| - IMPORTANT: The first time you enter the game with this change, you must make sure all your addons are enabled, or their saved variables will be lost! If you accidentally do this once, you can recover by quitting the game, moving your backup SavedVariables.lua into place and restarting the game with addons enabled.
* Addon Loading On Demand!
* If you add the following line to your addon's .toc file, it will not be loaded at the normal load time, it will instead be dynamically loaded upon request: 1.
* 2. 1.
* LoadOnDemand: 1
- IMPORTANT: The first time you enter the game with this change, you must make sure all your addons are enabled, or their saved variables will be lost! If you accidentally do this once, you can recover by quitting the game, moving your backup SavedVariables.lua into place and restarting the game with addons enabled.
* Addon Loading On Demand!
* If you add the following line to your addon's .toc file, it will not be loaded at the normal load time, it will instead be dynamically loaded upon request: 1.
* 2. 1.
* LoadOnDemand: 1
| - IMPORTANT: The first time you enter the game with this change, you must make sure all your addons are enabled, or their saved variables will be lost! If you accidentally do this once, you can recover by quitting the game, moving your backup SavedVariables.lua into place and restarting the game with addons enabled.
* Addon Loading On Demand!
* If you add the following line to your addon's .toc file, it will not be loaded at the normal load time, it will instead be dynamically loaded upon request: 1.
* 2. 1.
* LoadOnDemand: 1 You can query to see if an addon is loaded by using the new IsAddOnLoaded("addonname") function, and you can load an addon dynamically using the LoadAddOn("addonname") function. This function returns true if the addon is loaded successfully, and can be safely and efficiently called even if the addon is already loaded. For your convenience, the function UIParentLoadAddOn("addonname") is provided which will attempt to load the addon and pop up an error message if it failed to load for any reason. Once an addon is loaded, the ADDON_LOADED event is sent, with arg1 set to the name of the addon. An addon can listen for that event, and when it receives that event with its own name, it can safely access its saved variables. An important thing to note is that when an addon is loaded dynamically, it doesn't have access to any of the virtual frame templates that are defined by FrameXML, including font definitions.
* New Scripting Functions
* debugprofilestart() - starts a timer for profiling during debugging.
* millis = debugprofilestop() - return the time in milliseconds since the last call to debugprofilestart()
* New UI Element Member Functions
* handlerFunction = Frame:GetScript("handler") - (for handlers like "OnShow", "OnEnter", etc) which returns the current event handler for a frame.
* Frame:SetScript("handler", function) - sets the action/event handler for a frame (or removes it with a nil function)
* Frame:SetBackdrop(nil) / Frame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "bgFile", edgeFile = "edgeFile", tile = false, tileSize = 0, edgeSize = 32, insets = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }}) (Note: This is a table argument)
* FontString:SetFont("font", size [, "flags"]).
* StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture("file" [, "layer"])
* lines = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetMaxLines()
* ScrollingMessageFrame:SetMaxLines(lines)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:EnableFading([isEnabled]) (Defaults to true)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:SetFadeDuration(seconds)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTimeVisible(seconds)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:Clear()
* lines = EditBox:GetHistoryLines()
* EditBox:SetHistoryLines(lines)
* EditBox:SetIgnoreArrows([isIgnored]) (Defaults to true)
* r,g,b,a = FontString:GetTextColor()
* Frame:SetParent(nil, or "parent" or parentFrame)
* numChildren = Frame:GetNumChildren()
* child1, child2, child3, ... = Frame:GetChildren()
* Addon Saved Variables
* SavedVariables will no longer drop stored numbers to single precision.
* Infinite/Nan values no longer cause corrupted SavedVariables.lua file. (Written as nils with comment)
* Chat and Combat Logging
* The script functions ChatFrameLog() and ToggleCombatLogFileWrite() are obsolete.
* Added script function: isLogging=LoggingChat([newState]) (Returns new state (or current state if no argument))
* Added script function: isLogging=LoggingCombat([newState]) (Returns new state (or current state if no argument))
* New slash command /chatlog toggles chat logging (/combatlog toggles combat logging)
* The file for the chat log is Logs\WoWChatLog.txt and the file for the combat log is Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt
* Chat and combat log files will be appended to rather than overwritten.
* You now receive combat log messages and damage feedback when you are being attacked by creatures you can't see.
* If you call a tamed Deepmoss Hatchling, you are no longer notified that you hatched.
* Fixed disconnection caused by relinking an item in a different locale than that of your client.
* Looted items now always show their names in the appropriate quality color.
* You now get combat feedback when you take damage from unseen opponents, like the Unseen in Raven Hill.
* Fixed damage display on the character sheet when you have Fury of the Frostwolf or Stormpike's Salvation.
- IMPORTANT: The first time you enter the game with this change, you must make sure all your addons are enabled, or their saved variables will be lost! If you accidentally do this once, you can recover by quitting the game, moving your backup SavedVariables.lua into place and restarting the game with addons enabled.
* Addon Loading On Demand!
* If you add the following line to your addon's .toc file, it will not be loaded at the normal load time, it will instead be dynamically loaded upon request: 1.
* 2. 1.
* LoadOnDemand: 1 You can query to see if an addon is loaded by using the new IsAddOnLoaded("addonname") function, and you can load an addon dynamically using the LoadAddOn("addonname") function. This function returns true if the addon is loaded successfully, and can be safely and efficiently called even if the addon is already loaded. For your convenience, the function UIParentLoadAddOn("addonname") is provided which will attempt to load the addon and pop up an error message if it failed to load for any reason. Once an addon is loaded, the ADDON_LOADED event is sent, with arg1 set to the name of the addon. An addon can listen for that event, and when it receives that event with its own name, it can safely access its saved variables. An important thing to note is that when an addon is loaded dynamically, it doesn't have access to any of the virtual frame templates that are defined by FrameXML, including font definitions.
* New Scripting Functions
* debugprofilestart() - starts a timer for profiling during debugging.
* millis = debugprofilestop() - return the time in milliseconds since the last call to debugprofilestart()
* New UI Element Member Functions
* handlerFunction = Frame:GetScript("handler") - (for handlers like "OnShow", "OnEnter", etc) which returns the current event handler for a frame.
* Frame:SetScript("handler", function) - sets the action/event handler for a frame (or removes it with a nil function)
* Frame:SetBackdrop(nil) / Frame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "bgFile", edgeFile = "edgeFile", tile = false, tileSize = 0, edgeSize = 32, insets = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }}) (Note: This is a table argument)
* FontString:SetFont("font", size [, "flags"]).
* StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture("file" [, "layer"])
* lines = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetMaxLines()
* ScrollingMessageFrame:SetMaxLines(lines)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:EnableFading([isEnabled]) (Defaults to true)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:SetFadeDuration(seconds)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTimeVisible(seconds)
* ScrollingMessageFrame:Clear()
* lines = EditBox:GetHistoryLines()
* EditBox:SetHistoryLines(lines)
* EditBox:SetIgnoreArrows([isIgnored]) (Defaults to true)
* r,g,b,a = FontString:GetTextColor()
* Frame:SetParent(nil, or "parent" or parentFrame)
* numChildren = Frame:GetNumChildren()
* child1, child2, child3, ... = Frame:GetChildren()
* Addon Saved Variables
* SavedVariables will no longer drop stored numbers to single precision.
* Infinite/Nan values no longer cause corrupted SavedVariables.lua file. (Written as nils with comment)
* Chat and Combat Logging
* The script functions ChatFrameLog() and ToggleCombatLogFileWrite() are obsolete.
* Added script function: isLogging=LoggingChat([newState]) (Returns new state (or current state if no argument))
* Added script function: isLogging=LoggingCombat([newState]) (Returns new state (or current state if no argument))
* New slash command /chatlog toggles chat logging (/combatlog toggles combat logging)
* The file for the chat log is Logs\WoWChatLog.txt and the file for the combat log is Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt
* Chat and combat log files will be appended to rather than overwritten.
* You now receive combat log messages and damage feedback when you are being attacked by creatures you can't see.
* If you call a tamed Deepmoss Hatchling, you are no longer notified that you hatched.
* Fixed disconnection caused by relinking an item in a different locale than that of your client.
* Looted items now always show their names in the appropriate quality color.
* You now get combat feedback when you take damage from unseen opponents, like the Unseen in Raven Hill.
* Fixed damage display on the character sheet when you have Fury of the Frostwolf or Stormpike's Salvation.