| - Tara grew up in the same neighbourhood as Anna Morgan. She graduated from high school in 2005.[1] This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Tara was the seat of the high Kings of ancient Ireland.
- Tara is a goddess in the Mahayana tradition and is especially venerated in vajrayana (Tibetan) Buddhism. She is the mother of liberation, and represents the virtues of success in work and achievements.
- Tara was a hunter that worked with John Winchester in bagging a demon that provided information about the Knights of Hell and the First Blade.
- Selonia, officially the Grand Duchy of Selonia, is a sovereign state occupying the Selonian peninsula and the surrounding isles and islets as well as the littoral of the Albert's Sea. It shares a border with Sweden as well as a maritime border with Finland, Estonia and Latvia. The capital and largest city is Skrinda. As of January 1, 2014 Selonia has 1,004,775 inhabitants and a territory of 37 860 km2 (14,618 sq mi).
- Tara's whole body is a light blue color. She wears a light blue dress with a yellow T on it, standing for Tara. She has black hair at shoulder length.
- "Tara" is the third song by American hip hop artist Glenn Weaver. It was released in 1999. This article is too short, and will be removed if you don't expand it.
- Tara was Morn's wife. They owned the Seven Sheaves, which was a tavern in Carvahall. When Roran first announced that he was leaving for Teirm with the villagers, Tara and Morn were originally reluctant to go but eventually agreed, bringing several barrels of their beer for the villagers to drink on the way.
- Tara D'Cathay is a skill trainer in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. She can be found on the second floor of the A Lonely Knight inn in New Sorpigal, and teaches expert perception. Her services cost 500 gold, and the party member must have four ranks in perception first.
- Tara is a female cat who appeared in the episode Texas Tom. Tom has a crush on her and tried to impress her. At the end, Jerry won her heart by giving her a big kiss on the lips. It's unknown if she is actually from Texas, because she was dropped by from a bus, hinting she might be a tourist.
- For years she laid dormant until the cleaner finally tracked down her tokens. That's when the Illuminati stepped in and stole Jenga 44 and the tokens from the cleaner. She then became the property of Downes Local Council the blue blood alliance.
- Tara was a Human child who lived aboard the USS Enterprise-D in 2364. That year, Tara was one of several Enterprise-D children kidnapped by the Aldeans in an effort to re-populate their planet. At the time of her kidnapping she was in the ship's classroom, along with Rose and Harry Bernard. She later participated in Wesley Crusher's attempt at passive resistance. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks" ) Tara was portrayed by Amy Wheaton, the sister of Wil Wheaton. Tara's name was from the episode's script. According to the episode's script , she was eight years old in 2364, placing her birth in 2356.
- thumb|Tara auf Aldea (2364) Tara ist eines der sieben Kinder an Bord der USS Enterprise-D, die 2364 von den Aldeanern entführt werden, um dem inzwischen unfruchtbaren Volk das Überleben zu sichern. Sie ist zusammen mit Harry Bernard und Rose in der Schule, als die Aldeaner sie und die anderen Kinder auf ihren Planeten teleportieren. Der ebenfalls entführte Wesley Crusher entwickelt später den Plan, passiven Widerstand zu leisten, was schließlich auch alle Kinder zurück auf die Enterprise zu ihren Familien bringt. (TNG: ) Tara wurde von Amy Wheaton gespielt. Laut Drehbuch ist Tara 8 Jahre alt.
- Tara was a NPC (Non-Playable Character) in Bakugan Dimensions. She was an Aquos brawler and was located in the Bakugan Interspace Stadium. Her level was 865.
- She is Playable in Rumble mode.
- She was portrayed by Shanley Caswell.
- Tara is a Geeky Commercial Sim.
- Tara is a character in Monsters 2.
- Tara is a female human.
- Tara is the sister of Legs.
- Tara was a planet colonised by humans who chose to pattern their culture on late medieval customs, with a rigid monarchical hierarchy. The Taran nobility took pride in their scientific and mechanical ignorance, leaving such matters to the 'peasants'. Their primary ranged weapon was a crossbow that fired electric bolts; this was considered a peasant's weapon. The Tarans were known as master android-makers, although the work was only carried out by the lesser orders. (TV: The Androids of Tara)
- Tara's backstory is unknown but it's says that she has been a fan of the players team for years. The player get's a phone call from Tara when the player is in Division 3. There is a challenge called "Man Enough For Tara" where Franchise has to cause an injury when the player goes one on one with the Atlanta 404 . If the player complete's the challenge, then Tara will offer to hook up with Franchise. If the player accepts then Tara will become Franchise's girlfriend. The perks of having Tara as Franchise's girlfriend will result in special juicing discounts for the player's team. As well with Tara offering to drain the stamina of the Las Vegas Aces before the player faces the team.
- Tara is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra. She is a Realian stationed in the Merkabah Showroom on Fifth Jerusalem.
- Tara (タラ) is a Tritekian from Planet Tritek. she is a female elite warrior of the Tritek Army and a memeber of the Cobra Legion. who worked under Cobra. Tara makes her debut in Dragon Ball SF.
- Tara was an Echani woman born on Talus in 70 BBY. In 1 ABY she lived on Tatooine as a merchant.
- Categoría:EsbozosTara Fields trabajaba como mercenaria para Allistair Tenpenny. Ella murió en Fort Constantine, algún tiempo antes de los acontecimientos de 2277.thumb
- Tara was a former associate of Chiana's who lived and worked at the Budong mining colony. After Chiana had left, Tara gave up her attempt to find nogelti crystals and moved on. Altana later told Chiana that she may have gone on to start a family. ("Home on the Remains")
- Tara stammt aus Carvahall. Sie ist die Ehefrau Morns, des Wirtes des Schankhauses Sieben Garben. Nach anfänglichem Zögern fliehen Morn und Tara, beladen mit ihren Biervorräten, mit den meisten anderen Dorfbewohnern nach Surda.
- Tara ist ein Terminus aus dem Bereich Rechnungswesen, welcher das Gewicht der Verpackung bezeichnet.
- Kategorie:Inhalt Prüfen Tara hatte ihren einzigen Auftritt in der Folge "Miss Teen Seattle". Sie trat in ICarly auf und sagte:" Ich bin bei Miss Teen Seattle, ich kann nur Leean Carter nicht schlagen." Sam flippte daraufhin aus und ging in Carlys Küche. Tara und Carly fütterten Spencer mit Salsa als Spencer als kleines Baby verkleidet war. Sam sagte später zu Carly:" Dieses Mädchen von der Tara sprach, Leean Carter, ich habe immer gegen sie verloren." Carly daraufhin:" Du warst bei Miss Teen Seattle ?" Sam antwortete:" Ja, meine Mutter wollte das ich dort hin gehe." Freddie lachte daraufhin.
- Tara is a blonde cheerleader who goes to Middleton High, and a friend of both Kim Possible and Bonnie Rockwaller. Tara is friendly and seems to be one of the favorites among the cheerleaders.
- Uczennica w szkoły wyższej w Middleton oraz kumpela Kim Kolwiek, Bonnie Rockwaller i innych cheerleaderek. Tara jest niezwykle przyjazna oraz tchórzliwa, kiedy się czegoś boi. Jest popularna na swój własny sposób. Podkochiwała się w Ross Rabiace przez 2 sezony, a w trzecim podkochiwała się w trzech różnych chłopcach.
- Tara est une tarentule de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- Tara is a minor character from Kim Possible. She is a student and cheerleader at Middleton High School. She was voiced by Tara Strong.
- Tara, full name Tara Majhad Sareem Kahback, is a Tabarian commando, or at least in training, she is the apprentice of Asari, a legendary Commando and assassin.
- Tara is the name of planets in multiple works of science fiction.
- een meisje dat super tof is en heel rijk is heeft 2 huizen in amerika met 14 zwembaden kijk op immo web om het te huren Categorie:Beantwoorde vragen
- Tara is a community of about 1000 people in southwestern Ontario.
- Princess Tara is a character in AdventureQuest Worlds.
- Tara is a healer in Minoc in Ultima VI. The Avatar found Tara to be a kind and compassionate woman who had faithfully served the sick and injured of Minoc for threescore years. Tara was quite willing to heal, cure, or resurrect anyone in need, and was even willing to waive her normal fee for healing and curing if the person was penniless. Tara told the Avatar that the mantra of sacrifice was 'cah'.
- "Tara" is the plantation that Scarlett O' Hara was raised in . In the book of " Gone With the Wind" , it said that " Tara" was a part of Scarlett's soul that she could not live without. After marrying Rhett Butler later in her life she moves back to " Tara" and raises her daughter " Bonnie Blue Butler ". While encountering her second pregnancy, she falls down a staircase and it makes Rhett feel very guilty for the incident since he told her that maybe she will have an accident since she was angered and exasperated at Rhett. Unfortunately, Bonnie dies shortly afterward while riding her Shetland Pony; she decides to jump the bar that is now higher and sadly while about to jump it, she falls off the pony and breaks her neck on the bar. Now since Bonnie is deceased, Rhett has no further
- Cuando Kaliman llega a la isla de los ciclopes y vence al bufalo que es el dios de estos seres, Kaliman es respetado y adorado como su nuevo dios, pero es prisionero de ellos y lo llevan a una cueva donde vivira por siempre con ellos, el jefe de los ciclopes le da su trono y le dice a Kaliman que como nuevo rey de los ciclopes necesita una compañera y llevan ante Kaliman a Tara una joven mujer ciclope, que es bella pero con un solo ojo se ve sorprendente. Los demas marinos fueron asesinados por los ciclopes cuando descubrieron la fuga. Categoría:Personajes de El Viaje Fantastico
- Tara, first known as Sheena then NamcoTara, was a marketing employee for Namco-Bandai (then Namco Hometek) and the first administrator of the Tales forums. Although she only posted on occasion, she did interact with the forum members outside of official business during her two years on the forums. She left Namco in 2006[citation needed] when she was offered employment at a startup in another domain.[topic citation?] Another Namco employee, Kristeen, was appointed as her successor as head administrator. However, she only ever posted once, and has not publicly been seen since.
- Tara was a recurring character on Xena: Warrior Princess. She was an arrogant youngster, who wanted to replace Gabrielle as Xena's side-kick. Several fights broke out between them, but they eventually became friends. She promised to be good from then on, but broke the law once more when she danced in a town where it was banned. Tara got into more trouble - breaking the law by dancing in a village where it is illegal, but Xena and Gabrielle sort things out with a little help from Autolycus. She was played by Shiri Appleby.
- Tara ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im englischen Zoo Twycross. Sie wurde dort am 06.08.1998 geboren. Ihre Mutter ist die Kuh Tonzi, die mit ihr bis zu ihrem Tod 2016 in Twycross lebte. Vater ist der damals im Zoo Chester lebende, jetzt in Planckendael, Belgien, stehende Zuchtbulle Chang, ein Sohn des alten Bullen Chieng Mai in Kopenhagen. Tonzi und Minbu, eine weitere Kuh aus Twycross, hielten sich vom 19.10.1996 bis zum 02.10.1997 im Zoo Chester auf, um dort von Chang gedeckt zu werden. Beide gebaren dann im August 1998 ein Kalb, neben Tara ist dies Taras jetzt im Whipsnade Wild Animal Park lebende Halbschwester Karishma, die am 27.08. zur Welt kam. Tara wurde nach 651 Tagen Tragzeit geboren, ihre Mutter brauchte für die Geburt 42 Stunden. Über ihren Vater Chang hat Tara weitere Halbge
- Tara was a decent fighter with the ability of teleportation transformation, energy projection, shielding, ice frost and blowing enemies away with her breath. Tara constantly annoyed her boss, Vexica and often failed her. Kara and Tara have tried proving to Vexica that they were worthy enough to be in her army and frequently attempted showed each other and the other generals up in order to do so.
- Tara, along with her friends Malo and Robin are unjustly forced into exile from Earth, so they take refuge in Phantom Haven on Venus, the headquarters of Haneesh and his "Brotherhood of Space." Although they are wanted by the authorities as space pirates, they are unofficially recognized as heroic Robin Hood type of characters, battling injustice and corrupt government officials such as Daro Dallas of Mars. The people, especially on Earth, begin to recognize her as their champion.
- Tara is a location in Ireland where the chute E1 emerges. It also harbors the McGraney's farm and a holographic cow. McGraney's farm has had extraordinary good luck, for housing the fairy ternimal. Their illnesses mysteriousely clear up overnight, mad cow disease ignores their herds entirely, and rare art pieces unearth themselves with surprising regularity. Nimbus, an elf/goblin hybrid, is the terminal director in Tara. Mulch once broke his cousin Nord out of police custody here.
- Hailing from the Northeast United States, Tara is the Ed McMahon to Nash's Johnny Carson in his show WTFIWWY. She met him through a live action role playing site and became fast friends. He asked her to appear on live version of the show as a co-host in early 2010 and has been there ever since.
- Also known as Taraka in Vedic and Arya Tara or Jetsun Dolma in Buddhism, she is an astral Goddess originating from Vedic Lore. In Hinduism she is one of the Mahavidyas (meaning "Great Wisdom Goddess") and represents the unquenchable hunger that drives all life. A wife of Shiva, she is the guide and protector who gives ultimate knowledge to bring salvation. She is similar to Kali, but the two can be told apart by the items they hold in each hand.
- Young Tara was always fascinated by the stars and would spend her days gazing at them, her eyes brimming over with universal love. In fact, she was probably the most pure-hearted person alive in Clint City. On a cosmogonic level, she was a golden opportunity for Glibon Dashra Sakrh, who was hoping to slightly alter the image of the Sakrohm temple, as ever since the departure of Guru Cr and in spite of Eris's blind devotion, the temple was looking more and more like a tourist resort for aliens. This was how Tara came to be vested with the grace of the multidimensional being and now illuminates the clan's devotees with her transcendental wisdom. This turn of events couldn't help but irritate those disciples who’d been around for longer than her. However, they quickly realized that being at t