| - Sammodra is a region in Mordusia. It's capital is the city of Bayonne. In the early days of Mordusia, when the kingdom of Sammodra had just been conquered, Sammodra had a large hispanic population. Nowadays, that population has become all but extinct in Sammodra, instead, the state hosts one of the largest percentages of Mordusian Anglo-Saxons of any state, as 97% of the population is of that ethnicity. Sammodra has historical been a conservative religious state. Bayonne, on the coast of the Sea of Lost Souls, is the capital. It is a highly developed city.
| - Sammodra is a region in Mordusia. It's capital is the city of Bayonne. In the early days of Mordusia, when the kingdom of Sammodra had just been conquered, Sammodra had a large hispanic population. Nowadays, that population has become all but extinct in Sammodra, instead, the state hosts one of the largest percentages of Mordusian Anglo-Saxons of any state, as 97% of the population is of that ethnicity. Sammodra has historical been a conservative religious state. Bayonne, on the coast of the Sea of Lost Souls, is the capital. It is a highly developed city. Bayonne's huge metropolitan area spawns across five distinct zones. With the head quarters of all of Sammodras' corporations at its center, the Core City is the jewel of Bayonne. There, pollution is non extant and a magnificent view on the bay can be enjoyed from the top of the sky scrapers. The inner city, while being slightly less exclusive, still is beautiful hosting large upper class residential areas. The Middle City is where most of Bayonne's middle class lives, no overly luxurious, but far from poor. The outskirts of Bayonne are where the untold hundreds upon hundreds of factories are located. Steel factories, oil refineries, weapons manufacturers. This is where a large part o Mordusia's heavy industry is situated. Here the poor live in squalor next to miles of super highways and in an omni-present smog of heavy pollution. Clann is very similar to Bayonne, save the fact that there is no equivalent to the glistening Core city of Bayonne. Indeed, Clann's financial district is situated right next to the city's factories, which are almost as numerous as Bayonne's. Although the city is very polluted and grim, it has its own majesty, housing some of Terra's most expensive offices and his holiness the Pope himself, in the truly colossal Clann Cathedral, a huge witness to the golry of Coptus. Finlindt fits the Sammodra description of a gray city. Devoid of Bayonne's and Clann's factories, Finlindt hosts the state's banks, and there are lots of them. Banks and insurance companies seem to cover the city. Actually, the financial sector represents some 80% of all the city's businesses. New Ardommas is one of Sammodra's smaller cities, and a pleasant one for sure.