| - Traditionally, a Torian bloodworm will enter through the skin of a Gormath, feed on the creature's blood, and burrow its way out through the same entry point a few hours later. The thickness of the Gormath's blood is vital to the bloodworm's survival. However, the blood of most sentient life is not only remarkably thinner then the blood of the Gormath, it is also more enticingly scented. The blind Torian bloodworm, when in the proximity of a sentient, will immediately rush the sentient and begin burrowing through the skin, its natural saliva numbing the site and often rendering the victim unaware of the intrusion. Once inside, the Torian bloodworm begins feasting rabidly on the tastier, yet thinner and less fulfilling blood. Victims will often be able to see a bulge in their skin as the worm drinks its way deeper into the body. Once inside, the worm is fatal to a host, for eventually it will begin eating away at vital organs, such as the heart, lungs, or brain. The only way to kill a Torian bloodworm is to administer a high voltage electronic shock to the region where the bloodworm is feasting.