| - This is a partial list of war correspondents who reported from North Africa or Italy in 1942-43, during World War II. Some of the names are taken from the war journal of Eric Lloyd Williams, a correspondent for Reuters and the South African Press Association during the war, and from a radio broadcast he made in 1944.
* James Aldridge, New York Times
* Bruce Anderson, South African Broadcasting Corporation
* Graham (G E) Beamish, New Zealand correspondent
* Jack Belden, Life
* Paul Bewsher, Daily Mail
* Homer Bigart, New York Herald Tribune
* Eric Bigio, Daily Express
* Hal Boyle, Associated Press
* Sam Brewer, Chicago Tribune
* Christopher Buckley, Daily Telegraph
* Norman Clark, News Chronicle
* Alexander Clifford, Daily Mail
* Edward Harry Crockett, Associated Press
* Walter Cronkite, United Press
* Daniel De Luce, Associated Press
* Richard Dimbleby, BBC
* Robert Dunnett, BBC
* Frank Gervasi, Collier’s Weekly
* Frank Gillard, BBC
* Hank Gorrell, United Press
* Les Green, South African Broadcasting Corporation
* Matthew Halton, Toronto Star, CBC
* Guy Harriot, Sydney Morning Herald
* Bruce Hewitt, New Zealand Press Association
* Russell Hill, New York Herald Tribune
* Geoffrey Hoare, The Times
* Clare Hollingworth, Daily Express, Chicago Daily News
* Alaric Jacob, Daily Express
* Denis Johnston, BBC
* Philip Jordan, News Chronicle
* Ed Kennedy, Associated Press
* George Lait, International News Service
* Ronald Legge, Daily Telegraph
* Alexander Gault MacGowan, The Sun (New York)
* Denis Martin, Daily Herald
* Frank Martin, Associated Press
* Richard McMillan, United Press
* Drew Middleton, New York Times
* Ronald Monson, Daily Express and Australian newspapers
* Alan Moorehead, Daily Express
* Chester Morrison, CBS
* Leonard Mosley, Allied Newspapers
* William Munday, Australian Newspapers
* Gerald Norman, The Times
* John (Tex) O'Reilly, New York Herald Tribune
* Ernie Pyle, Scripps-Howard Newspapers
* Quentin Reynolds, Collier’s Weekly
* Frederick Salisbury, Daily Herald
* Nestor Solodovnik, Tass News Agency
* Norman Soong, Chinese press
* Edmund Stevens, Christian Science Monitor
* Bill Stoneman, Chicago Daily News
* John Sutherland, South African Press Association
* Jack Thompson, Chicago Tribune
* George Tucker, Associated Press
* Ralph Walling, Reuters
* Don Whitehead, Associated Press
* Eric Lloyd Williams, Reuters/South African Press Association
* Harry Zinder, Time
* Harold Guard - United Press