| - Galka are an immortal, humanoid race inhabiting Vana'diel, with origins on Zepwell Island.
- Despite their average magic attack ratings, Galkas have low MP pools and may struggle at magic when compared to other races. There are, however, various types of armor to compensate for this. They reproduce through a form of reincarnation, but usually have no recollection of their past life. Many English speaking fans believe they are asexual due to a mistranslation in the manual. Interviews with the game's creator have confirmed they are male.
- Es wir spekuliert, dass Square Enix den Namen "Galka" vom Begriff "Balkan" abgeleitet hat. Der Balkan ist eine Bergregion in Bulgarien. Es kann sein, dass sich "Berg" auf die Statur der "Galka" bezieht oder weil sich die ehemalige Hauptstadt der Galka im bergischen Altepa befand.
- thumb|Galka Die Galka sind ein körperlich imposantes Volk aus Final Fantasy XI und bilden die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung in Bastok. Ihrem klotzigen Aussehen entsprechend zeichnen sie sich durch immense Muskelstärke aus. Die Galka pflanzen sich durch eine Art Reinkarnation fort und besitzen daher keine Geschlechtsmerkmale. Man nimmt jedoch generell an, dass sie von männlicher Natur sind.
- The Galka are the second most physically powerful out of the playable races of Vanadiel, but are the most physically durable. They originated from the Altepa Desert of Zepwell Island, but their capital was destroyed by a race of ant-like beastmen six hundred years ago in a war against the Galkan race. What remained of the Galka were forced to take refuge in other parts of Vana'diel, with the majority moving to Bastok. Unfortunately for the Galka who moved to Bastok, the Humes that lived there decided to take advantage of their new neighbors' great strength. Many of the Bastokan Galka are now members of the Bastokan Military, or its mining force.
| - Galka are an immortal, humanoid race inhabiting Vana'diel, with origins on Zepwell Island.
- Despite their average magic attack ratings, Galkas have low MP pools and may struggle at magic when compared to other races. There are, however, various types of armor to compensate for this. They reproduce through a form of reincarnation, but usually have no recollection of their past life. Many English speaking fans believe they are asexual due to a mistranslation in the manual. Interviews with the game's creator have confirmed they are male.
- Es wir spekuliert, dass Square Enix den Namen "Galka" vom Begriff "Balkan" abgeleitet hat. Der Balkan ist eine Bergregion in Bulgarien. Es kann sein, dass sich "Berg" auf die Statur der "Galka" bezieht oder weil sich die ehemalige Hauptstadt der Galka im bergischen Altepa befand.
- The Galka are the second most physically powerful out of the playable races of Vanadiel, but are the most physically durable. They originated from the Altepa Desert of Zepwell Island, but their capital was destroyed by a race of ant-like beastmen six hundred years ago in a war against the Galkan race. What remained of the Galka were forced to take refuge in other parts of Vana'diel, with the majority moving to Bastok. Unfortunately for the Galka who moved to Bastok, the Humes that lived there decided to take advantage of their new neighbors' great strength. Many of the Bastokan Galka are now members of the Bastokan Military, or its mining force. As they are all male, Galka reproduce through a form of reincarnation. It is told that "When a Galka senses his death, he sets out on a journey to climb a high mountain and await his final moments. There, guided by a magnificent light, he gains a new body, and with that body climbs down from the mountain. However no one has ever seen this miracle take place. It may just be simple folklore. All we Galka see is one of our brothers setting off on a journey. Then, less than a year later, a new Galka child arrives in our camps." (Zeid) It is not widely known what method, if any, the Galkan race has for dealing with decreases in number due to violent death or illness.
- thumb|Galka Die Galka sind ein körperlich imposantes Volk aus Final Fantasy XI und bilden die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung in Bastok. Ihrem klotzigen Aussehen entsprechend zeichnen sie sich durch immense Muskelstärke aus. Die Galka pflanzen sich durch eine Art Reinkarnation fort und besitzen daher keine Geschlechtsmerkmale. Man nimmt jedoch generell an, dass sie von männlicher Natur sind.