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- From the Story Arc "There's a Sucker Born every Minute" given by Willy Wheeler. This Souvenir is restricted to the level range of 15-19.
- Der Lollipop ist eines der ersten Gesundheits-Items. Sie sind von neu beginn in deinem Inventar zu finden. Sie stellen deine HP wieder her. Die Lollipops sind zwar in hoher Anzahl zu finden, aber sie sind die schlechtesten HP Wiederherstellungs Item. Ihr Wert liegt bei 1 Penya, trozdem versucht es niemand auf dem Markt zu verkaufen. Die Aibatts tragen Lollipops bei sich. Wer also Lollis mag: Töte die Aibatts
- Lollipop is a song by Rapsta Chik , it features vocals from Britney Spears and rapper Amil and is produced by Major Lazer who had Rapsta on his track Lazers Never Die, he also produced Cinnamon but was not credited as producer.
- } “Shut your mouth!!!!!” ~ Phyllis Hyman on sarcasm Yo yo yo! You you you can can can suck suck suck this this this lollipop lollipop lollipop! LOL! Please don't touch the furniture. You break it, you buy it! SO LOL YOU! have a lollipop, fine sir. Are you alright? You have indigestion. Take your pills, and eat a sheep. Yes, a sheep.SHEEP SHEEP SHEEP! It seems it is good for men in iron suits. Yes, Iron Man. Tony Stork. The bird man, attorney at law. LAW? YOU MEAN LAWLIPOP! OH, LOL-IPOP! no, lol. Ya, lol? Serious-lol? LOL, NEWB! LOLLIPOP!
- The Lollipop is a slot item available to everyone through the Station Cash Marketplace at the regular price of File:Sc.png225, and to Members at the 10% discount price of File:Sc.png202.
- Lollipop gives +5 hunger when fed to a pet.
- Lollipop is a character from the show Space Cats.
- Lollipop is a splicable hand item.
- The Lollipop is a type of disc in Nintendogs + Cats. It has the look of a swirly lollipop. The disc is used much like other discs, though the owner can throw it by the handle. It can be found on walks very rarely, or at the Pet Supply Shop after the trainer has enough points. The item costs $24 for each bought. Dogs love this toy and it can be used in disc competitions. It is very useful if a puppy needs a disc faster then the basic disc but can't catch a pro disc.
- Lollipops are one of the several health items Jennifer can use in Rule of Rose. They restore a lot of health.
- The Lollipop is a 3 star recipe that can be made in the Sweet Shoppe. It requires 2x Snow Tulip bushels, 2x Frozen Grapes bushels, 3x Blueberry bushels.
- A lollipop is a type of candy, a food-based treat created by the Human civilization of the planet Earth.
- Lollipops are settlement objects in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.
- Le Lollipop furono in tempi antichi un gruppo di cinque caramellaie uruguaiane concepite da una mente pazzoide durante un programma di esperimenti sugli animali. In realtà dovevano essere sei, ma una di loro morì prima della registrazione del loro primo singolo in seguito a un attacco di dissenteria dovuto alla lettura del testo da cantare.
- "Who says you can't enjoy delicious candy because you're fighting for your life? Just try not to drop it from your mouth in the heat of battle."
- Lollipops were a delicious treat enjoyed by Darth Kojak and, in his youth, Darth Maul. They were also the favored weapon of the deadly and enigmatic Lollipop Guild. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- Lollipops or suckers, are a type of candy that come in a variety of flavors, and they are attached to a stick. Sweet Tooth was fond of lollipops, or suckers as he called them. When Batman and Robin approached him about his latest crime, which was putting chocolate syrup in the water supply of Gotham City, he referred to them as "suckers."
- The Lollipop is a type of food in The Last Stand: Dead Zone. It is only available during the Halloween event.
- A lollipop, pop, lolly, sucker, or sticky-pop is a type of confectionery consisting mainly of hardened, flavored sucrose with corn syrup mounted on a stick. Dr. Jennifer Keller took some lollipops with her to New Athos to help the check-ups with the Athosian children. (SGA: "Missing") Lt. Colonel John Sheppard is also fond of these types of confectionery. (SGA: "Travelers", "Trio")
- Lollipops are items in Lollipop Chainsaw. Juliet Starling uses them to replenish her health, which is represented by a row of lollipops. Unlike the Pizza of No More Heroes, lollipops are not consumed immediately, but rather added to her stash. They can later be accessed from the D-pad, and will restore 50% of her total health (which is, in turn, upgraded by consuming various food items purchased from Chop2Shop.Zom).