| - She was an alchemist in her human life. Testing and ripping blood from bone as well as muscle and sinew alike. Within this land, she had grown but now, she dwelled beneath that land, hidden away so that she can experiment to her heart's content. Her name was Samara and her sect, was Fygul Cestemus, an organization of sorts which dealt with servitude of the highest order: Ares, the God of War. Her testing had always ended with some new discovery and for this, Kunpaetku was pleased. He ordered her to continue her work and bring any evidence to him which showed promise--which meant after every new thing which she learned--yet she viewed this as a cage. While he and the rest studied and worked with crafting a new human, she searched for ways of immortality. Life is fickle and in it are few things that are frailer than man, thus with this known and a constant reminder as they are her words, she pursues ways to extend her own life instead of creating it. Over the years, she has managed to capture two very promising subjects which she kept hidden. One was a Hybrid and the other, a full-blooded Lycanthope. Samara had begun with the half-breed. Using embalming tools, she approached the unconscious Hybrid and extracted one of her lungs for starters. After that had been her spleen, and the ventricles which led to her heart as well as a tooth and a few bones from her fingers and her left set of ribs. she then encased each within an ensorcled containment which would preserve each piece as if they were still within a body. Yet what had been astonishing had been that the Hybrid's body had instantly begun to repair itself after Samara had finished her dissecting. "...her body heals after the initial cutting is complete? Interesting." After her notes were jotted down, she then progressed to the Lycanthrope. From her, Samara would need more. Much more. Unfortunately, as she began to carve upon the beast, she, Venom, had awoken. Cries of pain and swears of vengeance were all she screamed at her. However, Samara was not easily intimidated. To prove this, Samara removed Venom's liver and had also carved out her heart. After this, the Lycanthrope fell silent. Assuming that she had perished, she merely shrugged it off and continued her work. From here, Samara lifted the dead Lycanthrope's left leg and brought a scimitar upon it--cleanly severing the leg from the body and from her, she took two of her fangs. With her back turned, she had been at a table, continuing her work, but that was until Venom growled. "...how dare you..." This frightened Samara. This woman was able to live without her beating heart? How was it possible? From where her heart once was, it now slowly began to piece itself into existence; almost as if it were sand slipping away through the cracks 'tween one's fingers and revealing the rest of the fleshy hand beneath it. Afore long, her regrown heart was there, beating amongst the bloody hole within her chest. Looking to the freshly harvested heart which was sealed and then she looked at Venom and saw a beating heart. "It is astonishing, even when one is to die, to supposedly die from such a wound, they yet live?!" Taking her blade in hand once more, she now aimed to remove Venom's head, but as she advanced upon her, the Hybrid began to move. Whimpering opposed to growling. She struggled to free herself and had even begun to cry when she was unable to break her bonds. "That isn't common steel, that is the art of alchemy and so long as I draw breath, you'll not be able to break your bonds until I am finished." She was horrified. After taking a look around Samara's area of "work" she cried even harder whilst trying to escape. Venom on the other hand growled which seemed to silence the Hybrid. "Worry not, you will be next and your suffering will end." Seizing Venom by her short black hair, Samara lifted her head so she could get a clean cut, yet screams unlike any afore had been heard and with this, she scoffed. "Don't go anywhere my lovelies, I've a longing for each bone in your delectable bodies...and a heart to harvest from you Half-Breed." With a smile she left them behind for the moment and nearly laughed when the Hybrid cried. Venturing through the bowels of the lair, Samara stumbled as stone pillars had fallen. With the force they brought as they struck the ground, it was enough to cause many a man to lose their balance. As she pressed onward, annoyed by the interruption, she halted as she saw a body fly against the wall and literally break upon impact. Samara froze as the killer stepped forth. "A-Astaroth!?" The Kulutues was unmistakable and with it raised, he eyed Samara. "YOU!" He wound up. Spinning on a heel, Astaroth now swung with precious battle axe. "MAGGOT!" Samara evaded the swing and slid underneath the Golem. From here, she bolted away from him all while noticing Kunpaektu lying motionlessly in a pool of his own blood. Samara did not look back. She continued to run, passing her allies who too were trying to run, only met the Golem's axe. "Ah ha ha ha! Run, run away!" He taunted her, but she knew better than to stop. There were few who opposed the Golem and those few were killed without much a fight. No matter how she ran, the Golem was right there; soon, he held Samara by her neck. "I'll strangle the life out of you..." He attempted just that, but Samara was of quick with and transmuted a portion of the floor. This transmutation caused a small stone spike to jut forth and impale the Golem--forcing him to release her. "What is this!?" He roared in surprise. The spike was broken all too quickly by sheer force. Now he charged her. Again, she transmuted, pulling the floor into a shield before her and tactfully forcing parts of it to bend into more spikes. It was of little use, but it did slow the Golem down. Samara continued to make distance and instead of fighting, she ran. She doubled back to her chamber, where she had been conducting her own experiments and before she could run further, the Golem caught up with her. A torrent of blood and debris filled the small room. Astaroth's black blood mixed with Samara's human blood. Due to the destruction, Venom and Ryia made their escape. Ryia aiding Venom. As Samara looked up from the ground, she saw the Golem watching her and laughing. "You dare to defy our God? Quite daring, human!" He spoke those words as he eyed her experiments. Apparently, he knew that she had been working on something entirely different. At least, this is what she thought. "I had nothing to do with your creation nor the curse that they used!" The Golem fell silent and eyed her. "My role here was to find a way to escape death! To live a life unending!" Silence fell over them both as the Golem stared at her. Suddenly: "Eyeehehehehe!" The Golem slammed his axe into the ground beside her, causing her to flinch. "After all the tricks you pulled, and even now, You thought you would live through this?" Her eyes were agape as he grabbed her once more. "You and your stupid tricks... are not enough to deter me, maggot!" As he placed a hand around her neck once more, she transmuted one, final time. With flame, she dropped her and quickly hopped backwards. Samara had conjured a wall of flame in order to save herself. "Grr...you've got some guts...for a fool" Samara wasted no time in taking the few specimens she could carry and as such, she fled through a hidden passage which was sealed afterwards. Re-activating the gas trap, Samara made her way to the surface and from there, fled by horse.