| - Richard Buchanan (リチャード・ブキャナン Richādo Bukyanan), formerly known by the codename Hoteye (ホットアイ Hottoai), is a member of the Oración Seis, a dark guild composed of highly powerful Mages whose goal is to find Nirvana, a destructive power that was sealed away long ago. After his release from prison, he joined Crime Sorcière per Jellal's request to help him take down Zeref. He is the elder brother of Wally Buchanan. He was voiced by Kazuya Ichijō in the Japanese version of the anime and Chris Cason in the English version, the latter of whom also voiced Shu and Gluttony.
- Richard Buchanan15px|Terme Officiel fourni par Pika Édition, il ne faut pas le modifier ! (リチャード· ブキャナン, Richādo Bukyanan) surnommé Hot-eye (ホットアイ, Hottoai) lorsqu'il faisait partie de la guilde Oracion Seis, est le frère aîné de Wolly Buchanan.
- Richard Buchanan (リチャード・ブキャナン Richādo Bukyanan), formerly known by the codename Hoteye (ホットアイ Hottoai), is a former member of the Oración Seis, a Dark Guild composed of highly powerful Mages whose goal is to find Nirvana, a destructive power that was sealed away long ago. After his release from prison, he joined Crime Sorcière per Jellal's request to help him take down Zeref. He is the elder brother of Wally Buchanan.