it's okay. It's true, I guess. But... at the same time, I can't just sit and watch! When I think of the person who did this to Mia... Maya: ... I know... (Clearing all "Talk" options leads to:) Maya: ... Um...! Phoenix: Huh? Something the matter? Maya: Um... I was wondering, could I ask you a favor? Phoenix: ...? Maya: This is the address of a famous lawyer. My sister gave me this a long time ago. She said if I was ever in trouble, I should call him. And, well, I'm in trouble. Do you think you could go ask him to represent me? Phoenix: (Hmm...) Maya: They told me that if I don't find one, the state will pick an attorney to defend me. Phoenix: When will that happen? Maya: They're giving me until 4:00 this afternoon. Phoenix: (And visiting hours are almost up... I'd better hurry!) Right, I'll be back! September 6Fey & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: (The office is filled with police officers. They're all busily searching for clues...) ???: Hey! You there! This is a crime scene, pal! No trespassing! Umm... Sorry, don't I know you from somewhere? Wait, you're that Butz guy, aren't you! Phoenix: No, no, Phoenix Wright. (How could anyone mistake me for Larry!?) ???: Ah, guess I got the wrong name, Mr. Wright. Sorry 'bout that. That Butz guy, he was a killer! And you're no killer! Right? Phoenix: (He WAS proven innocent...) Umm... right. And you were... Gumshoe: Anyway, get the name right. And don't go calling me "Dick"... Police: Hey, Dick! Get over here! Gumshoe: Y-yes, sir! B-be right there! Umm... ahem! You're her lawyer, right, pal? If you got business here, you'd better do it quick! Phoenix: (Whew! He thinks I'm Maya's lawyer...!) (Talking about "Mia" and "Maya" and presenting Maya's Memo leads to:) Phoenix: (I guess I've asked all the questions I need to.) Gumshoe: You all done, pal? Phoenix: Um, yes, thank you. I'll be heading out now. Gumshoe: Oh, wait. One more thing I wanted to mention to you. I don't suppose you're planning on talking to that witness. Anyway, you'd better not! No influencing the witness with your lawyerly ways, pal! Phoenix: ... (Come to think of it, I had completely forgotten about her...) The... witness? Gumshoe: Yeah, Miss April May. I'm sorry 'bout this... But I can't tell you anything about her! Phoenix: (Well, you just told me her name. Miss May, huh?) So you've sent her home already, then? Gumshoe: Ahah! You're trying your lawyerly tricks on me now! She's not to go outside her room until the trial! Phoenix: (So... she's still in the hotel across the way.) I guess I should know better than to try to get a detective to leak information. Gumshoe: You got that right, pal! Phoenix: (Time to pay a visit to Miss May!) September 6Grossberg Law Offices Phoenix: (According to the receptionist, the big boss is "out". She couldn't say when he'd be back. It must be hard to keep track of everything when you're a famous lawyer... Not to mention run an office like this. I guess I'll just have to come back later.) (Detention Center - Visitor's Room) Maya: Hey! What is it? Did you meet the lawyer? Phoenix: Sorry. I haven't seen him yet. Maya: I see... Phoenix: (Hmm. I'd better go see if I can find this elite lawyer she's talking about.) September 6Gatewater Hotel - Room 303 April: Well! Hello there, handsome. Phoenix: Umm... hi. (Smooth, Wright, real smooth.) April: You're the lawyer, aren't you? The detective told me... He said, "Don't say nothing to that lawyer, pal!" Tee hee! Phoenix: (Memo to self: thank Detective Gumshoe for making my job harder.) April: Gee! This is all like something out of a movie! It's all so exciting I can hardly contain myself! Ooh! Let me go freshen up so I can look the part of the beautiful eyewitness! Phoenix: (I pity the lawyer that has to cross-examine this one.) April: Hey! H-h-hey!!! What are you doing!? No touching! Oooh. Bad boy! Y-you really shouldn't pry around in other people's rooms, now. You wouldn't want to make me upset, would you? Phoenix: (Upset!? I thought she was going to explode for a second there! I wonder what could be inside the drawer?) (Grossberg Law Offices) Phoenix: (Hmm... seems like Mr. Grossberg is out. Well, maybe I should just wait here for him to come back.) ???: *Ah-HHHHEM!* Phoenix: (If that wasn't the most over-the-top clearing of the throat I've ever heard!) Grossberg: Ah hah! So, you're the one they say has been looking for me? Phoenix: Uh... y-yes, that's me! (He looks even... grander than I imagined!) Grossberg: Hmm...? That badge on your collar...? Ah, so you're a lawyer, are you now? Phoenix: Y-yes, well... yes. Grossberg: And what do you want? I'm not particularly busy these days... Please, proceed! Phoenix: (Not busy...? Then how come no one could get in touch with you?) Grossberg: Hmm? Something the matter? You came to see the one-and-only Marvin Grossberg, did you not? Well, here I am, boy! What do you want? Out with it! Phoenix: Um... w-well, sir, actually it's about Maya. Maya Fey. Grossberg: ...! Ah... yes. Maya Fey. Go on. Phoenix: (Hmm? Why the strange reaction?) Grossberg: A-cha-cha. I'm really quite busy here, son. I can't go taking cases on a day's notice! No, it's quite impossible. Phoenix: W-wait a second! How did you know the trial was tomorrow!? Grossberg: Urk? Ahem! A-anyway... I'm afraid it's entirely impossible for me to represent her. Sorry. End of discussion. Phoenix: (What's going on!? He refused me before I even got a chance to ask him! What do I tell Maya...?) (Fey & Co. Law Offices) Phoenix: ... (Looks like Detective Gumshoe has gone home. The police are still keeping themselves busy in the chief's office. No one has time to talk to me. Guess I'll head out.) (Detention Center - Visitor's Room) Phoenix: Hmm... Maya's not here. She must be in questioning. They probably won't let her out for a while. Maybe I'd better go talk to that lawyer again. (Grossberg Law Offices) (Detention Center, after talking with Marvin Grossberg) September 6, 3:42 PMDetention CenterVisitor's Room Phoenix: Hiya. Maya: Oh! You're back! Did you find the lawyer? Phoenix: Um... well... (What do I tell her?) Well, see... (Just be honest!) I... I really don't think you should use that guy. He... didn't seem healthy. He was all skin and bones! Maya: ... What really happened? Phoenix: ... Maya: You don't mean... He refused to help? Phoenix: Urp. Maya: ... I see. I've been abandoned, then. (Completing "Talk" options "Your family", "Your mother", and "Your mother's enemy" leads to:) Maya: Just a little longer now before the state-appointed lawyer comes, I guess... Phoenix: ... (4:00 PM. Time's up. What should I do? Do I just leave her and go home...?) Phoenix: I've made up my mind! I'm going to defend you whether you want me to or not! Maya: ! Why? Phoenix: Why? Well... Phoenix: I won't abandon you. You can count on me. Maya: ... That's so kind of you... *sniff*... ... Phoenix: Well! Let's fight this one and get you out of here! Maya: R-right! Thank you! Phoenix: (Whew, she smiled at last. She looks like an entirely different person!) One last question... You are innocent, right? Maya: Yes! And I trust you... So you trust me, too, okay? Phoenix: It's a deal. (So, what next... There's something that's been bugging me... Just what was inside that strange woman's drawer? It was when I tried to look into the drawer that she got all defensive. There has to be something in there!) (Gatewater Hotel - Room 303) Bellboy: Good afternoon, sir! Phoenix: Excuse me, you are...? Bellboy: Ah, I beg your pardon, sir! I am the bellboy of this establishment, at your service, sir. Phoenix: Oh, right. Bellboy: I've just come up to deliver room service, sir. Phoenix: Um... do you know where Miss May might be? Bellboy: Ah. I believe our guest Miss May is currently using the, er, facilities...? If you've no need of anything, I'll be taking my leave. Please, stay as long as you like. Enjoy... Phoenix: Yeah... Wait... no! Hey! ... (Why does it seem like every time I come here, I end up embarrassing myself? Wait... now's my chance to snoop around a bit!) Bellboy: Ah, I almost forgot! Phoenix: Gah! Y-you came back quick! Bellboy: Might I ask you to inform Miss May that there is a message for her? Please tell her that Mr. White, of Bluecorp phoned. Phoenix: Oh, right. Sure. (Mr. White... of Bluecorp? Where have I heard that name?) Maya: White... That was his name. My sister told me. Phoenix: ("White" was the name of the guy who ruined Mia and Maya's mother! Could it be a coincidence?) Phoenix: There is definitely something suspicious about this "Miss May"! Why would she have something like this in her hotel room? There's a story behind all this, I know it! Alright... I'll be using this bit of evidence in tomorrow's trial, that's for sure. For Maya's sake... I'll get to this woman's bottom! Wait... I mean ... you know what I mean. April: Oh, bellboy...? Still there? Phoenix: (Uh oh, time to scram! I look forward to tangoing with you tomorrow, Miss May! In court!) To be continued. September 7, 10:00 AMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 1 Judge: The court is now in session for the trial of Ms. Maya Fey. Edgeworth: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. (Miles Edgeworth... I'd better not show any signs of weakness today, or he'll be on me in an instant.) Judge: Mr. Edgeworth. Please give the court your opening statement. Edgeworth: Thank you, Your Honor. The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, was at the scene of the crime. The prosecution has evidence she committed this murder... and we have a witness who saw her do it. The prosecution sees no reason to doubt the facts of this case, Your Honor. Judge: I see. Thank you, Mr. Edgeworth. Let's begin then. Edgeworth: You may call your first witness.* The prosecution calls the chief officer at the scene, Detective Gumshoe! Edgeworth: Witness, please state your name and profession to the court. Gumshoe: Sir! My name's Dick Gumshoe, sir! I'm the detective in charge of homicides down at the precinct, sir! Edgeworth: Detective Gumshoe. Please, describe for us the details of this murder. Gumshoe: Very well, sir! Let me use this floor map of the office to explain. The body was found by this window, here. Edgeworth: And the cause of death? Gumshoe: Loss of blood due to being struck by a blunt object, sir! The murder weapon was a statue of "The Thinker" found next to the body, sir! It was heavy enough to be a deadly weapon, even in a girl's hands, sir! Judge: The court accepts the statue as evidence. Phoenix: (They're still calling it a "statue"...) Edgeworth: Now, Detective... Gumshoe: Y-yes sir! Edgeworth: You immediately arrested Ms. Maya Fey, who was found at the scene, correct? Can you tell me why? Gumshoe: Yes sir! I had hard evidence she did it, sir! Judge: Hmm. Detective Gumshoe, Please testify to the court about this "hard evidence." Witness Testimony - - Maya Fey's Arrest - - Gumshoe: As soon as the phone call came in, I rushed to the scene!There were two people there already:The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, and the lawyer, Mr. Phoenix Wright.I immediately arrested Ms. Maya Fey!Why? We had a witness account describing her!The witness saw Ms. Maya Fey at the very moment of the murder! Judge: Hmm... The very moment, you say. Very well. Mr. Wright, you may begin your cross-examination. Phoenix: Y-yes, Your Honor. (Cross-examine what...? I couldn't see a single contradiction in that testimony...) ...whoosh... SMACK! Phoenix: (Hey! Maya just threw something at me... What's this? "When my sister couldn't find any contradictions in a witness's testimony she would bluff it and press the witness on every detail! The witness always slips up and says something wrong... It worked lots of times!" Heh... I should have expected Maya would know some of her sister's tricks! Alright. Let's give this a try!) Judge: Something the matter? Phoenix: No, Your Honor. I'd like to begin my cross-examination. Cross Examination - - Maya Fey's Arrest - - Gumshoe: As soon as the phone call came in, I rushed to the scene! Gumshoe: There were two people there already: Gumshoe: The defendant, Ms. Maya Fey, and the lawyer, Mr. Phoenix Wright. Gumshoe: I immediately arrested Ms. Maya Fey! Gumshoe: Why? We had a witness account describing her! Gumshoe: The witness saw Ms. Maya Fey at the very moment of the murder! Phoenix: (I can't see a single contradiction in there! I'll just have to take Maya's advice and press him on anything suspicious!) Phoenix: Hold on just one second! Gumshoe: Y-yeah? Phoenix: If I heard correctly... You said you arrested her because you had "hard evidence" she did it, correct? Gumshoe: Huh? Did... did I say that? Me? Phoenix: I heard you say it! Judge: You did say it. Edgeworth: You said it. Phoenix: Exactly what about this suspicious woman in pink's claim was "hard evidence"!? Gumshoe: Wh-what!? Miss May isn't suspicious, and she sure isn't pink, pal! W-well, I guess she is pink... Judge: That's enough, Detective Gumshoe. Do you have any more solid proof other than her claims, Detective? Gumshoe: Umm... Phoenix: (Hmm! I guess pressing can have its advantages!) Gumshoe: ... Yes. Phoenix: (Gah!) Gumshoe: Sorry, I got the order of things mixed up in my testimony, Your Honor Sir! There was something I should have told you about first, Your Honor! Judge: Very well, Detective. Let's hear your testimony again. Witness Testimony - - Hard Evidence - - Gumshoe: After securing the suspect, I examined the scene of the crime with my own eyes.I found a memo written on a piece of paper next to the victim's body!On it, the word "Maya" was written clearly in blood!Lab test results showed that the blood was the victim's!Also, there was blood found on the victim's finger!Before she died, the victim wrote the killer's name!How you like that? That's my "hard evidence"! Judge: Hmm... Before we begin cross-examination, I have a question for you, Detective. Gumshoe: Y-Your Honor? Judge: Why didn't you testify about this vital piece of evidence the first time!? Gumshoe: Ah... eh... I know. I'm real embarrassed I forgot about it, Your Honor Sir. Judge: Try to be more careful! Very well, the defense may begin its cross-examination. Cross Examination - - Hard Evidence - - Gumshoe: After securing the suspect, I examined the scene of the crime with my own eyes. Gumshoe: I found a memo written on a piece of paper next to the victim's body! Gumshoe: On it, the word "Maya" was written clearly in blood! Gumshoe: Lab test results showed that the blood was the victim's! Gumshoe: Also, there was blood found on the victim's finger! Gumshoe: Before she died, the victim wrote the killer's name! Phoenix: (That's his whole testimony... Okay, there has to be a contradiction in there somewhere. Let's find it!) Phoenix: Detective Gumshoe! There's one thing I want you to clarify for me here. You say that the victim, Mia Fey, wrote this note. That she was accusing the defendant, Maya Fey? That's really what you're saying? Gumshoe: Wh-what? This isn't one of those lawyer tricks, now, is it? Of course she wrote it! Who else could have!? Phoenix: You have it backwards, Detective. Gumshoe: B-backwards? Phoenix: The victim is the only person who absolutely could NOT have written it! This is a report from your department, Detective. "Immediate death due to a blow from a blunt object." She died immediately! Gumshoe: But...! Phoenix: No "but"-ing your way out of this one, Detective! Judge: Order! Order! The defense has a point. Judge: Someone who died immediately wouldn't have the time to write anything down. Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifMr. Wright. I beg your pardon, but when exactly did you obtain that autopsy report? Phoenix: Wh-when...!? Judge: The prosecution's point being...? Edgeworth: That autopsy report is outdated, Your Honor. Phoenix: Wh-what!? Edgeworth: A second autopsy was performed yesterday, at my request! "Death was almost immediate due to a blow from a blunt object... But there is a possibility the victim lived for several minutes after the blow." I received these results this morning. Phoenix: N-no way! Edgeworth: Your Honor! It's quite easy to imagine that the victim did have time to write "Maya"! That is all. Judge: I see! Phoenix: (Damn you, Edgeworth! I should have known you'd have something up your sleeve!) Edgeworth: Why, Mr. Wright, you look shocked! Something you want to say? Edgeworth: Your Honor, I submit this report to the court. Judge: U-understood. The court accepts the evidence. Edgeworth: Well, Your Honor? The evidence strongly suggests the victim was identifying the killer. Judge: I suppose that's the obvious conclusion, yes. Phoenix: (Darn! This isn't good!) Edgeworth: The prosecution would like to call its next witness. This poor, innocent girl saw the murder with her own eyes! Judge: Let the witness Miss April May take the stand. Phoenix: (Exactly what part of her is "innocent"...?) Edgeworth: Witness, your name, please. April: April May! At your service! *wink* Judge: Order! An introduction should not require any reaction from the crowd! The witness will refrain from wonton * winking! April: Aww... Yes, Your Honor. Phoenix: (This is not good... She's already captured the heart of every man in the court!) Edgeworth: Tell us, where were you on the night of September 5, when the murder occurred? April: Um... gee... I was, like, in my hotel room? Tee hee. I checked in right after lunch. Edgeworth: And this hotel is directly across from the Fey & Co. Law Offices? April: Mmm... that's right, big boy. Judge: Please testify to the court about what you saw. Witness Testimony - - Witness's Account - - April: It was, like, 9:00 at night. I looked out the window, y'know!And then, oooh! I saw a woman with long hair being attacked!The one attacking her was the mousey girl sitting in the defendant's chair!Then the woman, like, dodged to one side and ran away!But that girl, she caught up to her and... and... She hit her!Then the woman with long hair...She kinda... slumped.The end. That's all I saw. Every little bitsy witsy! *wink* Judge: Hmm... Edgeworth: Well, Your Honor? Judge: I see. It is a remarkably solid testimony. I don't see a need to trouble the witness any... Phoenix: W-wait, Your Honor! Judge: Yes, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: What about my cross-examination!? Judge: I thought the witness's testimony just now was quite... firm. Didn't you? Edgeworth: Mr. Wright... I understand you were Ms. Mia Fey's understudy, were you not? You must know her techniques well. Her cowardly way of finding tiny faults in perfectly good testimonies... Phoenix: H-hey! How dare you! Judge: Well, Mr. Wright? Will you cross-examine the witness? Judge: Very well, you may begin your cross-examination! Cross Examination - - Witness's Account - - April: It was, like, 9:00 at night. I looked out the window, y'know! April: And then, oooh! I saw a woman with long hair being attacked! April: The one attacking her was the mousey girl sitting in the defendant's chair! April: Then the woman, like, dodged to one side and ran away! April: But that girl, she caught up to her and... and... She hit her! Phoenix: (Hmm... that's it? Nothing really jumps out as a contradiction... There's got to be something in there somewhere! Maybe I'd better just press her on the facts a bit!) Phoenix: Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks! April: W-what!? Phoenix: Miss May, I'm willing to bet that... April: Urp! Judge: Mr. Wright! What's the meaning of this? April: Yes, what is the meaning! Somebody tell me because I'm clueless! About this, I mean! Phoenix: Okay... If you had really witnessed my client, Maya Fey... You would have noticed her clothes before noticing her physique! April: ...! Phoenix: No one wears clothes like this on a daily basis! Except her! And I'm no expert on fashion, but her hairdo looks far from normal to me! However, the witness's testimony mentions neither of these things! The testimony is bogus! April: But... but! Judge: Still, we don't know if she was dressed that way the night of the murder... Phoenix: She was, Your Honor! I saw her. And so did Detective Gumshoe! What do you say to that, Miss May? April: Rowr! What are you trying to say, you mean lawyer! I-I saw what I saw. I... just didn't think all the trifling little details were necessary, darling. Judge: Miss May. The court would like to remind you to please omit nothing in your testimony. April: I'm sorry, Your Honor. I'll be a good girl. I promise. *wink* Judge: Your testimony again, if you would. Phoenix: (Damn, I almost had her!) Witness Testimony - - Witness's Account - - April: I did see everything! I did!The victim--the woman--dodged the first attack and ran off to the right.Then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her...And she hit her with that weapon! I saw it! I did!That... that clock! Um... the kinda statue-y clock? "The Thinker," I think?Well? Does the accuracy of my report not startle you? Tee hee! Judge: I... see. I only wish you had been so detailed from the beginning. Please begin the cross-examination. Cross Examination - - Witness's Account - - April: I did see everything! I did! April: The victim--the woman--dodged the first attack and ran off to the right. April: Then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her... April: And she hit her with that weapon! I saw it! I did! April: That... that clock! Um... the kinda statue-y clock? "The Thinker," I think? Phoenix: (Her previous testimony must have been what Edgeworth wanted her to say... So this was the testimony in her own words...? Time to press and squeeze the truth out of her! Figuratively, of course.) Phoenix: Miss May. What you said just now was quite... revealing. April: Revealing? Oooh, you'd like that, wouldn't you. Naughty Mr. Lawyer... Phoenix: You just said that this statue of "The Thinker" was a clock. But there's no way of knowing that just by looking at it! April: Urp! Phoenix: Another person in much the same position as you recently called this a "clock," too... And he was found guilty... of murder! Judge: Order! Order! Phoenix: Miss May. Can you explain how you know this was a clock? April: Oooh... urp! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifThe witness saw the murder with her own eyes! That's all that's important here! The defense is trying to confuse the issue with trivial concerns! Judge: Yes... yes, of course. You will withdraw your question, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: File:Objection.gifBut questions are all I have, Your Honor! And as you may recall, I've caught murderers with these questions before! (Well, only once...) Judge: ... ... Objection sustained. You may continue to question the witness. Phoenix: (Whew, that was close. If he stopped me there, the trial would be over!) April: Huh? What? So... what happens now? Phoenix: What happens now is you answer my question! How did you know it was a clock? April: What...! Th-that's... ...Because... I heard it? Yes! I heard it say the time! Phoenix: So, you've been to the law offices of Fey & Co.! April: N-n-no! Hey, I didn't say that! Why would I go there! I heard from my hotel room. Hee hee! Edgeworth: The law offices of Fey & Co., where the murder took place, are very close to the hotel. She could easily have heard the clock! Judge: Hmm. Well, Mr. Wright? Are you satisfied? Phoenix: No, Your Honor! (I can't give up now!) I'm not satisfied because... Phoenix: Your Honor, members of the court... It is inconceivable that the clock in question rang! Judge: This clock is missing its clockwork! It's quite empty! Mr. Wright! Would you care to explain to the court the meaning of this? Phoenix: It is as you can see. The "clock" was empty. It couldn't have rung! Therefore, this witness... is a big, fat liar! April: F-fat!? Phoenix: Well, Miss May? Edgeworth: Tsk tsk. Phoenix: ? Edgeworth: Quite a show you've put on for us, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: (He knew the clock was empty! Somehow... he knew!) Edgeworth: I'm afraid you've forgotten one thing, however. Indeed, the clock is empty. As you say... it can't ring. However, we must ask: when was the clockwork removed? If it was after the witness heard the clock, then there is no contradiction! Judge: ! Hmm! That's true. That is a possibility. The clock might have been emptied after she heard it. Edgeworth: And that is exactly what happened, Your Honor! Judge: Well, Mr. Wright? Can you prove when the clockwork was removed? Edgeworth: Ho hoh! Impossible, of course... Phoenix: I have proof. Edgeworth: W-what!? Phoenix: Wasn't it you who told me "proof is everything"? Well, I was listening. And now I'll show you the "proof" you like so much! The evidence that proves when the clockwork was removed is... Phoenix: Take a look at this! Judge: Hmm. That's a very cute cell phone. April: Ooh hoo! You have a girlie phone! Phoenix: W-wait! Wait! This isn't my phone! Listen! This is the defendant's cell phone, and it contains a recording... A recording of a conversation she had with the victim on the day of the murder! Judge: Order! Order! Edgeworth: The defendant's cell phone!? Th-this wasn't brought to my attention! Phoenix: Perhaps Detective Gumshoe overlooked it? Edgeworth: *grumble* (The good detective better remember he's up for evaluation soon...) Phoenix: (My heart goes out to you, Edgeworth. Not.) Let's hear the conversation. Cellular: *beep* ... Maya: [So you just want me to hold on to "The Thinker" for you, then?] Mia: [If you could. Ah... I should probably tell you, the clock isn't talking right now.] Maya: [Huh? It's not working? That's lame!] Mia: [I had to take the clockwork out, sorry.] Cellular: *beep* Phoenix: Your Honor, I think this recording makes it clear that the clockwork was already gone... and this was recorded in the morning, before the witness even arrived at her hotel! April: Muh... muh... muh!? Phoenix: Well, Miss May? Would you care to explain this to the court? Just how did you know that weapon was a clock!? April: ... W-well...! Well, isn't it o-obvious? I saw that clock before! Um... what store was that again? I-I go to so many! Oops! I forgot! *wink* Judge: So the witness had seen it before. That would make sense. Does the defense have any objections, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: The witness claims she had "seen it before." But this directly contradicts a piece of evidence already submitted to this court! Judge: Well then, let's see it. Please produce this evidence that will prove the witness had not seen the clock before. Phoenix: It's simple. This clock was never in any store, ever! April: W-whaaat!? Phoenix: A friend of mine made that clock. Only two exist in the world. And the one that isn't here is in police custody! April: I-impossible! Everything is sold in stores! Phoenix: Miss May, I think it's high time you went shopping for a better excuse...? April: Mmpf... Phoenix: Oh? Excuses not on sale today? April: Oooh? Oh ho ho. Mmmrrrrph! Ooooorrrrrrr ggggghhhhhhh... hhh!!! What's it to you, porcupine-head!? That stupid clock doesn't matter, okay!? She did it! And she should die for it! Die! Judge: W-w-whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. T-this is a court of law, and the witness will remain calm! April: Hrrrgh... hrrrh... Hrrr... heh. Oh? Oh! Oh? Oh hoh ho! S-silly me! *grunt* Did I, um, like... lose it? I guess I did. Tee hee! *wink* Phoenix: (S-scary...) Judge: Miss May, let me ask. Tell me, how did you know the weapon was a clock? April: ... Judge: Hmm... oh dear. Does the defense have an opinion on this... behavior? Phoenix: (Okay, this is it!) Yes, Your Honor. Allow me to explain how I see the truth of the matter. Miss April May, you knew the weapon was a clock because... Phoenix: Miss April May! You used a wiretap to listen to this conversation! That's how you knew "The Thinker" was a clock! Am I wrong!? April: I... I... Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifYour Honor, this is ridiculous! Phoenix: Your Honor, look at the witness's face? Does she seem amused to you!? The defense demands an answer. April: La... laaa... lrrrrgf! Judge: Witness, answer the question. Did you tap her phone? April: ... Judge: Miss May! April: Shut up, all of you! What gives you the right to talk to ME like that! You... you LAWYER! ...... April: I-it's no fair! All of you g-ganging up on me like that... Oh, so I'm the bad girl, is that it? Is that it!? Uh... uh... uwaaaaaaah! Phoenix: (That did it! The court's seen the real Miss April May now! Now to deal the final blow!) Phoenix: You can't be serious! No way! April: Way, I say! Way! Oh, and I assure you I'm serious, Mr. Lawyer! Hmph! Okay? So, the killing happened around 9:00 at night? Why, that's just when I was getting room service from that sweet bellboy... Phoenix: R-room service!? April: Ice coffee, I believe it was? Ice coffee? You know? Like normal coffee, but COLD. If you don't drink it quick, the ice melts and then you have... regular cold coffee. Phoenix: I-ice coffee...!? April: Think I'm making this up? Ask the bellboy! *wink* Edgeworth: Ergo, the witness was not on the scene at the time of the murder! Phoenix: ! Judge: So, where does that leave us...? Edgeworth: It is my great displeasure to inform you... That the witness appears to have been tapping the victim's telephone. However! That is a separate crime, with no bearing on the current case whatsoever! Her testimony stands! She saw the defendant, Maya Fey, commit murder! Phoenix: (No! They're going to let her just walk away! There's no way I can win this unless I tie Miss May to the murder somehow...) Judge: Well, does the defense have anything to say? Phoenix: Um, well... (Come on, think of something!) Judge: Very well! The court calls the hotel bellboy to the stand! Edgeworth: I believe we're ready for the witness to testify. He certainly does look like a bellboy. Bellboy: Yes, sir. I received your summons in the middle of work, sir. I'm happy to be of service. Judge: That tea set looks rather heavy, so without further ado, the witness may begin his testimony. Bellboy: Very good, sir! Witness Testimony - - Miss May's Room Service - - Bellboy: I am the head bellboy at the fine Gatewater Hotel, in business for four generations!I believe I received a call after 8:00 in the evening from our guest, Miss May.She asked for an ice coffee to be brought to her at 9:00, on the dot, sir.I brought it to her at precisely the requested time, of course.And I delivered the ice coffee to our guest Miss May, herself. Judge: I see. The defense may begin its cross-examination. Phoenix: R-right! I'm ready. (I hope... This is it... If I can't prove Miss May was involved with the murder now... Maya will be finished!) Cross Examination - - Miss May's Room Service - - Bellboy: I am the head bellboy at the fine Gatewater Hotel, in business for four generations! Bellboy: I believe I received a call after 8:00 in the evening from our guest, Miss May. Bellboy: She asked for an ice coffee to be brought to her at 9:00, on the dot, sir. Bellboy: I brought it to her at precisely the requested time, of course. Bellboy: And I delivered the ice coffee to our guest Miss May, herself. Phoenix: (This bellboy wouldn't have any reason to lie... But I have to find something to use in his testimony! One more time. I'll press him until he spills the beans... or his tea!) (Pressing fourth and fifth statements leads to:) Phoenix: ... It's no good! (There's nothing there! Is... is that it!?) Edgeworth: Tsk tsk. Finally, you understand. This bellboy has absolutely no reason to lie! Now... If you have any decency, you will end this rather tedious cross-examination here! Judge: Hmm. It was a bit tedious. The witness may leave the stand. Phoenix: (I can't let this happen... can I?) Phoenix: W-wait! Please wait! Judge: Yes? Does the defense have something to add? Phoenix: One last question... let me ask one last question! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifYour Honor, I must object. This charade of justice has gone on long enough! Judge: Now, now, Mr. Edgeworth. Alright Mr. Wright. I'll give you one more question, that's all. Phoenix: (Okay. This is really it, now. This is my last chance! What do I ask him about...!?) Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifI object! That was... objectionable! Judge: ... Objection overruled. The witness will answer the question. Bellboy: Er... yes, I see. Phoenix: Why did you not mention this in your testimony!? Bellboy: W-well, sir, you er... you didn't ask! Phoenix: (Nice try!) That's the sort of thing you're normally supposed to mention! Bellboy: Ah, yes, quite. Indeed... It was the, er, good barrister there, Mr. Edgeworth, who... Phoenix: ! Bellboy: He asked me not to mention it if I wasn't specifically asked, sir. Edgeworth: Oof! Y-you fool! Phoenix: I've done it... I've won! Phoenix: Miss April May checked into a twin room... with a man. Correct? Bellboy: Yes, sir. Phoenix: Then, when you brought them room service, you didn't see that man in the room...? Bellboy: That's right, sir. Judge: Hmm... Phoenix: Your Honor! We have just learned of another person involved who may have been the murderer! In this new light, I hold that it's impossible to judge the defendant. You agree, Mr. Edgeworth? Edgeworth: Who! Who is this "other person"! Phoenix: Simple, it was... Phoenix: The man who checked in with Miss May! Edgeworth: Oof! Phoenix: Your Honor! As has been previously revealed, Miss April May was tapping the victim's phone. Yet Miss May herself has an alibi at the time of the murder. However, that does not clear the man that was with her! The bellboy saw no one else in the room at the time of the murder!!! Edgeworth: M-my, what a convenient little setup... but it's too late... Phoenix: "Too late"? I suppose you'd like it if it was too late, wouldn't you... After all, it was you who hid the presence of the other man from this court! Edgeworth: Oof! Upstart... amateur...! T-these accusations are... ludicrous! Judge: Enough! The court acknowledges the defense's argument. I expect the prosecution and defense to look into this matter fully! Am I understood? Edgeworth: Yes... *gasp* Yes, Your Honor. Judge: That is all today for the trial of Maya Fey. Court is adjourned! September 7, 2:24 PMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 1 Maya: Mr. Wright! You were amazing in there! Phoenix: R-really? Maya: I think I might be your newest fan! Phoenix: Oh, I was just "doing my job" you know... heh heh. Maya: Then again, that other attorney was pretty cool, too... Phoenix: Huh? Maya: That face of his! With his eyes wide, and trembling lips! It sent shivers up my spine! Phoenix: Hmm... if you say so. Maya: So, what happens with me? Do I get to go home now? Phoenix: Well, no. I don't think so. Not yet. Maya: Oh... I see. Phoenix: But I got a great lead in today's trial! Maya: A "lead"? Phoenix: That man with Miss May! He's the key! Maya: Oh! I get it. What happened to Miss May after that, anyway? Phoenix: I heard they arrested her. I guess she's learning her charms won't work everywhere. She's probably at the detention center now. I may have to go down there later. Anyway. This case is far from closed. Maya: Yes sir! Phoenix: I'm going to find out more about this man. Maya: Do you think he was the one who...? Phoenix: Maybe so. Maya: Sis... Phoenix: Don't worry, I'll find him by tomorrow. I promise. Maya: I'm counting on you! Phoenix: I asked for a full record of April May's testimony. I thought it might come in handy during the trial tomorrow. But now that I have it, I'm not so sure. Most of her testimony was all lies... In fact, there's only one part that got left on the record. Phoenix: I don't know how much good this will do me at all, now. Anyway, time to hit the pavement and do some investigating! Maya doesn't belong in that detention center, and it's up to me to get her free! To be continued. September 7, 3:11 PMDetention CenterVisitor's Room April: Well hello! I didn't expect anyone to visit me in such a dank place as this... It's really quite... moving. Not! You stinking lawyer! I hope you die! Have you come to laugh? Yes, laugh at the fallen Miss May! Phoenix: No, not really, there's something I wanted to ask. April: Unfortunately, there is nothing I want to BE asked. Haven't you done enough questioning, you...! Spiky-head! Phoenix: (Here we go again...) Please, you're scaring the security guard. April: ... So? What is it you wish to ask of me, then? Hmm? Phoenix: (For starters, how did you get to be so totally whacked!?) September 7Fey & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: Looks like forensics is taking the day off today. Detective Gumshoe's nowhere in sight. The police really gave this place a working over. I doubt there are any valuable clues left. Suppose it can't hurt to take a look around, though. September 7Grossberg Law Offices Phoenix: (Huh. Looks like Grossberg is out today... again. Maybe he's avoiding me for some reason?) (Detention Center - Visitor's Room) April: YOU AGAIN!? Can't you take a hint and stay gone? Phoenix: Hey, the only reason I'm back here is because YOU won't talk to me! April: Oh, so it's MY fault now? You don't just have spiky hair, you also have a spiky heart. Phoenix: (That does it. When this case is done I'm shaving my head.) September 7Gatewater HotelRoom 303 Bellboy: Ah, welcome, sir! Quite the performance today, if I dare say so myself. Phoenix: Oh, um, thanks. Sorry for putting you on the spot like that. Bellboy: No, no, not at all, sir! Your efforts today can only help the Gatewater's "rep," as they say. Phoenix: Huh? "Rep"? Bellboy: Yes! Our reputation will swell as the hotel where the murderer used a wiretap! We can charge a premium for the room, of course. It will be great for business, sir! Phoenix: Whoa, whoa! Miss May hasn't been charged with murder. Bellboy: I, too, will become famous! "The Bellboy who brought the murderer ice coffee"...! Phoenix: (Why do I feel like we're both stuck in the same bad dream...) Bellboy: So! You are our honored guest. Please let me know if there is anything I can bring you! (Grossberg Law Offices) Phoenix: (*sigh* He's out again? Huh? No more photos on the desk...) (Detention Center - Visitor's Room) (Gatewater Hotel - Room 303) Phoenix: Hmm. The bellboy seems to be out. Huh? The sound of water coming from the shower... Bellboy: "La-dee-da! Money-Makin'... Money-Makin'... I got the Money-Makin' bluuuues..." Phoenix: Someone seems to enjoy washing the showers. (Grossberg Law Offices) Phoenix: (Alright, this is getting ridiculous. Where the heck is that loafer?) Grossberg: *Ah-HHHHEM!* Phoenix: (Ah, that old familiar clearing of the throat...) Grossberg: Ah hah! You again. Phoenix: Um, hello, Mr. Grossberg. Grossberg: ... Well, well. You were quite the thing, my boy. Phoenix: Excuse me...? Grossberg: The trial! The trial! Phoenix: (He was there...?) Grossberg: Reminded me of myself when I was a youth! Phoenix: (I guess something got passed down through Mia... maybe?) Grossberg: It brings back memories, it does! "Ah... the days of my youth... like the scent of fresh lemon..." you see. ... I apologize. Phoenix: ? Grossberg: I... It was all a bit too much for me, my boy. Seeing you today, I... well, I... ... Phoenix: (I appreciate the reminiscing, but I'd much rather you gave me some information!) September 7Bluecorp Inc.CEO's Office Phoenix: ... (What's with the surreal décor...?) ???: Welcome! Please furnish me with the title of your personage! Phoenix: (What the...?) White: Your name! What's your name? I was just inquirably asking the title that you go by. Phoenix: Uh... Wright. Phoenix Wright. ("Inquirably"...?) White: Mr. Wright, is it? Right, I see... Splendiferous. Perhaps I have intimidated you with my giantesque vocabulary...? Phoenix: (What is this guy's problem!) White: I'm Redd White, CEO of Bluecorp. You know, Corporate Expansion Official? My business dealings bring me into contact with the elite of the elite. So I'm afraid I am not used to conversing with the wordily-challenged. Phoenix: (What a fruitcake!) White: Hmmm, let me guess... You are an attorney fresh out of law school, are you not? That's the only explanation for why you would come to meet me like this! Phoenix: (What does he mean by that?) White: No matter. So, what business does a "mighty" lawyer have with a man such as myself? Phoenix: (Yipes! This guy's arrogance meter is off the scale!) White: ... Mr. Wrong, was it? Phoenix: Wright. White: It appears you do not fully grasp your position here. I ask again. Who are you? Phoenix: Umm... huh? A lawyer? White: No, my feeble friend. A "mere" lawyer. Worth nothing. Zilch. Zippo. Nada! Just like that sorry excuse for an attorney, Grodyburger! Phoenix: (Wh-what!?) Ungh! Oof...! Unh... uhhh... (He... he punched me!) White: Well, Mr. Lawyer. What will you do, eh? Charge me with assault? Charge away, I welcome it! For it is YOU who will be found guilty! Phoenix: What...? White: Heed my exposition! The police, the courts, they all do my bidding. Phoenix: (So you say... But I wonder... Is that kind of control really possible?) White: I don't expect you to understand. It is a world beyond your compensation. ... You came here from Grodyburger's, I presume? Phoenix: Mr. Grossberg's... yes. White: Then you must ask him: Why is it that this painting of his hangs here? Perhaps then he will tell you? Perhaps he will explain how a man can live life purely for personal profit! ... Go now! Skedaddle! There is nothing more to discuss! (Detention Center - Visitor's Room) Phoenix: Apparently, Miss May is in questioning. I doubt they'll let me talk to her today. (Grossberg Law Offices) Grossberg: ... ... ... Phoenix: (Huh? I don't think he's noticed me standing here. Maybe I should... clear my throat?) Aaa-HHHEM! Grossberg: Jumping Jehosephats! Oh! You! Phoenix: What's wrong? You looked so pensive... like an old man at the end of his days. Grossberg: Hmm? I'm not senile yet! I was just thinking about this whole mess... Phoenix: (Something's really bothering him, that much is clear.) Grossberg: Redd White is a man who makes his living through intimidation. Bluecorp is a company that excels in finding people's weaknesses, I'm afraid. I've been paying them for 15 years now... Phoenix: (15 years...!) Grossberg: All because of the "DL-6 Incident," as you may have guessed. Phoenix: (The name on the back of those photographs!) Grossberg: As you suspected, I could not stand in defense of Maya because of this. White would have destroyed me if I did. Phoenix: (So that's the connection!) Grossberg: It is hard for me to tell you this, my boy. But arresting Redd White will be nigh on impossible. Phoenix: Impossible? Why!? Grossberg: He has information on everyone. It gives him an iron grip! He owns judges, attorneys, prosecutors, police... and politicians. Phoenix: What!? Grossberg: They are bound, unable to do harm to themselves, and therefore, to him. Don't look at me like that. What you see is nothing more than the weight of many years. (Fey & Co. Law Offices) Phoenix: It's funny, looking at this room, it seems... so normal. Hard to imagine a murder took place here. Mr. Grossberg said there would be clues... Maybe I should have another look. (Grossberg Law Offices) (Bluecorp Inc. - CEO's Office) White: Well, aren't you persistent. Phoenix: Sorry, but there's something I have to ask you. White: Mr. Lawyer, I really hate having to repeat myself... But it seems the message has not yet penetrated your thick skull... Stop bothering me! If you try my patience further, I fear a nasty accident may occur. Do I make myself clear? Phoenix: (Transparent...) Phoenix: You were blackmailing him! White: Blackmail? Phoenix: Not just him, either. You were threatening and coercing hundreds of others! You were involved in all of the suicide cases that Mia investigated! This company is built on blackmail! I'm right, aren't I? White: What a bizarre accusation. Mr. Wrong... What is it that you should be doing now? Investigating me? No no no. I think not! You should be searching for the one who killed Miss Mia! Interphone: *beep* [Secretary's Office, hello?] White: Mr. Wrong will be leaving now. Interphone: [Yes, sir. I'll send someone right away.] Phoenix: Wait a second, Mr. White... White: Just what are you insinuating? Phoenix: Mia was on to you. She was keeping tabs. For this reason you had April May tapping her phone. Then, Mia was murdered, and all the documents about you mysteriously disappeared. So, the culprit would be...? White: ... Phoenix: Even a child could work it out, Mr. White. You did it! White: ... Interphone: *beep* [Secretary's office.] White: We won't be needing an escort for Mr. Wrong. Instead, please connect me to the public prosecutor's office. Interphone [Of course, sir. One moment please...] ... [White? That you? What are you doing calling me at a time like this!?] White: Hello. Chief Prosecutor? I've changed my mind. I want to testify tomorrow. Interphone: [What's this about?] White: The Mia Fey case. I witnessed the murder, you see. And, thus, as a very important witness, I would like to testify. Interphone: [What? Why now? I thought you said you didn't want to go to court?] White: Quietude...! I told you I changed my mind, didn't I? Oh, and one other thing. Send the police over here right away. The man is standing right in front of me. He looks dazed but could be violent! Interphone: [What? What man?] White: Are you even listening? The executioner! The hatchet-man! The liquidator... The killer, man! Phoenix: What!? Interphone: [Mr. White... this isn't another one of those...] White: Chief Prosecutor. I do not believe you are in a position to freely offer your opinions to me, correct? I'm telling you to send the police, now! Interphone: *beep* White: ... Did I not tell you, Mr. Wrong? You are a mere lawyer! As was Miss Mia. Phoenix: How dare you! White: I'll point the finger at you, and you will be tried as Miss Mia's killer! The case is as good as settled. No lawyer of any worth will defend you. I have friends in the local lawyer's association, you see. You'll be given a lawyer so stupendously inept that they make even you look competent. Phoenix: (I... I feel faint.) Gumshoe: Detective Gumshoe, reporting, sir! Aaa! Butz! Hairy Butz! Phoenix: Wright, actually. Phoenix Wright. And my friend's name is "Larry"... Gumshoe: Oh, right! Sorry, pal. Butz was that murderer, right? White: Detective Gumshoe. I present to you, the man who killed Miss Mia Fey! Gumshoe: W-what!? White: Take this despicable human being into custody. ... Farewell, Mr. Wrong! September 8, 3:37 PMDetention CenterVisitor's Room Phoenix: I can't believe it's only been a day since the first trial. My trial begins tomorrow. White's going to set a trap for me. And the prosecution will be in on it, of course. Edgeworth, included. An attorney was assigned to me by the state, yesterday. I refused. I had an idea. Maya: ... Wright! Mr. Wright! Phoenix: Oh, Maya! Great, they let you out of detention. Maya: Just now, yes. It's all thanks to you! Phoenix: Hah. Now I'm afraid we've switched places. Maya: What? You mean, you...? Phoenix: I explained what had happened to Maya. ... Maya: I don't believe it! How many people does that man need to destroy before he's satisfied!? My mother... My sister... And now you! This has gone too far! Mr. Wright, please tell me, is there anything I can do? Phoenix: Um... well... Phoenix: ... W-wait. Wait wait wait. Maya: What what what? Phoenix: I'm kidding! It was a joke! Maya: No way! Phoenix: No really, I was kidding. But thanks. It's good to know you're on my side. (And there really isn't anything you can do for me anyway...) Maya: But... but I can't just sit here and do nothing! I've got to give that man a piece of my mind! Phoenix: (Just a piece...?) Okay. Then, come to the court tomorrow. Maya: O-okay! I'll be there! I'll show them a thing or two! Phoenix: It's the beginning of a new century, yet with crime it's the same old story. In fact, it's gotten worse. Lengthy court proceedings are no longer realistic. Beginning a few years ago, a limit of three days was put on initial court trials. Almost all finish in a day. Most with a guilty verdict. I never thought I would end up in the defendant's chair myself. Tomorrow the true culprit will appear as a witness. This is it! It's me or him! To be continued. September 9, 9:52 AMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 1 Maya: Well... I guess this is it! Phoenix: Yeah. One way or another, this case gets decided today. Maya: Aaa! Ph-Phoenix! Look! Phoenix: (...! Prosecutor... Edgeworth.) Edgeworth: I received a call from the public prosecutor's office yesterday. Phoenix: ? Edgeworth: He told me that whatever Mr. White says today, it will be the "absolute truth." No matter how you try to attack his testimony... If I raise an objection, I have it on good faith that the judge will listen to me. Phoenix: (What, does White have the judge in his pocket, too!?) So... you're saying I'm going to be guilty. End of story? Edgeworth: ... I will do anything to get my verdict, Mr. Wright. Anything. Maya: Why... Why!? How can you torment an innocent person like this!? Edgeworth: "Innocent"...? How can we know that? The guilty will always lie, to avoid being found out. There's no way to tell who is guilty and who is innocent! All that I can hope to do is get every defendant declared "guilty"! So I make that my policy. Phoenix: Edgeworth... You've changed. Maya: Hmm? Phoenix! You know him!? Edgeworth: Don't expect any special treatment, Phoenix Wright. Maya: Ph-Phoenix...? Phoenix: Well... court will be opening for session soon. Maya: What? But wait! Your defense attorney isn't even here yet! He's not... Phoenix: I'll be defending myself. Maya: Whaaaat!? Phoenix: Okay, let's do this. September 9, 10:00 AMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 1 Judge: The court is now in session for the trial of Mr. Phoenix Wright. Edgeworth: The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. Judge: Mr. Wright... Are you sure you're up to doing this? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. I will be defending myself. Judge: Understood. Very well. Mr. Edgeworth, your opening statement, please. Edgeworth: As the details of the event are already quite clear to the court, today we will hear the testimony of another witness to the defendant's crime. Judge: I see. The prosecution may call its witness. Phoenix: (That went far too smoothly! Why didn't the judge ask Edgeworth why his witness didn't testify before!? It's like... it's like he already knows why! Hmm. If anyone's going to raise an objection about this, I suppose it's me...) Edgeworth: I would like to call Mr. Redd White to the stand! Edgeworth: Please state your full name. White: You wish to know the title of my personage? Edgeworth: Er... your name? White: Yes! That is what I said! Oh dear, do my locutions confuse? Edgeworth: Name! Phoenix: (These two are great together...) White: My name is Redd White. But my friends call me Blanco Nino. I am the CEO, or to use a more common term, the President, of Bluecorp. Edgeworth: Did you know the victim, Ms. Mia Fey? White: That would be a negatory! No, I did not. Edgeworth: ... You were at the Gatewater Hotel the night of the murder? White: Correct. Edgeworth: And you witnessed the murder from there? White: Ahem. Why tell you what you already know? Judge: Very well, Mr. White. You may begin your testimony. Phoenix: (If I can't rip this guy's testimony apart, I'm done for. Why do I always feel like it's the end of the world and I'm the last man standing?) White: Ho hoh hoh. I hope you have made your peace with God, Mr. Lawyer! Phoenix: ...! Maya: Let him have it, Phoenix! Witness Testimony - - Witness's Account - - White: Let's see, it was about 9:00, I believe.I was quietly perusifying... er, that's "reading" to you, some papers by the window.Then I heard a bedlam coming from outside!Surprised, I turned to look at the building across the way.It was then I saw him: a spiky-haired man attacking a woman with long hair!Needless to say that man was none other than you, Mr. Lawyer!I called Miss May over at once. She, too, was flabbergasted of course.The victim, she... she ran away, but you gave chase!Finally there was a terrible impaction! Then it was all over... Judge: Hmm... If things occurred as you testify, then I'm afraid the defendant is guilty. Very well, defendant... er, I mean, Mr. Wright. Your cross-examination... Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. Cross Examination - - Witness's Account - - White: Let's see, it was about 9:00, I believe. White: I was quietly perusifying... er, that's "reading" to you, some papers by the window. White: Then I heard a bedlam coming from outside! White: Surprised, I turned to look at the building across the way. White: It was then I saw him: a spiky-haired man attacking a woman with long hair! White: Needless to say that man was none other than you, Mr. Lawyer! White: I called Miss May over at once. She, too, was surprised of course. White: The victim, she... she ran away, but you gave chase! White: The victim ran to the left, and you gave chase! White: Finally there was a terrible impaction! Then it was all over... Phoenix: (Did Edgeworth "prep" this guy, too, I wonder? Anyway, I'd better find a weakness in there...) Phoenix: Wait right there! Mr. White, you've dug your own grave! White: What is this!? Phoenix: You said the victim ran to the "left." But that directly contradicts Miss May's testimony! She clearly stated that the victim ran "right"! White: ...! Oh hoh hoh. It is simple. You have misheard her. Phoenix: I think not. Look at the floor plans... The killer was here. And the victim, here. If the victim ran to the left, as you claim she did... She would have been running directly away from the door! She would have been running into a dead end! Don't you find that odd? White: ! Very strange... I did see her run to the left... I did. Maya: Phoenix... look at his face. I don't think he's lying about this one. Phoenix: True. (Maybe he really did see the victim run left...? So he did witness the killing...? Wait a second!) Judge: Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor? Judge: Miss May says "right," and Mr. White says "left." Can you explain this contradiction to the court? Phoenix: Obviously, the witness was not viewing the crime from the hotel! Judge: Mr. Wright! What do you mean? Edgeworth: Yes, what do you mean, he was not "viewing the crime from the hotel"!? If he was not in the hotel, where could he have been!? Phoenix: In the law offices of Fey & Co., of course! More specifically, he was standing here! (Show the court where Mr. White was standing!) Phoenix: This is where he was! Look! When the victim ran for the door... If he was watching from this point, to him it would appear that she ran to the "left." Edgeworth: Please! This is no time for jokes in ill taste! That is where the killer was standing! Judge: Order! I will have order! Anyone disturbing the order of this courtroom will be held in contempt! Mr. Wright! What are you suggesting!? White: R-r-rapscallion!!! Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifThe postulations of the defense are a distortion of the truth, Your Honor! Judge: Indeed. They do seem a bit far-fetched... White: ... Ho hoh hoh! You provide us with so much entertainment, Mr. Lawyer! Phoenix: (What now!? He's... laughing!?) White: The hilarity of the moment made me remember something... It appears I have been unclear, and for this, I apologize. Mr. Your Honor... Might I be allowed to testify once more? Judge: Very well, let's hear your revised testimony. Phoenix: (Good luck. You can't fix a broken testimony, buddy!) Witness Testimony - - She Ran to the "Left" - - White: Miss May's testimony was correct... as was mine!When you assaulted the girl, she first ran to the left.And then you hit her, savagely! That is what I saw.Next, with the last of her strength, she ran to the right.You chased her, and delivered the final blow.That is what Miss May saw.You see? You hit her twice!Don't you remember, Mr. Lawyer? Judge: Hmm... That does seem to make sense. Will you be cross-examining the witness's testimony? Phoenix: You bet I will! I mean, yes, Your Honor. Cross Examination - - She Ran to the "Left" - - White: Miss May's testimony was correct... as was mine! White: When you assaulted the girl, she first ran to the left. White: And then you hit her, savagely! That is what I saw. White: Next, with the last of her strength, she ran to the right. White: You chased her, and delivered the final blow. White: That is what Miss May saw. White: You see? You hit her twice! Maya: What do you think Phoenix? Phoenix: I think we've got him right where we want him! He slipped! Let him laugh for now. I'll soon wipe that smile off his face! Phoenix: Mr. White! The victim died from a "single" blow! White: ...! Phoenix: What do you have to say to that? White: Er... Erp! Phoenix: (Now's my chance to hit him where it counts!) Mr. White. Wasn't it you who told this court you were "abso-posi-lutely perfect"? White: Mmph. I will refrain from using this phrase from now on. Phoenix: Your Honor, if you could ask the witness for a new testimony... Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifThe witness is obviously confused, Your Honor! I would like to request a 10 minute break! Judge: Yes... yes, quite. Phoenix: File:Objection.gifThe witness is confused because he's lying! I emphatically request that there be no break, Your Honor! (Yeah! We want justice...!) (Don't let him get away!) Judge: Very well. If the witness would care to revise his testimony... Phoenix: (The crowd's on my side! No slipping out of this now, White!) Judge: Mr. White? White: O... okay... Witness Testimony - - The Two Accounts - - White: Umm, well, see--I looked at the other window when I heard that thing fall.Then, the next moment, I saw Miss Mia run to the left!The killer, you, attacked her... but she dodged.Umm... and then...She turned, and ran for the door!Then you did her in with a single blow! Thwap! Judge: Hmm. "Thwap" indeed. Very well, you may begin the cross-examination. White: Mr. Your Honor... My stomach, you see, it is hurting... Phoenix: Deal with it. This is almost over. White: ...! Cross Examination - - The Two Accounts - - White: Umm, well, see--I looked at the other window when I heard that thing fall. White: A light stand was lying on the floor when I looked. White: Then, the next moment, I saw Miss Mia run to the left! White: The killer, you, attacked her... but she dodged. White: She turned, and ran for the door! White: Then you did her in with a single blow! Thwap! Maya: Phoenix! He's getting a lot less talkative. Phoenix: He's probably afraid I'll catch him on something! (But it won't be easy!) Phoenix: Look at this! Judge: These are the floor plans to the scene of the murder, yes? Phoenix: Correct, Your Honor. Now, look... If you were to look through the window at the office... This is the area you would be able to see! Here! Well...? Note that the stand is not within the visible area! Well, Mr. White! What do you have to say to that!? White: Er... erp! Ri... dicu... losity... Phoenix: Mr. White. If you were in the Gatewater hotel as you claim, you could not have seen the stand before it fell over! In fact, you wouldn't have been able to see it after it fell, either! There's no way you could have recognized the broken shards as a glass light stand! So, when did you see the stand, Mr. White? It must have been the moment that it fell! And the only place you could have seen that from... is inside the Fey Law Offices! In other words, you were at the scene of the crime, when the murder took place! White: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Judge: Mr... White? White: ... Phoenix: Mr. White. White: ... Phoenix: You did it, didn't you? White: ... Mr. Your Honor. I... I... Miss Mia... ... Phoenix: (Heh. Looks like we're about to get our verdict!) Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifThat's far enough, Phoenix Wright! Phoenix: W-what!? (Urk! I forgot about Edgeworth!) Edgeworth: Mr. White... White: ... Edgeworth: I think the time has come. Shouldn't you confess your crime now, hmm? White: W... what? Edgeworth: I said, you should confess your crime. Ergo, confess that you placed the wiretap! Phoenix: The w-wiretap!? Judge: Order! Order! Mr. Edgeworth! Explain to the court what you mean by this! Edgeworth: Distinguished members of of the court... Mr. White is slightly confused. Allow me to explain. Phoenix: (I really don't like the way this is headed...) Edgeworth: As you know, Mr. White is the CEO of Bluecorp. He ordered his secretary, Miss April May, to tap the law offices of Ms. Fey. Judge: What does that have to do...? Edgeworth: Your Honor. The question is: when was the wiretap placed in the office, and by who? Phoenix: No! You wouldn't! Edgeworth: Mr. White. In order to place the wiretap, you entered Ms. Fey's office. Am I correct...? White: ... ! C-correct! You are most correct, Miles! Phoenix: Give me a break! White: Yes... in order to place the wiretap, I breached the Fey & Co. Law Offices! That is when I saw that accursed light stand! Judge: Now I'm confused. Please explain to the court what all this means, Mr. Edgeworth! Edgeworth: Gladly, Your Honor. Mr. Phoenix Wright has made his position quite clear. He has determined that Mr. White knew the glass stand was in the office. He has shown that there was only one time Mr. White could have seen the stand: At the very moment of the murder! Thus, Mr. Wright would like you to believe that Mr. White was the murderer! Judge: I see. Edgeworth: However! It is a fact that Mr. White had been to that office well before the murder took place! He went to place the wiretap! He could have seen the glass light stand then. Ergo, Mr. Phoenix Wright's theory is revealed for the baseless conjecture it is! Judge: Mr. White! You will testify to the court about this wiretap! White: Ahem. Leave it to me! Phoenix: (I... I feel faint.) Witness Testimony - - The Wiretapping - - White: It was the beginning of September... the week before the murder.I had entered the Fey & Co. Law Offices.Of course, I had done so to place the wiretap.That is when I saw this glass light stand. Judge: Hmm... So, you saw the stand before the night of the incident... And this is how you were able to identify what had fallen over. By the sound? White: Correct! That is right. Judge: I see. Very well, Mr. Wright, you may cross-examine. Phoenix: (Gah! What am I supposed to do now...!?) Maya: Good luck, Phoenix... Cross Examination - - The Wiretapping - - White: It was the beginning of September... the week before the murder. White: I had entered the Fey & Co. Law Offices. White: Of course, I had done so to place the wiretap. White: That is when I saw this glass light stand. Phoenix: (Dammit! There's nothing there for me to press him on! Oh well... maybe he's rattled enough that I can bluff something out of him!) Phoenix: (Uh oh! Don't tell me I've run out of ammo!) Edgeworth: Tsk tsk. I'm afraid that's as far as you go, Mr. Wright. The time has come for you to admit your defeat! You fought... honorably. Phoenix: (No more... I can't take this anymore...) Judge: Mr. Wright? Are you giving up? Phoenix: ... Y-yes, Your Honor. ???: (Phoenix!) Phoenix: ...? ???: (Phoenix! Over here!) Phoenix: (I know that voice! ... M-Mia!?) Mia: Never give up, Phoenix! Phoenix: ...!!!! M-M-Mia...! (District Court - Defendant Lobby No. 1) Phoenix: Where... Where am I? The waiting lobby...? What happened? ... Oh, right... I lost the trial. I was... hallucinating. ... Mia: Ah, you're finally awake. Phoenix: Gak! Mia: H-hey! Phoenix! ... "Gak"? That's no way to greet an old friend! Phoenix, I want you to look at me. Phoenix: Y-You're... M-Maya...? Mia: Didn't you know the Fey women have strong psychic powers...? When you accepted your defeat in court... It appears that was enough of a shock to awaken Maya's true powers. Phoenix: So... Maya is channeling you, Mia? Mia: That's right. I am Maya, but I'm also Mia. Now, I want you to listen to me, Phoenix. Maya never gave up. You can't either! That's what I came here to tell you. Phoenix: ...! B-but! Mia: We don't have much time, Phoenix. Now listen. You've already won. Phoenix: Huh...? Mia: You have that Receipt in the court record, right? Phoenix: Um... oh, yeah! The one you wrote "Maya" on...? Mia: Phoenix! White wrote that, not me! Phoenix: So... so what do I do with it? Mia: Look at the front of the receipt! Phoenix: The... front? (It's a regular receipt... Looks like it's from a famous department store. "$1,000.00"... wow, big spender! "Item"... "glass light stand"...! "Date of purchase"... "September 4"...) ...! September 4! Mia: That's right, Phoenix. I bought that stand the day before I was killed! Phoenix: Whoa! Mia: Now, what did Mr. White say in his testimony? White: It was the beginning of September... the week before the murder. Phoenix: He said he saw the stand the week before the murder! Mia: There you go! I think the court is about to reconvene! Go do it, Phoenix! You know you're innocent, now you just have to prove it! Phoenix: Right! September 9, 1:16 PMDistrict CourtCourtroom No. 1 Judge: The court will now reconvene for the trial of Mr. Phoenix Wright. Is the defendant... rather, are you alright, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes. Sorry, Your Honor. I'm fine now. Judge: Then, let's start where we left off. Edgeworth: Your Honor. There is nothing to go back to! The cross-examination of Mr. White is finished! All that is required now is for you to pass judgment on the defendant Phoenix Wright! Judge: Hmm... Phoenix: Your Honor! Please, give me one more chance. I promise you, this is the last time I'll ask you! Judge: Hmm... But, as Mr. Edgeworth has noted, the trial is more or less finished. Mr. Edgeworth, do you have an opinion on this matter? Edgeworth: I say... let us give Mr. Phoenix Wright his "last chance." Judge: Very well! You may begin your cross-examination. Cross Examination - - The Wiretapping - - White: It was the beginning of September... the week before the murder. White: I had entered the Fey & Co. Law Offices. White: Of course, I had done so to place the wiretap. White: That is when I saw this glass light stand. Phoenix: (Now I've just got to show him the proof Mia gave me!) Phoenix: Look closely at this. See the word "Maya" written in blood...? Edgeworth: Bwah hah! You're grasping! Phoenix: I think not. Look at the other side of the receipt. Edgeworth: Th-the other side? Phoenix: Your Honor. Would you tell the court what is written on the other side of that receipt? Judge: Hmm... Well! A "glass light stand"! And the date of purchase... Why, that's the day before the murder! Phoenix: You see! Mr. White. When you allegedly entered Fey & Co. Law Offices at the beginning of September... The stand could not have been there! White: Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!? Phoenix: Well, Mr. White? Can't get out of this one, can you? White: No... It's impossachievable... Phoenix: (Uh oh... he's losing it.) ... Well, Your Honor. I understand there must be quite a bit of PRESSURE on you. But I think you'll agree you can't judge me "guilty" under these circumstances. Judge: ! ...... Very well. Then, that is all for the trial of... Edgeworth: File:Objection.gifNot so fast, Phoenix Wright! Phoenix: Eh? (What! No way he can worm his way out of this one! Oh wait... I forgot. It's Edgeworth.) Edgeworth: There is a certain thread of logic to the defendant's claims. However! There is no concrete proof that Phoenix Wright is innocent! Phoenix: (...!) Edgeworth: Ergo! I would like to request one more day before Phoenix Wright is granted his freedom. I need time to make one more inquiry into this matter. Judge: Hmm...! Phoenix: (Another inquiry...!? This isn't going to be another one of those "updated autopsy reports"! This guy just makes up evidence as he pleases! This is bad...!) Judge: The completion of the trial of Mr. Phoenix Wright will be postponed until tomorrow. Phoenix: (No! There's no telling what will happen if I can't end this now! Edgeworth is sure to come up with--or just make up--something! And after Mia showed up to help me and all...) White: Mr. Your Honor! May I go home? Judge: Of course. Thank you for your time. Phoenix: (Gah!) Mia: The witness will stay! Phoenix: (M-Mia...!) Mia: Phoenix! Read this note out loud. Phoenix: Mia? What's this...? Phoenix: Your Honor. If I may...? Judge: You're quite persistent today, Mr. Wright! Phoenix: (You bet I am! My life is riding on this one!) I have something I would like to read to the court! Phoenix: The memo Mia had given me was a list of names. Many of them sounded strangely familiar. People in finance, famous celebrities... That's when it happened. White: S-s-stop! Desist! Halt! P-please, stop! Make him stop! How... how did you get that list!? Mia: Mr. White. Admit your guilt, right here, right now. Or else this list will be released to the press! White: !!! White: ... I... I confess. I confess. I... I did it. I hit her. I hit Miss Mia with "The Thinker"! ... Mia: Case closed, Your Honor. Judge: Well, I see no reason to continue this trial. Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. Judge: You've done it again! That was quite a spirited defense! Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. I guess you could say that. (If only you knew how "spirit"-ed it was!) Judge: Hmm. Well! This court finds the defense... Ahem! Rather, the defendant, Mr. Phoenix Wright... Not Guilty Judge: That is all. The court is adjourned! September 9, 2:24 PMDistrict CourtDefendant Lobby No. 1 Mia: Well, I never thought I'd be saying this again... But, congratulations! You're lucky I was born a Fey! Phoenix: I'm lucky I had both you and Maya on my side. Mia: I'm glad you made it. ... Thank you, Phoenix. You risked a lot to help me... and Maya. I won't forget it as long as I live! Phoenix: (As long as you "live"...?) Mia: ... My time here's running out. Phoenix: Huh? Mia: Maya's powers are still weak. I can't stay here that long. Phoenix: W-what!? No! There's still so much to say! Mia: Don't worry. I'm sure we'll meet again. Phoenix: Ch-Chief! Mia: Hee hee. I'm not the "Chief" anymore. Phoenix? Can you come to the office tonight... say, 9:00? Phoenix: The office...? Mia: I'll see you later. Phoenix: Chief... Mia! September 9, 9:02 PMFey & Co. Law Offices Phoenix: (Being here, it's hard not to think about that night...) ???: You came! Phoenix: Mia... ???: I was kinda worried you might not. Phoenix: Huh? Of course I came... ???: Well then! I'm pretty hungry. How about a burger? Phoenix: M-Mia...? ???: ... Bwah hah hah! You should see your face! Phoenix: Mia! Maya: What are you talking about? It's me! Maya! Phoenix: M-Maya...? Maya: What, did I look like my sister? Phoenix: (Look like... you WERE her!) Maya: Hmm! I might be able to use that. "Oh, Phoenix! Go to the store and buy me lunch, would you?" Phoenix: Uhm, Maya... Why are you here? Maya: Because of this! See? Mia wrote me a letter. "Take care of Phoenix for me." Phoenix: Take care of... huh? Maya: She means the office! This office! Someone has to help with the new Wright & Co. Law Offices, right? And who better but me! Maya Fey, reporting for duty! Wait, no, on second thought, let's make this casual! Yo, Nick! Maya here, ready to get down to business! You... don't mind me calling you "Nick," do you? It's a great name! Mia said that's what your friend Larry calls you. Phoenix: ("Nick"...?) Maya: You know what this means? We're partners! Phoenix: You know, when I think about it... It is Maya's fault I'm here now. But... If it wasn't for her I'd probably be in jail! "Wright & Co. Law Offices." It's got a good ring to it. Yeah! Thanks, Maya! Mia: (Good luck, Phoenix. I'll always be here... watching.) Maya: Right! Okay, Nick, let's do it! Phoenix: Huh? Do... what? Maya: Burgers, dummy! Burgers! There's a great burger joint just down the street. C'mon! Time's a wasting! Phoenix: O-okay! Wait up! THE END