Freda was a terrestrial world within the Freda system, located near Jante on the Mid Rim of the galaxy, and home to the Freda. During the Galactic Civil War, it was under the control of the Galactic Empire.
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| - Freda was a terrestrial world within the Freda system, located near Jante on the Mid Rim of the galaxy, and home to the Freda. During the Galactic Civil War, it was under the control of the Galactic Empire.
- Freda sells climbing boots for 12 gp and rock climbing boots for 75,000 gp. She will not sell either type of boots if the player has not completed the new version of the Death Plateau quest.
- Freda was a robot created by Frylock. She was intended on being the perfect mate for Master Shake, but Freda quickly gets sick of him and runs off to Carl. Depressed, Shake lets himself go and eventually starts stalking Freda. When she realizes this, she commits suicide by jumping onto a freeway. She makes a cameo in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Forever Theme Song.
- thumb|245px Freda – postać występująca w filmie Władca Pierścieni: Dwie Wieże. Jest córką Morweny i siostrą Éothaina. Jest grana przez Olivię Tennet.
- She is married to Sabbot, and formerly lived with him in his cave, but moved into the cottage when the trolls attacked Burthorpe. Sabbot is currently attempting to get Freda to move back in with him by finishing up the shop's construction on his own. Freda sells climbing boots for 12 gp and rock climbing boots for 75,000 gp. She will not sell either type of boots if the player has not completed the new version of the Death Plateau quest.
- The Freda were a race of native to the Mid Rim planet Freda. These beings were locked in a cold war with their neighbors, the Jante, until the Freda militia launched offensives against Jante holdings in the Rettna System. The Freda were successful in capturing Hamner Heavy Ores plants, as well as Jante Materials Corporation facilities in orbit around Rett II. This prompted Imperial Moff Haveland to order a cease-fire, and peace talks were initiated. The Freda President Rolf Petruma withdrew from the talks, claiming that they were becoming stagnant and worthless.
- <default>Freda</default> Beiname Titel Spezies Geschlecht Geburt Tod Partner Heimat Beruf Waffen Zugehörigkeit Regierung Schauspieler Stimme Freda (sie kommt nur im Film vor) war eine junge Rohirrim, die die Schwester von Éothain und die Tochter von Morwen war. Als ihr Dorf im Zuge des Ringkrieges von wilden Menschen, die sich Saruman angeschlossen hatten, überfallen wurde, floh sie gemeinsam mit ihrem Bruder nach Edoras, um dort den König Théoden vor einem bevorstehenden Angriff izu warnen. Als Edoras bald darauf evakuiert wurde und die Bewohner in die Bergfestung Helms Klamm flohen, war Freda mit ihrem Bruder Teil des Zuges; in der Festung trafen sie auch auf die überlebenden Flüchtlinge aus ihrem Dorf, unter denen sich, zu Fredas Freude, auch ihre Mutter befand.
- Freda è una giovane Rohirrim che compare nella trilogia di Peter Jackson, e non è frutto nella mente del Professor Tolkien; infatti non compare in alcuno scritto. Ella è figlia di Morwen e sorella minore di Éothain
- Freda was the daughter of Morwen and sister of Eothain.
- She was born on 30 May 2053. In 2069, her house was set aflame by people who persecuted Ghosties. Torchwood sent her through the Cardiff Rift to save her life. Freda arrived in 2009. After coming through, she had amnesia. As her Universal Remote Control was mistaken for a gun, she was arrested for shoplifting when she tried to pay with it.
- Freda - kanadyjska piosenkarka. Uczestnicy 8. Worldvision Song Contest TOP 3 Finaliści Ampop (Islandia) • Anna Tatangelo (Włochy) • Assorti (Rosja) • Berksan (Turcja) • BWO (Szwecja) • Declan (Wielka Brytania) • Desperado (Węgry) • Diana Lucas & Bambino (Portugalia) • Elena Risteska & Regina (Macedonia) • Eyal Golan (Izrael) • Faye Wong (Chiny) • Hania Stach (Polska) • Juanita Du Plessis (PRA) • Lordi (Finlandia) • Luis Fonsi (Portoryko) • Marion Raven (Norwegia) • Natalia (Hiszpania) • Nusa Derenda (Słowenia) • Oli P (Niemcy) • Rihanna & Ne-Yo (Barbados) • Slavica Cukteras (Serbia) • T-Rio (Brazylia) • Toby Emerson & Freda (Kanada) • Within Temptation (Holandia) • Yolanda Adams (USA) • YUI (Japonia)
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| - The owner of a surprisingly cosy cabin.
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