| - Andy Warhol was a famous pop artist and one of the most famous American artists of all time. The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, his birthplace, is the largest museum in America dedicated to a single person.
- Andy Warhol, fue un pintor, cineasta y artista conceptual estadounidense. Nació el 6 de agosto de 1928 en Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, Estados Unidos) y falleció el 22 de febrero de 1987 en Nueva York (Estados Unidos). Figura central en el movimiento conocido como Arte pop. Sus pinturas contienen, principalmente, temas comerciales tales como productos de uso diario o estrellas de cine. Sus filmes son altamente experimentales y de larga duración (Un ejemplo es Empire (1964), una toma estática del Empire State Building con duración de 8 horas). Su estilo de vida bohemio lo llevo a conocer a gran cantidad de artistas de donde destaca la creación del grupo de rock The Velvet Underground.
- Andy Warhol is a MIB agent who working undercover as a printer.
- Nacque da sua madre nello stesso ospedale in cui lei si trovava, perché in quel particolare momento della vita non se la sentiva di lasciarla sola. Durante la sua vita non andò mai a un funerale dei propri amici né parenti: nel primo caso perché non ne aveva, nel secondo perché soleva ripetere: "Del resto nemmeno loro verranno al mio!" Leggenda narra che Andy non sia stato nemmeno al proprio, di funerale, e questo perché ha solo inscenato il suo decesso. In realtà il cadavere era un manichino e, nei giorni seguenti, Andy ascese a un piano di esistenza superiore, dalla cantina all'attico.
- leftAndy Warhol – postać NPC pojawiająca się w pierwszej części gry w dodatku Gwiazda. Jest odzwierciedleniem realnego artysty i głównego przedstawiciela pop-artu.
- left Andy Warhol aparece en Los Sims: Superstar, exactamente en Ciudad Estudio. Es un PNJ, y a diferencia de las demás celebridades que aparecen en el juego, a él no se le pueden pedir autógrafos. Simplemente aparece como fotógrafo de la sesión de fotos.
- A controversial figure during his lifetime, Warhol has been the subject of numerous retrospective exhibitions, books and documentary films since his death in 1987. He is generally acknowledged as one of the most influential artists of the twentieth century.
- Andy Warhol was a famous 'Pop' artist, best renowned for his paintings of Campbell's soup cans and Marilyn Monroe. Marge mentioned Warhol when Homer saw one of his paintings of Campbell's Soup Cans. Later, Homer had a dream where Warhol was throwing the soup cans at him. He then was about to throw a larger can of Split pea soup at Homer before he woke up.
- Hiel Andrew Warhola, sevädikum as Andy Warhol (1928 gustul 6 - 1987 febul 22) äbinom lekanan Lamerikänik, kel älabom rouli zänodik pö muf sevädik as Pop art (= Lekan pöpedik). Pos karier benosekik as magodan tedik, el Warhol äfamikom da vol lölik sekü vob okik as pänan, as dilekan biomagodemas avant-garde (= sperimäntik), prodan musigasirkotas, lautan ä notidan, kel äkomom sogü grups vemo distöfiks, bevü kels löfans sütalifa, täläktans stümik, famikans se Hollywood e patritans liegik. Pösod ai pädöbatöl dü lifüp okik (vobots omik suvo pätatakons fa krütans as „suid“ u „dobälik“), el Warhol e vobotem omik ebinons yegäd dajonädas, bukas e dokümabiomagodemas mödikas sis deadam okik ün 1987. Palecedom valemo as balan lekananas veütikün tumyela 20id.
- Andrew Warhola, Jr. (August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987), better known as Andy Warhol, was an American artist.
- Andy "Vampire Slayer" Warhol erected from his growth pod in 1969 by the world famous Slovak Jello wrestling champion of sledge Bogdanic Warwulf. He was raised in the tiny village of dubbya-tee-effinsky in the candy(acid) mountains-Fairy Land. Slovakia Nobody liked him for his cartoonish cock paintings. ´The elders of the town thought it was beautiful and said to Andy's dad: Andy's father took these wise words into consideration. andy got free haircuts for only one blow job a week!
- Andrew Warhola, known as Andy Warhol, (1928 – 1987) was an American painter, printmaker, and filmmaker who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. He is most famous for his paintings of iconic American products such as the Campbell's Soup Can. In 1960, he founded "The Factory," his studio in New York City, to do his work and a place for wide range of artists, writers, musicians, and underground celebrities to hang out.
- Andrew Warhola (1928—1987), better known as Andy Warhol, was an American artist who became a central figure in the movement known as Pop art. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became famous worldwide for his work as a painter, an avant-garde filmmaker, a record producer, an author and a public figure known for his presence in wildly diverse social circles that included bohemian street people, distinguished intellectuals, Hollywood celebrities and wealthy aristocrats. A controversial figure during his lifetime (his work was often derided by critics as a hoax or "put-on"), Warhol has been the subject of numerous retrospective exhibitions, books and documentary films since his death in 1987. He is generally acknowledged as one of the most influential artists of the
- Andy Warhol was a human artist who painted the Doctor. During the summer of 1966, eleven incarnations of the Doctor visited Warhol separately on Thursdays. Warhol painted a painting of the faces of those eleven incarnations. The painting later hung in the Paloma Centre, the largest collection of art ever. While in a bubble prison, Iris Wildthyme imagined attending a party hosted by Warhol in London in 1966. Other guests included Mick Jagger, Twiggy (with whom Iris had a feud), Jimmy Page and Julie Christie. (AUDIO: Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme?)
- Andy Warhol (/ˈwɔrhɒl/; August 6, 1928 – February 22, 1987) was an American artist who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, celebrity culture and advertisement that flourished by the 1960s. After a successful career as a commercial illustrator, Warhol became a renowned and sometimes controversial artist. The Andy Warhol Museum in his native city, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, holds an extensive permanent collection of art and archives. It is the largest museum in the United States dedicated to a single artist.
- Painter, filmmaker, producer, writer and celebrity, Andy Warhol was an American original, whose 15 minutes of fame seem destined to shine brightly for generations. Born Andrew Warhola on Pittsburgh's North Side in 1928, son of a Rusyn artist mother and construction worker father, Warhol went on to define "pop art" for the nation and the world. Teachers at Schenley High School saw him as original and skillful, but somewhat of a loner. Within weeks after graduating from Carnegie Tech -- now Carnegie Mellon University -- in 1949, Warhol left Pittsburgh for New York City and fame. Read more:
- Andy Warhol was a visual artist, filmmaker, producer, printmaker, icon, author, part-time model and clothing designer. Born in 1928, in Pittsburgh, Andy Warhol was a sickly child and often hospitalized. He developed a phobia of hospitals and was pathologically shy. Interested in drawing, he had a lot of time to practice. He went to art school and moved to New York. He started in commercial art illustration, but radically changed his style. Andy became famous for his hyper-saturated representations of everyday items, adhering to the concept that the everyday is beautiful. Famous pieces include Campbell's Soup Cans, Marilyn Diptych and Elvis.
- Andrew Warhola (né le 6 août 1928 à Pittsburgh en Pennsylvanie , décédé le 22 février 1987 à New York , plus connu sous le nom de Andy Warhol était un artiste américain qui devint une figure centrale dans le mouvement du Pop Art, car il en était l'un des pionniers. Après une carrière de succès en tant qu'illustrateur commercial, Warhol devint connu dans le monde entier grâce à son travail de peintre, de producteur musical, d'auteur, grâce à ses films d'avant garde, en tant qu'auteur et aussi grâce à sa présence dans divers milieux sociaux, aussi bien des éminents intellectuels, des célébrités de Hollywood, que de riches aristocrates. Le travail de Warhol a subi de nombreuses controverses, même si Warhol a été le sujet d'innombrables expositions rétrospectives, de livres, et de films depuis