Tyffi is a town located in the Nilfgaardian province of Geso. It was there that the Nissir gang caught up with one of the members of the Rats, Kayleigh on one occasion.
Tyffi est une ville à Geso. C'est là que les Nissir on ratrappé un des membres des Rats, Kayleigh.
Tyffi is a town located in the Nilfgaardian province of Geso. It was there that the Nissir gang caught up with one of the members of the Rats, Kayleigh on one occasion.
Tyffi est une ville à Geso. C'est là que les Nissir on ratrappé un des membres des Rats, Kayleigh.
Tyffi is a town located in the Nilfgaardian province of Geso. It was there that the Nissir gang caught up with one of the members of the Rats, Kayleigh on one occasion.