| - Once found, the stone spirit will send all ores mined directly to the bank for 30 seconds, including extra ores obtained with the Varrock armour and bonus ores gathered from concentrated coal and gold rocks. The potion also gives a small chance of receiving higher level ore (also sent directly to your bank). It will also boost your mining xp by 10% while banking ore. Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. A message will warn you one minute before the timer runs out. More than one spirit may be acquired during the six minutes after each dose.
- When a dose is consumed, each ore mined has a 10% chance of finding a stone spirit. Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. Once found, the stone spirit will send all ores mined directly to the bank for 30 seconds, including extra ores obtained with the Varrock armour and bonus ores gathered from concentrated coal and gold rocks. The potion also gives a small chance of receiving higher level ore (also sent directly to your bank). It will also boost your mining experience by 10% while banking ore. The ore that activates the stone spirit to appear will be sent to the bank, but will not receive the 10% experience boost.
| - When a dose is consumed, each ore mined has a 10% chance of finding a stone spirit. Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. Once found, the stone spirit will send all ores mined directly to the bank for 30 seconds, including extra ores obtained with the Varrock armour and bonus ores gathered from concentrated coal and gold rocks. The potion also gives a small chance of receiving higher level ore (also sent directly to your bank). It will also boost your mining experience by 10% while banking ore. The ore that activates the stone spirit to appear will be sent to the bank, but will not receive the 10% experience boost. The stone spirit will not appear while mining rune essence, pure essence, Seren stones, crablets, or stardust. If your bank is full, the stone spirit will return the ore to your inventory and disappear. If the 6-minute timer runs out while you still have a stone spirit active, the stone spirit will still remain for the full 30 seconds. Perfect juju mining potions can be made via the addition of harmony moss to a 3-dose vial of juju mining potion. It has the same effects as the normal juju mining potion with the added ability of the stone spirit to automatically smelt ores that are sent to the bank. However, the stone spirit will appear but will not smelt anything for smithing experience while mining clay, limestone, coal, sandstone, gem rocks, granite, red sandstone, and crystal-flecked sandstone. The effect also lasts 1 hour instead.
- Once found, the stone spirit will send all ores mined directly to the bank for 30 seconds, including extra ores obtained with the Varrock armour and bonus ores gathered from concentrated coal and gold rocks. The potion also gives a small chance of receiving higher level ore (also sent directly to your bank). It will also boost your mining xp by 10% while banking ore. Each dose of potion lasts for six minutes. A message will warn you one minute before the timer runs out. More than one spirit may be acquired during the six minutes after each dose. File:Stone spirit.gif Making this potion grants 168 herblore experience and requires a clean samaden and a draconic vine. Perfect juju mining potions can be made via the addition of harmony moss to a 3-dose vial of juju mining potion. It has the same effects as the normal juju mining potion, with the added ability of the stone spirit to automatically smelt ores that are sent to the bank. The effect also lasts 1 hour instead. Read here for a step by step guide to obtaining the ingredients. The stone spirit will not appear while mining Living rock remains, granite, clay, sandstone, rune essence, pure essence, gem rocks, or seren stones. It will work for red and crystal sandstone, however. The effect of the potion will be lost whenever logging out or disconnecting. If the 6 minute timer runs out while you still have a stone spirit active, the stone spirit will still remain for the full 30 seconds. This potion was made tradeable on 10 November, 2014.