| - Jadis volt Narniában az első gonosz, Aslan elmondása szerint a boszorkány jelenléte kezdettől fogva olyan hellyé változatatta az országot, ahol titokban, de uralkodik a gonoszság.
- A pregnant woman who gets caught up in the firefight surrounding Dylan's attempts to recruit Isabella Ortiz to the standard of the new Systems Commonwealth, she is understandably and primarily concerned with her baby, and her actions to protect the baby complicate the crew's lives considerably.
- thumb|273pxJadis (zwana Białą Czarownicą) — jedna z głównych postaci "Opowieści z Narnii".
- Jadis is a character from the Narnia universe. She has no known alts, being based on the same character from the Narnia source canon.
- Jadis es un personaje ficticio cerado por el escritor irlandés Clive Staples Lewis. Se trata de una hermosa dama de cabellos oscuros ,piel rosada ,ojos verdes y de una gran altura a comparacion de una mujer.Es la Emperatriz del mundo en ruinas de Charn, que alguna vez fue un poderoso imperio hasta que se desato una guerra civil comandada por la hermana de Jadis. Finalmente su hermana gano la batalla, pero Jadis al ser tan egoista y mala perdedora pronuncio la "Palabra Deplorable", un hechizo capaz de matar a todo ser viviente del mundo excepto al que la pronunciaba. Jadis se transformo a si misma en estatua de piedra, esperando siglos bajo esa forma hasta que dos niños, un niño y una niña de nombres Digory y Polly, entraron a Charn por accidente y la liberaron tocando una campana. Luego de
- Jadis ou a Feiticeira Branca é uma mulher extremamente poderosa, responsável pela destruição de diversos mundos, entre eles Felinda, Bramandin, Soloris e Charn. Quando chegou em Nárnia pela segunda vez, em 898, condenou-a a um inverno de cem anos, até a chegada de Pedro, Lúcia, Edmundo e Susana.thumb|Jadis em Charn nas ilustrações de O Sobrinho do Magoframe|Jadis em O Leão, a Feiticeira e o Guarda-Roupa filme 2005
- Jadis is known as the nice person in Total Drama Cruise. Episode Eliminated:Its Nice Or Nothing(spoof of nerf:Its Nerf Or Nothing) Place:10th Hair Color:Dirty Blonde Eye Color:Blue Team:Man Eating Flys Total Drama Cruise In You Go...No..Wait Jadis is the 7th contestant to arrive.Jadis's team is struggling with getting across the tightrope.Steve is chosen to go across for his team and Jadis says you can do it.He is not seen or heard from for the rest of the episode. In Now THIS Is Awesome! The Man Eating Fly team brings an eliminated player from the Savage Worms to their reward,Dylan. Trivia cousins.
- Queen Jadis was the sole living resident and the self-declared final Queen of the world of Charn. She was an extremely powerful sorceress, and was the most infamous ruler of Narnia. Originally from the World of Charn, she was accidentally brought to the World of Narnia. Although she was banished to the North by the Great Lion, Aslan, she returned 900 Narnian-years later, and usurped the throne from the original royal family of Narnia. Her tyranny eventually evoked the Narnians into a triumphant uprising known as the Winter Revolution.