| - Overheating Oasis is the 8th course in Super Mario 74 and is this games desert level. The location of this level requires using the cannon in the first Overworld, which is unlocked in the Star door where Icecrystal-Tower and Stalagmite Cave are located. Mario must shoot to a grassy ledge on a high wall, which blends into the surrounding, so look for the corner of the mountain where the grass turns into rock and aim slightly right. Then jump into the picture of sand. From up here Mario can also long-jump to another platform which houses MIPS the rabbit. The oasis is a typical desert level, complete with ruins, an oasis, pyramids, Pokeys, and lots of sand. There is also a wooden "construction" which will be a common theme in later levels; which consists of wooden scaffolding platforms and half built wooden structures. Most of the stars are located on top of various structures which must be climbed in various ways. These include a mountain, a pyrimid, and the aformentioned construction.There are two layers to this stage, the highest one looks like a background full of pyramids, though this area can be jumped to and is required for stars. Just like every star in Overworld 1, every time Mario completes a level, he is placed on the very bottom of the hub world, so he must reenter the cannon to get to it again. In Super Mario 74 Extreme Edition this level is replaced with its mirror, Overgrown Oasis. The changes includes the desert being replaced by a lush grassland and the small oasis overflown into the surrounding area.