| - Open Journal Systems. 2012. Open Journal Systems. Public Knowledge Project. (WUaS's wiki, information technologies and criteria for this - informed by the WUaS academic journal subject matter - are developing, since you can already publish your article at ).
- Architecture (suomennettuna Arkkitehtuuri) on vuonna 2008 alkanut teema joka koostuu arkkitehtuurisesti kiinnostavien rakennusten pienoismalleista. Teema eroaa monessa suhteessa tavallisista teemoista: ajatus teemasta on tullut LEGO Groupin ulkopuoliselta taholta, settien suunnittelija ei ole yhtiössä töissä ja settejä ei myydä tavalliseen tapaan lelukaupoissa vaan enemmän matkamuistoliikkeissä. Teeman setit on suunnittellut Chicagolainen arkkitehti Adam Reed Tucker.
- A theme under the same name existed in 1962 that originally and ended in 1963.
- Architecture is a skill, described in Basic Set, p. 176, and referenced in GURPS Thaumatology™, p. 89, on sacred architecture.
- Architecture is the art of modeling three-dimensional space, frozen in the reality of its construction and perceivable through motion. It is widely and unquestioningly believed in the universal academy of "Thou Architecture Ye" that architecture was once music, but has long been frozen in time and is now only present as a physiological manifestation of the juices of music. It is also well known that architecture is the second oldest discipline since the dawn of man (second only to prostitution) and has since its conception spawned a legion of pretentious lego brick addicts known as architects.
- The Department of Architecture is all about torturing you to death. Get ready for many long, painful nights.
- Architecture - серия, выпущенная в 1962 году, но законченная очень быстро: через год, в 1963. В 2008 году серия была перезапущена и продолжается в настоящий момент.
- Für die Architecture Baureihe erschienen in den Jahren 1962 und 1963 die ersten Baukästen. In der Zeit erschien insgesamt sieben Baukästen. 2008 wurde die Serie dann wieder neu aufgenommen und es erscheinen regelmäßig Baukästen von berühmten Gebäuden im Microscale Maßstab.
- Для уменьшения большого объема двойного дублирования темы - ссылка на англорусскую Википедию:
* english: Architecture
* русский: Архитектура
- L' architecture désigne l'art de concevoir et bâtir des édifices. Certaines civilisations ont développé une architecture similaire, en raison de la loi de développement parallèle des planètes de Hodgkin, de la visite d'aliens, etc...
- Although many PWADs diverge significantly from the IWADs, and there is plenty of variation among the IWADs themselves, architecture in Doom levels often incorporates standard structures and elements. This may be due to deliberate attempts to stay true to the Doom style, or the restrictions of the Doom engine's "2.5-dimensional" level format.
- Architecture was the art and science of designing buildings, structures and environments. A practitioner was called an architect. Sometimes the term architecture could also be applied to the design of starships, especially as far as their geometry is concerned. (RIS Bouteina various)
- Architecture is a career track for The Sims 2: FreeTime. The career reward is SIM series Drafting Table. Luis Aspir is the only pre-made Sim who works in Architecture career, and is already retired. In Apartment Life, the possible Social Group Townies that may work in this career are Gearheads and Jocks. College majors associated with this career are Mathematics and Art.
- Architecture is "[t]he overall logic structure of a computer or computer-based system. Architecture is
- Pearl River Tower is a 69-story "zero-energy" skyscraper to be built in Guangdong, China by 2009.
* Inhabitat: Guangdong Green Skyscraper
* SOM Wins Design Competition for Sustainable Skyscraper in China
* Сквозь табачную башню пройдут Солнце и ветер южного Китая (RUS) A small zero energy home was built in Oklahoma in 2006 [1].
- L'architecture représente l'art de concevoir des structures (bâtiments, navires, etc.) en prenant en compte leur aspect esthétique et fonctionnel.
- Akshara Indic Script Generator is a powerful unicode Indic Script Generator that can generate the unicode script for any language by installing the supporting plug-ins. It is carefully designed so as not to create any security or performance threat to you and your system. The power of Akshara is its architecture, that allows the 3rd party plug-ins to be loaded using .Net Reflection for supporting transliteration to any languages.
- Architecture Objects can be any of these: Column, Crafting Machine, Door, Fireplace, Sitting Object, Sleeping Object, Roof, Wall, Window. Architecture Objects are part of the family Item. Architecture Objects are usually used to furnish a building.
- The term architecture can be used to mean a process, a profession or documentation.
- Architecture (from Latin architura, and that from Greek αρχιτεκτονική, architektoniki) is the art and science of constructing the built environment. The discipline that deals with the design, construction and ornamentation of fine buildings. "Architecture and eloquence are mixed arts whose end is sometimes beauty and sometimes use." Ralph Waldo Emerson. Architectural types and styles classify architecture in terms relating to such factors as form, techniques, materials, time period, contexts, region and climate
- Architecture is the art and science of designing buildings, structures, and environments. An individual who designs and creates architecture is known as an architect. On planets with humanoid inhabitants, architecture can develop along similar patterns, due to Hodgkin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development. (TOS: "Bread and Circuses" , et. al.) Charles Tucker III's mother wanted her son to study architecture, but he chose a career as a starship engineer instead. (ENT: "Similitude")