| - When the Plume reached its full brilliance, it was custom to drink a beverage known as voo-sinteel, as it "enhances the experience". Another tradition was the "Invocation of Renewal", a Borothan prayer that the entire group would recite during the occurrence of the Plume. In 2151, officers aboard Enterprise NX-01 were also witness to this event when Captain Jonathan Archer invited a group of Borothan pilgrims to watch the Plume from the mess hall of the Starfleet ship. Unfortunately, Archer and several members of his crew were unable to observe the Plume as they discovered that Silik, a Suliban, had arrived aboard Enterprise disguised as a Borothan pilgrim. (ENT: "Cold Front", "Detained") The following year, Trip Tucker recalled seeing the Great Plume of Agosoria to Zho'Kaan while they were stranded on a moon together. (ENT: "Dawn") According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 60) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Great Plume of Agosoria – named here as the Agosoria Nebula – was located in the Beta Quadrant.