| - A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... "We can't defeat them" yelled Amy, blocking a blast with her green-bladed Lightsaber. An army of new battle droids lay ahead. A black body and red eyes were just a few of its features. They were equipped with E-5 blaster rifles and some had Z-6 rotary cannons. "Our army of men are no match for them!" Shouted Danielle over the sounds of explosions. "I agree!" Captain Walker replied, reloading his DC-17 blaster pistols. Walker was the Captain of the men. He wore dark blue light weight plates and a red under glove underneath. He also had a scar running down his right eye. "We need to retreat, we are running out of men" said Kai-Tan. "Let's go!" Said Danny as he lead the men to their ships. Danny pressed a button and the ramp closed. The Jedi and the men retreated to a base near the battle field. "My men can't take much more of this!" Walker told Amy. The cruiser slowly landed on a rocky plain. The floor opened and the ships were lifted down to the underground base. "Don't worry captain, your army have done their duty. But we still need you, Assy and Bulk to stay with us!" Amy demanded, twiddling her long ginger hair, while Walker was left speechless. "Walker, at the moment you, Assy and Bulk are our most needed soldiers!" Amy added. "We are not slaves of the Jedi if you and the others think we are" Walker replied, shaking violently! "Hello, Miss Amy. The base is being attacked by droids!" C-3PO informed the Jedi Padawan, as he and R2-D2 walked over. "Follow me Captain" said Amy releasing her Lightsaber blade and getting ready to fight. Walker tutted and followed her into battle. The Jedi Knights Amy, Kai-Tan, Danny and Daniell teamed up to defend the base. Amy ran up to a droid and sliced it's head off. Suddenly a male Zabrak appeared. He had dark orange skin and black markings. He had long horns on his head and a double bladed black Lightsaber unique to him. "Who are you, you're like no Jedi I've ever met?" Asked Danny. "I'm no Jedi, I'm Sith!" Said the Zabrak. "But the Sith died!" Said Amy. "I was Darth Sidious's secret apprentice, when the Empire fell, I stayed in hiding and trained two apprentices of my own and now it's time for the Sith to rule once again!" Said the Zabrak. "So you control the droids?" Asked Danielle. "Yes, I am Darth Seplo!" Said Darth Seplo. The Jedi had a duel with the Sith Lord but the Jedi escaped from the base with the soldiers. Soon the base is taken over by Darth Seplo and his two apprentices. "This is impossible!" Amy panted running into the Millenium Falcon Mark II. Walker, Assy, Bulk, Artoo and Threepio follow behind the four Jedi. "Where do we go now?" Asked Danielle. "The only place I know is safe!" Said Kai-Tan from the cockpit. Days followed... "We're finally here!" Kai exclaimed. "I knew it was a great idea to add the hyperdrive engine boosters" Amy yelled from the back. Soon the team reached Yavin 4 to the new Jedi Temple. There they met Amy's dad Ben Skywalker. "Dad!" Cried Amy as she hugged Ben. "I heard about the Sith, we must stop them!" Said Ben. "Where is Grandpa Luke?" Asked Amy. "He is meditating in his apartment" said Ben. "I think we'll ask him for advice on the Sith!" Said Amy. The team walk to Luke's apartment. "Hi Ben, Amy, Kai, Danny and Danielle" said Luke. "We have come to ask about the Sith!" Said Amy. "Let me tell you one thing, the Sith never give up a fight!" Said Luke. "Thanks Grandpa!" Said the kids. They walked out. Luke frowned at his loneliness. Meanwhile... Darth Seplo planed to kill the Jedi with his apprentices Darth Masth'e and Madame Zelop in the base. His robot arm twitching, Darth Seplo stood in the middle of the base, observing the work. "Impressive! Zelop, Masth'e. Get here now!" Seplo ordered. Debris shuddered from the roof and sparks fell down from the battle earlier. "We'll need to be careful in here!" Said Zelop. "Of course we will" said Seplo. Back on Yavin 4 in the Millenium Falcon II. "Uncle Ben, I mean Master Ben, where are we going?" Asked Danny. "I have a friend at Mos Eisley Cantina, he will help with our Sith problems" said Ben. Artoo and Threepio enter the Falcon II. The ship sets off and flies through space until it reaches Tatooine. The ship lands in Mos Eisley and the team walk to the cantina. Inside are two Twi'lek dancers. They are dancing and the men are showing off. Behind the bar is a tall alien man. "Hey Darsh, my daughter, nephews and niece need advice on how to defeat Sith" said Ben. "Ah, Ben, nice to see you again. Now kids, once I was attacked by Darth Vader. You need to be quick to escape a Sith" said Darsh. "Will you help then?" Asks Danny. "Okay, I'm in!" Says Darsh. The team leave Tatooine with Darsh on the Millenium Falcon II. Darsh and Kai where having a game of Rouge Jawas, Ben and Amy were driving and Danny and Danielle were in the cockpit. Slowly the ship slowed to a halt. "This is my home!" Says Darsh. He led them to a tunnel leading to a secret room. 3 months later... The four emerged from the tunnel, all trained and ready for battle. They had lost their Padawan braids and where now Jedi Knights. All of them had new robes. They marched to the ship as Ben, Darsh, Threepio and Artoo said goodbye. The Falcon II flew off. They fly to the taken over Jedi base on Kashyyyk. The four Jedi enter the base. Suddenly, from the darkness emerges Darth Seplo and his apprentices. Amy charged at Seplo whilst the others duel the apprentices. Seplo smashes one of his lightsaber blades onto Amy's blade. On the ground a burning shield opens up. Amy kicks Seplo and his face falls and burns on the shield. The Sith apprentices escape in there ship and Seplo follows, struggling. The ship flies off and the Jedi cheer. Amy hugs Kai-Tan whilst Danny hugs Danielle. Soon the team are back on Yavin 4 and fireworks are going off. Luke awards the team trophies and everyone cheers. The team stand together in a group. The End.