| - Nathan Stark was a Nobel prize winning mathematician who was appointed Director of Research at Global Dynamics following Warren King's dismissal. Cool, calm and calculating, Nathan commanded Eureka's operations with severe efficiency, but gave free rein and authority to GD's scientists, allowing their projects to get out of hand fairly quickly, forcing Jack Carter (Eureka character) to step in and save the day. Nathan used his authority to ensure there would be no lasting consequences. Carter and Nathan, as a result, quickly became at odds. These obvious character flaws were a result of Nathan's deep desire to push science to the point it eventually compromises his personal integrity. Nathan was given his desire for scientific learning by his teacher, mentor and friend Henry Deacon (TV character). They somewhat fell out due to Deacon becoming disappointed when Nathan chose administrative duties over using his immense talents to further science. To make up for it, Nathan often gave free rein and political shielding for Deacon's work, as, to this day, he still looks up to him as a mentor. Nathan also possesses desires for money, prestige and "control of everything" (to rule the world). Nathan also had an off-again, on-again relationship with Allison Blake. At one point they were married, with Nathan and Allison finding they had much in common, but their relationship broke down due to Nathan being unable to separate work from free time. When Nathan was appointed Director of Research, Allison wasn't happy to have to see and work with him again on a daily basis, though their relationship improved when Nathan finally agreed to a divorce, and they even managed to remain friends. Eventually, Nathan proposes to Allison, and she accepts, much to the distres of Carter. Nathan also possessed a deeper desire to unravel the mysteries of The Artifact. His work into this was contested by the mysterious group known as The Consortium, whose agent, Beverly Barlowe, secretly sabotaged the experiment, resulting in the apparent deaths of both the Artifact and Kim Anderson. For his incompetence and failiure, Nathan was removed from his position and Allison promoted to replace him. Nevertheless, Nathan remained as an advisor. During Stark's removal, when asked to input his password before Blake, his password was 2554766, the ten key keypad combination corresponding to the letters "Allison". Upon Eva Thorne's arrival in Eureka, Thorne became Chairman of Global Dynamics, and restored Stark to his position as Director of Research, while Allison was made Director of Operations, The two were to oversee Eureka's development. This partnership and their relationship came to a tragic end on their wedding day, where Nathan disappeared while sealing a time-space anomaly, requiring him to manually synchronize a particle decelerator with a nuclear clock in order to repair space-time. Though the clock activated and the continuum repaired, Stark disintegrated and vanished. His last words, to Carter, were "I'll see you around, Jack." In an interview, Ed Quinn stated Nathan Stark is inspired by Marvel Comics' Tony Stark (Iron Man). Andrew Cosby, the creator of Eureka, is also the co-founder of independent comic book publisher Boom! Studiosand an Iron Man fan.
- Nathan Stark is a Nobel prize-winning mathematician, Global Dynamics' head researcher (at certain times), and Allison Blake's estranged husband. Nathan has a very guarded personality, and runs the Eureka installation in an occasionally "tight-fisted" manner. He usually expresses his emotions through actions rather than words, and shows a lot of sarcasm towards Sheriff Carter. He also commands the installation's tactical units, which are called in to contain various mishaps or problems. Keenly brilliant and rather charming, he and Jack Carter quickly end up at odds almost immediately, as Carter is now a rival for Allison's affection. He has had experience in numerous fields, which often has him on the scene of numerous events and happenings in Eureka due to his prior engagements. Nathan's desires to push the boundaries of science eventually start to infringe on his conscience. Stark is still in love with Allison, and as such has not yet granted her a divorce. He is Allison's second husband. In "H.O.U.S.E. Rules," it was revealed Nathan was at some point Henry Deacon's student. Henry says that he could have "Furthered science, in so many ways." This implies that he has a very high IQ and further frustrates Henry that instead of becoming a scientist, he chose the "Corporate shuffle." In "Primal", he admitted under duress that he sometimes dreams of ruling the world. In the episode "Once in a Lifetime", Beverly Barlowe, working for the Consortium, inserted a tracking chip on Nathan Stark's neck after hypnotizing Stark with a flash of light from a hand-held device, which appears to be the one built by Henry Deacon that erases short term memory. Throughout the second season, Nathan and Allison's relationship grows. In the final episode, "A Night at Global Dynamics", Carter, Nathan and Taggart work together to try and stop a supposed airborne flesh eating bacteria, which was revealed to be a lie created by Henry Deacon in order to save Kevin Blake. After discovering it was a lie, Taggart goes to lead all the civilians that locked themselves in the morgue out of the building while, in an unlikely alliance, Carter and Nathan go to save Allison and Kevin. Nathan realizes that Henry is going to use a teleportion device to disconnect Kevin from the Artifact, but he is missing Kevin's original DNA profile, as exposure and connection to the Artifact has altered it. They rush to save Kevin and get there in time to also stop Beverly from stabbing Henry and possibly Allison. Using the KB-201 file, Kevin is saved but Beverly escapes. Nathan tells Allison of how he's tired of pretending he's okay with them being separated and how Kevin and Allison are his family. This results in Nathan proposing to Allison, and after a while she agrees, much to the distress of Jack Carter who has long been in love with her. (In the episode "The Ex Files" he states that he loved her from when he first laid eyes on her) Nathan and Allison plan their wedding in "Best in Faux". In a time loop continuum problem, "I Do Over" (season 3 episode 4) Stark helps Jack repair a hole in the Space Time Continuum which required him to manually adjust a nuclear clock to repair space time. Though the clock was activated and the continuum repaired, Stark appeared to be demolecularized and thus killed. His last words, to Jack, were "Take care of Allison, she'll need you. See you around Jack." He left a message for Allison in the logic diamond he use for the wedding gift the message was "Allie, I will always love you and I will never, ever leave you again." An image of Nathan Stark appeared to Jack Carter in the fourth season, initially claiming to be the real Nathan who was "dematerialized" as opposed to "vaporized" as Jack claimed, and had escaped from the temporal region he was locked in; however it was later revealed that this was merely a hallucination that only Jack could see or interact with, similar to one experienced by Allison Blake. While Jack is hallucinating him, he resolves his inner issues concerning his relationship with Allison and Nathan and Allison's former relationship. Because he was a hallucination it is assumed he is definitely dead, but as the other affected people hallucinate, it is shown that this is not true. All the other hallucinated people are alive except for Adam Barlowe. Because of this, it could be assumed that Nathan is in places unknown. This could also be signified in his change in appearance (However this could just be because of how the actor looked at the time.) However, in "Smarter Carter", it is revealed that Nathan Stark was indeed dematerialized in the new timeline, upon seeing the inscription on the threshold of the Nathan Stark Memorial Hallway.