| - The Hero is fighting in the middle of a bustling metropolis. Suddenly, a Baby Carriage rolls into the middle of the battleground. For whatever reason, he (and it's usually a man) can't return the baby to its mother or hand it to one of the Five-Man Band to get it out of the way while he fights. Instead, he picks the baby up and continues the fight, casually picking off Mooks while cradling the infant in the crook of one arm. If the baby is a little older, expect the hero to tell the youngster to cover his or her eyes while he finishes the battle. For the love of God, Do Not Try This At Home.
| - The Hero is fighting in the middle of a bustling metropolis. Suddenly, a Baby Carriage rolls into the middle of the battleground. For whatever reason, he (and it's usually a man) can't return the baby to its mother or hand it to one of the Five-Man Band to get it out of the way while he fights. Instead, he picks the baby up and continues the fight, casually picking off Mooks while cradling the infant in the crook of one arm. If the baby is a little older, expect the hero to tell the youngster to cover his or her eyes while he finishes the battle. The baby or child doesn't have to be picked up before or during the fight. It can just as easily be the hero's kid, in which case there is optimal crossover between this and Action Mom if the hero is a woman. The important thing here is that the baby is held by the hero during the battle. If a baby is present, but not carried, then it's Baby Carriage. If one of the Innocent Bystanders just so happens to be a baby, that is also not this trope. If the hero is fighting specifically to defend a child, then it's Mama Bear or Papa Wolf. If the hero and baby are together for the majority of the plot/plotline, it's Badass and Child Duo. This trope is useful for demonstrating the hero's sensitive side, as well as showing just how macho he is. Not only is he caring for an innocent, but he's fighting one-handed, to boot. This can also be used to show that Even Evil Has Standards, as some Mooks will refuse to fight until the baby is safely out of the way. It also adds a sense of additional danger and urgency to the scene, though Infant Immortality is in full effect here. Compare Badly-Battered Babysitter, Escort Mission, and Badass and Child Duo. A Pregnant Badass is, by definition, always doing this. For the love of God, Do Not Try This At Home. Examples of Badass and Baby include: