| - A creature, character, hero, villain...stands at the edge of a cliff and lets loose a roar to the heavens, either in grief, a display of power, or some other strong emotion. There are lots of cliffs in television and in the movies. Of course, in real life, cliffs aren't generally nearly that tall or so flat on top. Plus, it, y'know...looks really cool. Common variations include:
* Wolves that can't howl unless they're standing at the edge of a cliff.
* The top of a castle parapet
* The top of a skyscraper
* A rooftop Common environmental embellishments include:
| - A creature, character, hero, villain...stands at the edge of a cliff and lets loose a roar to the heavens, either in grief, a display of power, or some other strong emotion. There are lots of cliffs in television and in the movies. Of course, in real life, cliffs aren't generally nearly that tall or so flat on top. Plus, it, y'know...looks really cool. Common variations include:
* Wolves that can't howl unless they're standing at the edge of a cliff.
* The top of a castle parapet
* The top of a skyscraper
* A rooftop Common environmental embellishments include:
* The full moon (especially for wolves)
* Lightning splitting the sky and thunder crashing down
* The rising sun
* Fire below
* Ocean waves crashing below The one climbing up on a high place to roar at the heavens is almost Always Male. Often there's an implied element of Smite Me Oh Mighty Smiter. Rarely to never do we see a female, even the Mama Bear or Action Girl climbing up anywhere to roar at anything. Oddly enough, the Big Bad never seems to be available or around to take this opportunity to turn it into a Literal Cliff Hanger, either. See also Climbing the Cliffs of Insanity. May happen early in the film, or right after the Climbing Climax. Can overlap with Howl of Sorrow. Examples of Clifftop Caterwauling include: