| - How the Rugrats talk.
* Jerky: Angelica Pickles says this for "jury"
* Fudge: Phil DeVille and Lil DeVille say this for "judge"
* Spression: Expression
* Speriment: Experiment
* Dog broomer: dog groomer
* Lizard: wizard
* Sponsatility or sponsability: responsibility
* Nakie: naked
* Crompass: compass
* Diapie: diaper
* Growed-up: grown-up
* Nappy: nap, not to be confused with its synonym for diaper.
* Prettyful: pretty.
* Chubbie: How Dil Pickles says "Chuckie"
* Compooper: computer
* Poopy: poop
* Throwed: threw
* Broke or broked: broken
* Alphabetty: alphabet
* Inderplendence: independence.
* Gots, Gotted, or Getted: got
* Don't gots: don't have
* Housie: house
* Turneded: turned
* Nakie American: Native American, although they think it means a naked American.
* Aminal: animal
* Lie berry: library
* Over-goo: overdue
* A'scared: afraid
* Losted: lost
* Favoritest: favorite
* Taked: taken
* Baby-baby: A baby who cannot walk or talk yet.
* Waked: woke
* Worstest: worst
* A'posed or sus'posed: supposed
* Norman: normal
* Humungrous: humongous
* Germ-ball or gerdil: gerbil
* Dennis: dentist
* Graham Canyon: Grand Canyon
* Tooked: took
* Stoled: stole
* Outside space: outer space
* Nightscare: nightmare
* Got their diapies in a bunch: gotten in trouble
* Mommy ship: mother ship
* Songy thing: guitar
* Hurted: hurt.
* Crusty: a sandwich with the crust still on.
* Do an oopsie: Throw up.
* Crocagator: crocodile
* Siefrian Tiger: Siberian tiger
* Vegebelatarian: vegetarian
* 'Splain: explain
* No more: anymore.
* Meaty-balls: meatballs.
* Superest: most super.
* Falled: fell.
* Go night-night: fall asleep.
* Go nap-nap: take a nap.
* Mommy-and-Daddy potty: toilet
* Big-boy potty: toilet.
* Big-boy doggy: Fully-grown male dog.
* Rhinoceritis! or rhinoplatsy: disease made up by Angelica that turns you into a rhino.
* Chicken pops: chicken pox.
* Sturgeon: surgeon.
* Doctor school: university.
* Germ suit: suit that protects you from germs.
* Kalamazoo: a magic word.
* Beautifulest: most beautiful.
* Cancoon: cocoon.
* A-gadda-da-vida: magic words.
* Allekadada: abracadabra
* Allakazee: Alakazam
* Ali-Ali-Baba: magic words.
* Alakazoo: a form of alakazam.
* Wowee-zowie-bobowee: magic words.
* Bonowee: magic words.
* Sillyrockers: a magic word.
* Pukus: a magic word.
* Hello-phone: telephone
* Time: watch (they call watches times as people say "Look at the time!" when looking at them)
* Lillip: Dil's talk for Lillian.
* Foocher: future.
* A Bob: above.
* Fiend: friend
* Power: misreading of powder.
* Alium: alien.
* Dayscare: daycare.
* 'Sploring: exploring
* Hand-me-ups: Giving something of yours to someone older than you.
* Invisdible: invisible.
* Monies: monkeys or money.
* Gardening: guardian.
* P.U.: P.S.
* Lawn: law.
* Roll wasn't built in an egg: Rome wasn't built in a day.
* Dinnersaur: dinosaur.
* Go Peek: Bo Peep.
* Benited Steaks: United States.
* Yas: you
* A: a, an, a letter in the alphabet.
* I'm a anybody: I'm important.
* Increbidle: incredible.
* Sticky: plaster.
* Sawed: saw.
* Inflection: infection.
* Duckteeth: buckteeth.
* Mercial: commercial.
* Sitted: sat.
* Knowed: knew.
* B'sketti: spaghetti.
* Booty: beauty.
* Asplain/splain: explain.
* Is: Is, although it can mean are.
* Maked: made.
* Slowerer: slower.
* Stu-driver: Stu's screwdriver.
* Portant: important.
* Tangerine: gangrene.
* Eleventy-two: a number.
* Jerk: jack.
* Infatuation: imagination.
* Epidermis: epidemic.
* Can't see nothing: can't see anything.
* Founded: found.
* Dungy: dungeon.
* Flied: flew.
* Germed: contaminated with germs.
* Tinkle: twinkle.
* Borned: born.
* Suspended: suspected.
* Likes: likes, or like.
* Bagel: bag.
* Reka: Eureka.
* Ferraro: Ferrari.
* Mans: men.
* Sended: sent.
* Gets: gets, or get.
* Shoesies: shoe.
* Wants: wants, or want.
* Socky: sock.
* Theirsleves: themselves.
* Wented: went.
* Mores: more.
* Makes: make, or makes.
* Bathy: bathtub.
* Kidlap: kidnap.
* Dressie: dress.
* Got: got, or need.
* A mommies: mothers.
* Eats: eats, or eat.
* Toppy: top.
* Bravly: brave.
* Bravliest: bravest
* Eated: ate
* Bazillion: a big number
* Was: was, although it is sometimes incorrectly used to mean "were".
* All's we's: All we have
* Somewheres: somewhere.
* Kittypillar: caterpillar.
* Elastic perjury: plastic surgery.
* Oversneas: Angelica Pickles uses this in the Rugrats in Paris: The Movie home video trailer to say "overseas".
* Pokyo: Tokyo.
* Parrots: Paris.
* Bread: Phil DeVille uses this in his quote "Somebody got up on the wrong side of the bread" from Rugrats in Paris to mean "bed".