| - Cuts to inside, where Parker is relaxing with a bottle of beer and a newspaper. He hears a car pull up outside, and gets up to look at it from a window.] [The doorbell rings.] [Parker opens the front door.] [Grafton goes into the library. Parker turns a figurine on the banister and talks to it.] [Cuts to Lady Penelope driving along in FAB 1.] Lady Penelope: [To herself] "I'd better make sure the men are who I think they are. I don't want to cause a scene unnecessarily." [The pursuing vehicle comes alongside FAB 1. One of the men in it raises a pistol. FAB 1 accelerates away, and the crook fires several shots at it. [She presses a button, and big clouds of black smoke start coming from the rear of FAB 1. The pursuers drive straight through it.] [She presses another button, and FAB 1 starts spraying oil onto the road from behind. The crooks' car swerves left and right.] [The crook with the submachine gun starts spraying bullets.] [She presses another button. This time, two machine guns appear at the rear. They fire a few dozen shots, and the crooks' car veers off the road and explodes.] [Cuts to the library. Warren Grafton is playing with a lighter when Parker opens the door.] [Parker leaves again.] Warren Grafton: [To himself] "Yeah. All the time in the world." [He pulls an antenna out of his lighter and scans the walls with it.] Warren Grafton: [To himself] "Nothing. Maybe the floor?" [He scans the floor until his safe detector beeps intermittently.] Warren Grafton: [To himself] "Under the floor, huh? Very smart. Now, what about the alarm systems?" [He quickly locates the alarm system wires.] Warren Grafton: [To himself] "No problem." [He attaches a small electronic device next to the wires. The door opens and Lady Penelope appears.] [Parker brings the tea.] [She reads the telegram. It says "His chauffeur is a crook - Parker".] [Brief cut to outside to show Grafton's chauffeur taking pictures of the house. Then, it cuts back to inside, some time later. Grafton is leaving.] [Cuts to Grafton's car.] [Cuts to Creighton-Ward Mansion.] [Cuts to Tracy Island. Jeff's portrait of Lady Penelope beeps.] [Grafton's New York office.] [Cuts to Jeff, Brains, Tin-Tin and Warren Grafton on board the Monotrain.] [Cuts to a Helijet flying in a storm.] Part Three Part Four The End