| - There are Moe characters whose youth and innocence attract a fanbase of sexual lust in spite of an author's intentions and then there's these characters who are meant to appeal to Lolicon tastes. Girls (and occasionally boys) who ascribe to this trope are invariably Older Than They Look adults, or supernatural beings that are Really Seven Hundred Years Old. The narrative takes great pains to remind the audience that they are adults, thereby (poorly) attempting to justify the sexualization of their apparent innocence and youth because they are technically adults, and therefore that (supposedly) alleviates the reader of possible guilt. It's not just the guilt of the readers, mind you. There are countries where publishing acts of drawn underage sex is illegal. This is sometimes as close as the publishers can legally get if they want to sell their work in those countries. Note, however, that countries have differing laws on the matter, and what may be an effective legal dodge in one country may equal jail time in another. Finally, this trope is also more often than not played for drama as well; the stigma of being a "forbidden object of lust" trapped in a "child's" body when one is an adult with sexual desires is a veritable goldmine of Angst driven drama and plot. A combinatorial trope of Jail Bait Wait, Fetish Fuel Station Attendant and Lolicon. Occasionally meets There Should Be a Law. A real life version of this can be the result of Dawson Casting. No Real Life Examples, Please This trope is full of Unfortunate Implications. Examples of Legal Jailbait include: